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Hey I dunno why u locked that I still have a question.

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When I DLed the client it showed I could select world, and choose between realmPT and uPT




however there is no function available.


My account still exists at uPT I checked it, so how do I get to uPT? I've tried to go to their forums but its been a week and they still haven't verified my forum account.


There's no point me posting in the accounts section, since there is no lost account, just a lost world @@

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I think they (rpt and upt) no longer use the same launcher.

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The answer for your question:


As Gui said, RPT and UPT are no longer in the same launcher.


In order to Enter UPT, you need to go to UPT site and download the UPT client.


The image in UPT site is not up-to-date.



Hope it helps.

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oh I did DL the client that was linked from the UPT site, and that was realm pt, oh well, made a new char, I'll just grind it again, early lvling is the most fun part anyway.

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I used to playwtand uPT, I went to uPT site and DLed client it gave me this one. I was wondering if theres anyway to recover my old accounts or if they're gone for good?

No accounts lost, why do you ask if it is possible to recover your old accounts then?


However, i'm glad to hear that you found a way around the problem ;)

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Hey I dunno why u locked that I still have a question.


Typically Wartale.. :P <3

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