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Pikeman Again?

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      Why is it that when it comes to Character's PIke man is always been dscrmnated...Last time u decrease OUr T5 to 30% and nOw again ur Changing our Charging strike and Vnsh damage. HUHUHU...THis is not Fair Gm, Cant u see about other charcters? their Skill and Us are not Balnce but still we Consider it as is. And Now Pikeman again? huhuhuhuhuh...:((


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wht was IT GM? Dont send links.. I need your Explanation to my comment



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lolll.. there are so many bsb pikeman in BC.. even a 13x does BSB.. its funny..xD I dont see any problem with it..:))

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lol crying abound a 2nd nerf but on totally different skills...r u serious? try to be a mech xD

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I really love reading these kind of threads  ;D


A skill gets changed, get over it and learn how to play with it and remember "It's just a game!"

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BSB is a Trick to  Kill an enemy lol?? ITs a battleFIeld U must be knowlegable in Killing an Enemy. Bsb is for the Enemy U cant kill face to face..

Would u like to battle with the Players who are stronger than u Face to Face? even if u dont stand a Chnce? Think about it.Its a Tactic TO kill and every one must have a tatics so that u can kill an enemy in a battle field.. if u dont to such things u cant kill PLayers who are stronger than u :((


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Dont just Based it on the things that are happening in BC For Pikeman.. Be Fair GM's.. 1st Our T5 was decreased and now again our charging strike and vnish thats not fair anymore ..TO sad for all PK


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Aye, it could be called a "trick" or the way of the coward. To each their own way of wording.


If I were to PVP against a stronger player, I'd call it a challenge. I could be killed, but then again, I could win.

Be a man and grow some balls, take a risk! You never know what might happen.


Skill got changed, learn a new "tactic", try a new "tactic". Don't get stuck into doing the same thing over and over and over and over again.

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Why you guys cry about Pikeman i training one at the moment it was CRAP and it stays CRAP on this server so deal with it...  For me it's more a challenge to lvl in place of all that boring duo partys of mech/prs all the time:P 

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Pikes are now balanced, dont cry about that... other class were nerfed too and its done we dont need a turn back.  ;)

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Pikes are now balanced, dont cry about that... other class were nerfed too and its done we dont need a turn back.  ;)


what is your char? im game?



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LOLz..why is it that BSb is a bIG deal for u? even 13x and 14x BSB to..ITs not in the sense that ur a coward or something  its a trick to kill man..

And PLease Remmber ITs a battle Field U must do the Things you want to, in the Sense that you are the one who will not Be killed..

IN the BattleField U  Must be wise/ Clever to be One of the Survivors..

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this aint battlefiel and its only a game that needs BALANCING. . .deal with it or quit playing

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LOLz..why is it that BSb is a bIG deal for u? even 13x and 14x BSB to..ITs not in the sense that ur a coward or something  its a trick to kill man..

And PLease Remmber ITs a battle Field U must do the Things you want to, in the Sense that you are the one who will not Be killed..

IN the BattleField U  Must be wise/ Clever to be One of the Survivors..


How can u call someone come behind u and BACKSTAB with 1 HIT KO a battlefield?


If u come and we fight fair .... this is a battlefield .

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LOLz..why is it that BSb is a bIG deal for u? even 13x and 14x BSB to..ITs not in the sense that ur a coward or something  its a trick to kill man..

And PLease Remmber ITs a battle Field U must do the Things you want to, in the Sense that you are the one who will not Be killed..

IN the BattleField U  Must be wise/ Clever to be One of the Survivors..


How can u call someone come behind u and BACKSTAB with 1 HIT KO a battlefield?


If u come and we fight fair .... this is a battlefield .


you talk differently after changing class from PS to MS

BC is  battlefield so DIE or SURVIVE . Only the survivor will decide who is right .Not the guy who kiss the ground.

One more thing, PS does not come BEHIND you as you said.You are just unable kill them when they use hit and run tactic. That is all about.

@ play fair : wait until Battle Area comes out then you can ask them for 1 on 1.

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you must do Everything just to be A Survivors LOlz...JUst accept the fACT that PK is the Strongest In BC. thats why your making all the unnecessary things just to make the PK become weak..

And why is it that Gm's are most of the Time favoring the Suggestions of tHE Donator Players? is it that fair?

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      Why is it that when it comes to Character's PIke man is always been dscrmnated...Last time u decrease OUr T5 to 30% and nOw again ur Changing our Charging strike and Vnsh damage. HUHUHU...THis is not Fair Gm, Cant u see about other charcters? their Skill and Us are not Balnce but still we Consider it as is. And Now Pikeman again? huhuhuhuhuh...:((


go and cry louder dude~~~ all low level chicken pike hit and run and now you are whinging here. Why don't you spend this time to go some real leveling and be a real players "Stand and Fight like a man"?? crying baby!!!! sigh... even feel like wasting my time just to read this response.

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LOLz..why is it that BSb is a bIG deal for u? even 13x and 14x BSB to..ITs not in the sense that ur a coward or something  its a trick to kill man..

And PLease Remmber ITs a battle Field U must do the Things you want to, in the Sense that you are the one who will not Be killed..

IN the BattleField U  Must be wise/ Clever to be One of the Survivors..


How can u call someone come behind u and BACKSTAB with 1 HIT KO a battlefield?


If u come and we fight fair .... this is a battlefield .


you talk differently after changing class from PS to MS

BC is  battlefield so DIE or SURVIVE . Only the survivor will decide who is right .Not the guy who kiss the ground.

One more thing, PS does not come BEHIND you as you said.You are just unable kill them when they use hit and run tactic. That is all about.

@ play fair : wait until Battle Area comes out then you can ask them for 1 on 1.


You have a point there man.. "Hit and Run" is a tactic but it isn't correct. Because I believe the right name for this tactic should be called "Chicken sh*t Hit and Run". There you go... next time use the name right.

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      Why is it that when it comes to Character's PIke man is always been dscrmnated...Last time u decrease OUr T5 to 30% and nOw again ur Changing our Charging strike and Vnsh damage. HUHUHU...THis is not Fair Gm, Cant u see about other charcters? their Skill and Us are not Balnce but still we Consider it as is. And Now Pikeman again? huhuhuhuhuh...:((


go and cry louder dude~~~ all low level chicken pike hit and run and now you are whinging here. Why don't you spend this time to go some real leveling and be a real players "Stand and Fight like a man"?? crying baby!!!! sigh... even feel like wasting my time just to read this response.

can stay and fight like a man if you wish.. 13x with full 120+20 donate is enough ?? hit and run is a real tactic. AS and ATA also use it so why no1 ever complain.

BC is battlefield  so do whatever you should to be a last standing man.



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you must do Everything just to be A Survivors LOlz...JUst accept the fACT that PK is the Strongest In BC. thats why your making all the unnecessary things just to make the PK become weak..

And why is it that Gm's are most of the Time favoring the Suggestions of tHE Donator Players? is it that fair?


yes they are strong but 12x killing 13x or even 14x? with just one shot? c'mon that's unbalance lol

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LOl thats POssible because of the CRitical OF pK lolz.. Dont play RPT if u ddnt know that Thing Noobs


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