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How long is maintenance is taking?

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Atleast if its getting late.. tell us how many hrs or days ,,,, Because there are people who's waiting to play.~~~ And if its taking too long I should do something else..

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Wartale is online now hes trying his best=))


Hope there is a countdown timer too 8) 8)

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It is not a maintenance anymore. The servers are down because some idiot with too much free time and money is DDoSing the login servers (think of it as flooding), preventing anyone from logging in. We just have to wait until this guy gets bored or if the server operators take action. Hope Wartale recovers from his illness and gets some well-deserved rest during this time.

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It is not a maintenance anymore. The servers are down because some idiot with too much free time and money is DDoSing the login servers (think of it as flooding), preventing anyone from logging in. We just have to wait until this guy gets bored or if the server operators take action. Hope Wartale recovers from his illness and gets some well-deserved rest during this time.

Yes, get well sandurr you deserve some rest :)

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waiting to play also here :P

but GM's take your time :)

do what needs to be done


Good Luck with fixing this problem ;D 8)

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it sais online

i got online for 3 minutes but very laggy now

i decided to relog...now it sais connection failed


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Guys you should calm down please!


Wartale is now fighting his arch enemy just to bring us the server...



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