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Tier 5 mech: Precision

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What do you think the final stats of this skill:

- first, it boost 200% chain automation

- Second, It boost 100% chain automation + maximize (damage +100% att spd)

- Final, It boost 100% chain automation and att spd.

Other stats: 200 att rate + 10 crit is not meaning.......^_&


Now we only have more att spd.

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well it should chain like the skill discriptions says and u should still be able to use automation as well. in that case dmg boost would be fine for hunting. only boosting atk speed isnt that much new...

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i think precision can add 12 atack speed, because that skill is only to hunt maps not for bc.

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I think it should go back to the way it was when the skill first came out before they patched it. Now you cant stack automation with it and the att is slower.

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when precision was first introduced, it said that it was allowed to cast and stack precision 5 times. when it was then released, you can stack precision and automation, which was awesome. Now precision cannot stack with automation and 100% automation is not working which made precision ineffective. so my assumption is that automation or precision % damage will be lower again in the future for whatever reason just like maximize and automation was lower before. bye bye powermech and automech... dont take away spark mech!!! ^^

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