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Do we have any forecast regarding maintenance?


I question this because we don't have any updates on how it looks, there's no additional information on the forum.


In addition to this forum, do we have any other Wartale news channels? I'm a player who played at the beginning of RealmPT and I came back a few days ago, but I notice that apparently this forum is not receiving continuous updates, website homepage shows 2019 event...


Thanks and lets get EXP!!

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1 hour ago, rafaelzera said:

In addition to this forum, do we have any other Wartale news channels? I'm a player who played at the beginning of RealmPT and I came back a few days ago, but I notice that apparently this forum is not receiving continuous updates, website homepage shows 2019 event...


Unfortunately, Wartale doesn't have a, official Discord server. For upcoming features, you can have a look at the Game Development Plan section. Also, the latest post on the homepage is about the July update (Relics, Professions, Luminous Cavern, etc.).

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I believe the execution of the concept discussed in the video below can be highly beneficial for such releases/maintenance. 


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Gm already answered this kind of topic. He said The dev needed to code live. it means the Dev need to shut down the server then starting coding… that’s why they don’t give us the estimation time.

the previous maintenance took 2 days, so you can estimate  2-3 days for this one :D 

Just do other things and let them do their job


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starting to feel like drug addict jonesing for a fix lol

i wanna play now ! lol

at the same time id rather the devs take there time to do it right rather then rushing out a buggy or broken patch.


lets just hope things are going well and it won't be much longer before us addicts can get our fixes :D

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Regardless of the time it takes, it will still 
come with a bug and will still 
have to take it off for a few hours to fix it. 
Which is annoying that nobody of the progress information and 
cell phone estimation stay on.
Edited by Sr.Crodosvaldo
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Get a life you all, will be done when it's done.

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1 hour ago, ChocolateTeapot said:

Get a life you all, will be done when it's done.

A life like yours? No thanks, i’ll pass. 

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did not expect for the server to be offline when I woke up today xD. Wish we could have more updates about the progress or a estimated time when server

will be back online.

I see staff replying to posts on the forums during maintenance, I wonder why they wont comment on the maintenance estimated time or progress. It would make a lot of players more happy to hear something after 2 days and counting.

ive played other games where they give you a date of when maintenance will be over. But here we are left in the dark xD 

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how can i spend my money in a game where the staff doesn't pass the information to the community?

it's almost 3 days in maintenance and they does not say nothing to anyone here hahaha wtf

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Be patient guys.

The problem is not when the server will get back, but how it will get back.

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10 minutes ago, guimonteiro said:

how can i spend my money in a game where the staff doesn't pass the information to the community?

it's almost 3 days in maintenance and they does not say nothing to anyone here hahaha wtf

You don't have to, it is free to play.


and if you spend the money it is called "Donation".



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4 hours ago, Dior said:

You don't have to, it is free to play.


and if you spend the money it is called "Donation".





hahaha I keep hearing this word donation to server, please people be smart. A donation is where you give money to support someone or something and you don't get anything in return.


This isn't wartale , because when you donate you get coins (KC) to buy items in the game. so technically its not a donation, your making a purchase through coin shop to buy coins. 



if you were donating and not receiving kc , then this is considered a donation.  

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11 minutes ago, drakethebest said:



hahaha I keep hearing this word donation to server, please people be smart. A donation is where you give money to support someone or something and you don't get anything in return.


This isn't wartale , because when you donate you get coins (KC) to buy items in the game. so technically its not a donation, your making a purchase through coin shop to buy coins. 



if you were donating and not receiving kc , then this is considered a donation.  

... no comment


your money, do whatever you like

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4 minutes ago, Dior said:

... no comment


your money, do whatever you like



haha all good my friend , just don't spread false information telling people its a donation when its not a donation xD


we give money to server through coin shop, and in return the server gives us coins. if you think this is donation then i assume you don't make many donations in real life xD


Wartale isn't a charity, its a business. they need money to keep their lights on and to keep staff working hard to maintain game. in return of us using coin shop we get coins.

( this doesnt classify as a donation )






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You Donate money to keep server running.

you don't pay to keep it running 

you don't pay monthly fee to log in


in return to keep the server running you get a reward, in that case it doesn't cost anything to the owners.

but the donations motivate the team to keep and update the Game.


if you are so sad that you wasted a lot of money on game then find other game.


no one is cheating or lying us about the money.


And on the other hand there is a black market that is ruining the Server.

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17 minutes ago, Dior said:

You Donate money to keep server running.

you don't pay to keep it running 

you don't pay monthly fee to log in


in return to keep the server running you get a reward, in that case it doesn't cost anything to the owners.

but the donations motivate the team to keep and update the Game.


if you are so sad that you wasted a lot of money on game then find other game.


no one is cheating or lying us about the money.


And on the other hand there is a black market that is ruining the Server.


haha my point is you need to understand the definition of words better, once you understand the definition of a word then you can be able to use the word properly in a sentence. 


start by understanding what donation means, and then think about if buying coins through coin shop is considered a donation or a purchase in order to get coins to buy lets say... 144 guant xD

If i wanted to make a donation id pm sandur or someone and ask them if i can donate 100$ and in return i get nothing ( this is what a donation is ) haha.

also donations your able to get a tax break, I don't think when i donate i can ask wartale for a tax receipt to write off some of my taxes. 


please just google the word donation, im finished with this topic

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Just now, slipknot666 said:

Goodbye Wartale....this game is too old....get over it


nah it is Remastered Edition ?

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