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Brawler 16x in pvp

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There are a lot of things that i’ve heard these days in BC and forum from WEAK player.

“Bs so op, bs bug skill….”

“Garbage, i would like to see what you will do when bs get nerfed” Kryon - so we just do nothing, or we will play, maybe :(( 


“Centlon Bracs huh? Can’t kill 14x as, Izzi game” Keath - oops sorry Keath, i rape you so bad :(( 

and even a cage, now they want to nerf it too ? GMs here are fair and not thise idiots who follow what you say guys. They know how to balance the game, we just enjoy it.


”dont pray for the easy life, pray to have power to handle it”



sorry for the video quality, i’ll do it better next time.





Edited by redsky272
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Great job for Avengers - 1 vs 10 ??

Edited by Thuyduong
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Fact: People don't complain when they rape Bs, they smile and trashtalk a lot. then we gear up in silence and  fire back so hard, force them to hit the floor so many times, they're starting to play like a cow : Unplug the wire connection to save their little bp, then  run to their mother and ask to nerf :))) poor babies. 

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5 hours ago, redsky272 said:

There are a lot of things that i’ve heard these days in BC and forum from WEAK player.

“Bs so op, bs bug skill….”

“Garbage, i would like to see what you will do when bs get nerfed” Kryon - so we just do nothing, or we will play, maybe :(( 


“Centlon Bracs huh? Can’t kill 14x as, Izzi game” Keath - oops sorry Keath, i rape you so bad :(( 

and even a cage, now they want to nerf it too ? GMs here are fair and not thise idiots who follow what you say guys. They know how to balance the game, we just enjoy it.


”dont pray for the easy life, pray to have power to handle it”


When crying babies cry a lot, they just forget 1 thing, we are full 144 items, relics, gems and boss items ? instead of crying, trashtalk… you guys should lvl up your char, your gears and so on. 



sorry for the video quality, i’ll do it better next time.


Ps2: do you guys get tired when you have to unplug and replug that so many times ? 






It is nice to see these two characterless and toxic Archers, who cannot stop to offend others - lie under your feet. Good job Brawlers!

And hope GM will nerf soon Archer Class, its is OP. 14x AS with Hell Brace :Dshould not be able to kill 162 Brawler with Centlon, Drax Boots, 144 Armor, full relic, gems.... Go GM only that damage in PURE AS - with low HP! They are not made for the close fights! Archers back to Range-Spot!

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6 hours ago, Hulk said:

is some new mechanics of AS? they disappear and don't die hahahaha

Yea, Kryon & Keath ‘s skills. Except 2 scary cats, the rest are very nice and fairplay. 

2 hours ago, DeadlyWarrior said:


It is nice to see these two characterless and toxic Archers, who cannot stop to offend others - lie under your feet. Good job Brawlers!

And hope GM will nerf soon Archer Class, its is OP. 14x AS with Hell Brace :Dshould not be able to kill 162 Brawler with Centlon, Drax Boots, 144 Armor, full relic, gems.... Go GM only that damage in PURE AS - with low HP! They are not made for the close fights! Archers back to Range-Spot!


they can’t bark anymore bro ?  especially Keath, the one who has big mouth but small heart and ugly manner, he even can’t  stand like a man, whenever he faces Brawlers, he has to unplug the internet connection to save his little bp :)) 

and i hope Kryon’s wish will be come true one day, so he doest have to repeat every time he sees me: Boss, i would like to see how you do when brawlers get nerfed. ??? poor baby.

Edited by redsky272
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30 minutes ago, redsky272 said:

Yea, Kryon & Keath ‘s skills. Except 2 scary cats, the rest are very nice and fairplay. 


they can’t bark anymore bro ?  especially Keath, the one who has big mouth but small heart and ugly manner, he even can’t  stand like a man, whenever he faces Brawlers, he has to unplug the internet connection to save his little bp :)) 

and i hope Kryon’s wish will be come true one day, so he doest have to repeat every time he sees me: Boss, i would like to see how you do when brawlers get nerfed. ??? poor baby.


Exactly :D


This Kryon want to kill with his Tarzan-Jungle-Bow a MMA-Fighter with 2 Fists in the CloseFight? Please give him Damage-Reduction of Knight and Blockrate of Mech, maybe then his AS is balanced, that can deal 2200+damage with 2150-2200 HP from Range with insane AR and Evade and Speed... Maybe then he feel AS is balanced? :D

Edited by DeadlyWarrior
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bs aoe skill definitely has to be re-worked its a unfair advantage. Im sure it will be re-worked eventually. enjoy the fun while it lasts ?

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On 11/26/2021 at 8:12 PM, covidkilla said:

bs aoe skill definitely has to be re-worked its a unfair advantage. Im sure it will be re-worked eventually. enjoy the fun while it lasts ?

