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Patch 3217

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Geez..with all this complaining about what classes lacks...maybe bc should be closed for now.

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I can't tell if you're angry about something or if you just jizzed all over your computer screen in anticipation for the upcoming patch. Or both. Either way, I think you should take a break and get yourself checked out as soon as possible.

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i believe in Wartale decision

but it look like a huge reduce


for pike too many thing reduce  about CS and good more defending

for mech reduce from 150%-> 100% is huge

hope all it already test by GM for real balancing


for knight it bug only hit in 1 hit for gc..?

that show i can die in 1 hit at 2 times

if next patch come for sure i die in 1 gc...



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i still believe for ms balance it would be better to lower dmg boost on GS but add some Atr as well. from 79% now to about 65% boost. and atr should be somehow like GC...


also ks skills drastic spirit and god's blessing should cancel each other like mech's MA and Maxi does. Mech's r suppost to be the tanker class in my opinion. so K9's r able to tank and deal dmg at the same time, while mechs have to choose one direction...


archers dmg still need an heavy improvement since ive tested 120+11 bow and jav on my mech with same build and bow did only about 40 dmgpoints overall more than jav...


also hp formula of atas/archer should be changed since a 13x full equipped ata only got about ~750 hp, which is totally not enough to tank in bc how it is right now...


i dont see where to change fs in bc since AC already got heavy dmg boost and atr as well. berserker already works as good as god's blessing... but fs needs a boost in aoe skills! they should be able to lvl on there own!


and future of priest sucks... every class should be able to participate in every aspect of game. well priest shouldnt be 1v1 killer, but they should be able to stay alive in pvp and also deal some side dmg so they can hang up with there clans...



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I can't tell if you're angry about something or if you just jizzed all over your computer screen in anticipation for the upcoming patch. Or both. Either way, I think you should take a break and get yourself checked out as soon as possible.


Yeah , im angry.

how hackers fuck this server.

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OMG Where is the patch???? Its impossible to play with this delay + skill bugs -_-

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So, CS will become useless, and Pike will become a KS without abs.




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So, CS will become useless, and Pike will become a KS without abs.





since abs doesnt matter in bc its all right ;)

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So, CS will become useless, and Pike will become a KS without abs.




A ks without abs? HAHAHAHA are you high?


They got 11% boost on a 3hit skill that is already TOO powerful

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So, CS will become useless, and Pike will become a KS without abs.




A ks without abs? HAHAHAHA are you high?


They got 11% boost on a 3hit skill that is already TOO powerful


The only reason to use a Pike was the pvp. It was where he was better than the other.


It is almost impossible Up alone and is very very difficult to get pt.

Sod is a joke with PS and Hunt with Knight, Mech, Archer, FS  and Ata are better.

Like I said, the only reason to use a pike will be removed ..

He will have no advantage at all.

So I ask:

Why would someone make a pike?

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So, CS will become useless, and Pike will become a KS without abs.




A ks without abs? HAHAHAHA are you high?


They got 11% boost on a 3hit skill that is already TOO powerful


The only reason to use a Pike was the pvp. It was where he was better than the other.


It is almost impossible Up alone and is very very difficult to get pt.

Sod is a joke with PS and Hunt with Knight, Mech, Archer, FS  and Ata are better.

Like I said, the only reason to use a pike will be removed ..

He will have no advantage at all.

So I ask:

Why would someone make a pike?


in that case...why should someone make a fighter?


fighters cant even xp. they r on pair with ps while hunting. in pvp ps is still better than fs...oh and ps can even tank better than fs!

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So, CS will become useless, and Pike will become a KS without abs.




A ks without abs? HAHAHAHA are you high?


They got 11% boost on a 3hit skill that is already TOO powerful

are u crazy?

pike will not be a killer

but yes, a bp free in bc

pike dont have DEF, Abs, the blok is the same 16% to just killing with cl (do not know why Weapon DEF MASTER was put 8% lol)

more 11% cl will help?

you thinking


Ok, Vanish now = Nothing

CS now = Nothing


only benefit was the increase in vague



my suggestion: only reduce the damage of vanish  to 30% (I doubt much has hit kill with it)

Pike need cs! even withou Vanish


Pike don't have attribute to kill like a kina


can't use shield with scythe

among other difficulties

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Patch 3217:


- Heyy

- Hi

- Pike is good in Hunting?

- No, It has never been

- And upping solo?

- no

- haha but bc is very gold, am I right?

- after this patch does not

- In Sod?

- is this a joke?

- and what will I do with this class now?


- let's hope the patch is released ^^

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So, CS will become useless, and Pike will become a KS without abs.




A ks without abs? HAHAHAHA are you high?


They got 11% boost on a 3hit skill that is already TOO powerful


The only reason to use a Pike was the pvp. It was where he was better than the other.


It is almost impossible Up alone and is very very difficult to get pt.

Sod is a joke with PS and Hunt with Knight, Mech, Archer, FS  and Ata are better.

Like I said, the only reason to use a pike will be removed ..

He will have no advantage at all.

So I ask:

Why would someone make a pike?


in that case...why should someone make a fighter?


fighters cant even xp. they r on pair with ps while hunting. in pvp ps is still better than fs...oh and ps can even tank better than fs!


Pike and Fighter have always been equal in pvp, considered by many the best in pvp.

Destroyer could be as destructive as the CS.

But with this new CS and vanish, Fighters will have the best skill for pvp, no doubt.

And Pike will be the best in ................












Personal Store?

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Might be kidding me.

"Pikes can't tank". Oh, lol. You mean like a knight? Sure they're better than any magic or ranger class. Better than fighters aswell. Should they be better than mechs or knights? Or even equal? LOL, c'mon!


BP free at BC, another big and fat LOL. Are you trying to tell me CL can't kill? Hahahaha sure! Just wait for the incoming changes, I am more than sure that CL boost will be a problem.



Where? ePT? Becaue it was never even close to be equal here.



There are many things wrong in this game and everytime people want to balance everything without fixing the problems first. And there's always "fixes" and "balances" coming for one or two classes, that create other problems, than you work on another 2 classes, problems... and that's how it's going all the time. Always unballanced, always unecessary changes. It will never work til the day you start to listen to real players, that spend many hours a week playing this game in all it's points.

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Hmm, looks like the priestess got an AoE boost. More damage and longer range.

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Hey girls, stop talking and wait for the new patch... Discuss what was not released, is for stupid...



FS got only one problem, DT is ridiculous ... rsrs

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Hmm, looks like the priestess got an AoE boost. More damage and longer range.


Nah, the +10 area range on each meteorite was done to compensate for the fact that 4 meteorites were removed (mainly to address lag issues & extreme visual pollution). The area damage should still be around the same or perhaps slightly lower than it is at the moment, but hopefully not higher. We'll see.

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What does "area range" mean in this context? The actual square range unit area, or a radius/diameter of the impact?


I threw together a simulator in which I based the results on independent impacts and a circular area for the meteorite impact point and the impact areas. Unless those assumptions are incorrect or if I made a mistake (and I'll admit it's entirely possible I did considering I took all of an hour to do it), the damage should actually be a bit higher. I can give you the program and code if you'd like, maybe you can find a mistake I overlooked.

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Interesting, and ata still the same think, one char Ranger that does not attack from afar.. Really nice

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