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Does anyone understand how it works the Xmas event this time?

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We don't have socks anymore but we have some "Spec" decoration... anyone understood how it will work?

nerf or buff in the event?

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Need put 10 decoration of the same class in your own tree to get a reward

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9 minutes ago, vinixD said:

Need put 10 decoration of the same class in your own tree to get a reward

but is there any difference in the specs? I mean the owner of the tree need to be the same spec of the decoration or can be any spec?

it's harder this year so the prize better? or 10 decorations = 1 gift? 

many questions sorry hahaha

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Nicolas Cage
18 minutes ago, poosh1 said:

but is there any difference in the specs? I mean the owner of the tree need to be the same spec of the decoration or can be any spec?

it's harder this year so the prize better? or 10 decorations = 1 gift? 

many questions sorry hahaha


Yah need more info guys

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Nerf spam mobs

Nerf drop

3 hours no sock, more spec decor and 2 winter belt 

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Nicolas Cage

@Wartale @Support you guys should update info of the xmas event in the event description so that both newbies and old mems can enjoy the event such as now we need 10 pieces of each decoration spec to exchange 1 gift box and the socks items are no longer dropped...

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You cant put anything into other peoples trees.  Its just the decorations in your own tree.  Thats it.

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10 minutes ago, jcompher said:

You cant put anything into other peoples trees.  Its just the decorations in your own tree.  Thats it.

No reward?? Im not understanding this event xD

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10 minutes ago, poosh1 said:

No reward?? Im not understanding this event xD

You get a reward for putting 10 of the same decoration on your tree.  10 archer, 10 prs, etc.

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Where to get Xmas Weapon Crates & Elf Xmas item Crates ? 
Any specific map ? Hunted about 2 days didn’t see any of them so far 

Edited by ralphwong2

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