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is there an estimated date for the next pvp balance so all other classes have a fighting chance with archers and atlanta's?

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Currently all classes have had to deal with archers and Atlanta's large capacity to tank, evade and deal massive dmg for months.. these classes are king in wartale. How many more weeks , months do we need to wait until the other classes get buffed so that we will be able to have a decent fight against these archers and Atlanta's 


Everyday I keep seeing my friends switch to archer class, its like all the other classes are disappearing.. its sad to watch that most pvp players are now archers... just look at the statistics of how many are switching to archers.


If there was a possible estimate date for the next balance , I would highly appreciate that.


Thank you for your time and hard work staff



Edited by drakethebest
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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

hopefully long enough to test everything.

changing formulas will definitely require testing since it can break or make the game, so we won't have the Brawler's Shattered impact fiasco where players got used to that broken skill and complained that it was ''unfair'' when got nerfed

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2 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

hopefully long enough to test everything.

changing formulas will definitely require testing since it can break or make the game, so we won't have the Brawler's Shattered impact fiasco where players got used to that broken skill and complained that it was ''unfair'' when got nerfed


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