Are you a GM? How can you say that certainly  :D  Im a bit scary of “nerf Bs”. Let me once and for all say it: i don’t care if bs get nerfed or not. I’m enjoying the moment





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it just seems logical that eventually it will be re-worked. just like press diety for shamans it was too op and they nerfed. soon the bs skills will get nerfed 

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2 hours ago, covidkilla said:

it just seems logical that eventually it will be re-worked. just like press diety for shamans it was too op and they nerfed. soon the bs skills will get nerfed 

AS is a case of the opposite, before it was already strong and another buff in the last patch

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3 hours ago, covidkilla said:

it just seems logical that eventually it will be re-worked. just like press diety for shamans it was too op and they nerfed. soon the bs skills will get nerfed 


But AS will be nerfed before 

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gm should give temporary ban for those nb as reconnecting all the time

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23 minutes ago, Ganlur198 said:

gm should give temporary ban for those nb as reconnecting all the time

+1 ??? we should make a suggestion for this. 



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dude a fair opinion 
i'm the ones and i don't
, complain about the brawler's damage 
but her jump shouldn't be in area giving 2k damage because
 if so don't you think it's fair for a fragile character like 
a range to give the same damage in area?
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One of Kryon's power is his lag. ? try fight him face to face. you will notice that when you're dead already he is still using skills twice or thrice in you. Imagine he can tank easily any class with 5 or more hitting him at the same time. ? and when you kill him, he will call you "lagger". ?

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The bs jumping crash skill is way to op , compared to all the other characters Area of damage skills , its an unfair advantage the brawlers have. if bs can have that OP skill then re-work the other Area of damage character skills like press deity for shamans that only does 100 hp damage which isn't even effective in pvp anymore... compared to bs jumping crash that does 2k....  the bs skills are already strong but to make the area damage skill this OP its a really unfair advantage. 



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I believe that before re-working the BS, the AS should be worked on.
Decrease in AR with the speed skill and in general.

it's fun to see archers complaining, with an archer 149 doing as much damage on chars 16x.

Strange, isn't it?



Edited by Femme[F]atale
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these BS works PvP with a good plan.. they are owning once you are inside their ring...


@redsky272 items reveal please... ?

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Just upgrade your items like US then you will understand how we can deal huge damage 




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regardless of the items you carry.... the area of damage skill is way to op... even for the 15x 14x brawlers they do serious damage. 

compared to other characters area of damage skills its unfair advantage... theres no way around the argument.. sorry

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22 hours ago, Femme[F]atale said:

I believe that before re-working the BS, the AS should be worked on.
Decrease in AR with the speed skill and in general.

it's fun to see archers complaining, with an archer 149 doing as much damage on chars 16x.

Strange, isn't it?



If it was only damage, it could have been great. But its not only that, in addition to everything, they have high hp formula too, and high brute force, despite being a ranger, despite being the class who excells the most in the dexterity aspect of the game. ( Doesn't make sense to excell at every dexterity aspect, and when you count brute force of hp+ damage, shes nearly as good as fs when the difference is negletable).

Also they are the ones who cry the most to nerf BS- when their class is even more not balanced ( from what those classes supposed to be, not comparing 1v1 of those 2 due to the fact that you arent supposed to compare pure as to mech in tanking. Funny thing- in BC you can compare armored as to mech in team fights tanking though and if hes not with metal armor mech is literally easier to kill , and with metal armor- as still has her running speed, range and excells at every offence aspect, so she might just win a mech with metal armor at surviving a ********).

22 hours ago, Femme[F]atale said:


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1 hour ago, TigerShark22 said:

‎S’il ne s’agissait que de dégâts, cela aurait pu être génial. Mais ce n’est pas seulement que, en plus de tout, ils ont aussi une ‎‎formule‎‎ à hp élevé et une force brute élevée, bien qu’ils soient un ranger, bien qu’ils soient la classe qui excelle le plus dans l’aspect dextérité du jeu. (Cela n’a pas de sens d’exceller dans tous les aspects de la dextérité, et quand vous comptez la force brute de ‎‎hp‎‎+ dégâts, elle est presque aussi bonne que fs). ‎

‎ Aussi, ce sont eux qui pleurent le plus à nerf ‎‎BS‎‎- quand leur classe est encore plus déséquilibrée (de ce que ces classes sont censées être, ne comparant pas ‎‎1v1‎‎ de ces 2 en raison du fait que vous n’êtes pas censé comparer pur comme à mech dans le tanking. Chose amusante - en ‎‎Colombie-Britannique,‎‎ vous pouvez comparer l’armure comme au mech dans les combats d’équipe tanking cependant et s’il n’est pas avec une armure métallique mech est littéralement plus facile à tuer, et avec une armure métallique - comme l’a toujours sa vitesse de course, sa portée et excelle dans tous les aspects de l’attaque, donc elle pourrait juste gagner un mech avec une armure métallique pour survivre à un ********).‎


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