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why is ss so undervalued in the game?

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Imagine to exp a FS or Pike from 120 to 140. Its a nightmare, you will use a SS, Mage or Priest and leech them. in CT3 and DIQ FS and Pike are NEVER welcome, ONLY as Lurer! And even here they the last choice when there are no other lurers. 


FS and Pike start their career at lvl 140 when can enter SL - because they can use the crystals here. A level 140 FS/Pike cant do anything good in the game, nothing, expect training in SL with crystals. Then at lvl 144 when they enter SS, again ****. They will miss alot, will need a tank and still take the damage, not welcome in the parties. 

When they reach level 146 for LC-Map no one want to party them there and they will not able to tank there. Pike here is a bit better then FS because he have the Range of Tornado, thats it. Both cant tank there and will be useless more or less. 


And even now because some people cry the staff destroyed the fighter class making it even weak and wortless to play it in PVP, while SS is a good choice to play im PVP: nice ranged tanker that can support also the team. FS is totally crap here. 

Pike is also crap here in the Siege War, but have the vanish, so he can hide from rangers. But he is also nothing special in SW and cant support his team really.

Sorry guys but when i read topics like that i think man be thankful its much worse to play Fighter haha

But atleast Fighter looks Cool and make fun to play. And at my level with my items i can handle the maps, thanks god. But a lower FS with lower items will be a mule also in PVE ?

Edited by DeadlyWarrior
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7 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:


You're trying to dodge the question, 206% damage boost, no CD 260 area, show me a comparable skill to that.

in fact, it's the proof that phantom nail is mediocre, there are so many skills better than it that we could make a scale list based on phantom nail.



Do you really think that tower and vahalha will be any different? the bridge is actually the hardest part to play with pike, because AS can see you.

same advantage, AoE enough to hit everyone on tower.

pike went from '' garbage at SW'' to ''only useful at the bridge'', and it's false again, pike is good on SW, I can assure you.

I did plenty of SW as pike before.

the point is: pike can survive just enough while doing high damage,and even so, his damage is comparable with 1 hand, you don't need to use 1h that often though.

just look at the print on the bridge, even there pike barely dies.

invisible: you need to be really close to see pike

Vague: AoE evade

Tornado range: 180 range vs 220 range is not a big difference because most of aoe skill aoe is 145, except, guess what, tornado

ok, iron core is the most import thing on the game, right?

even so, pike with shield tank IC enough, and can attack the ranged monsters that shaman can't, Also, lets not forget that we now have Bread that gives 20 abs, so the entire ''abs'' advantage is not that important anymore, also, bread cost 800k, before you mention its price

Also, check again sod rank and clan sod.

Ks bradish is 198% and lightning sword is also fairly strong on SW, ks tank more, but, yes, i agree he needs to stay close to cast it, unlike pike. meaning that KS, shaman and PS are probably on the same power level on SW, with pike being arguable better, and ks arguable a bit weaker because of his melee range.


I think we can stop right here, there's absolutely nothing we can discuss further.

i'll let this right here:




first you say that tornado with 1 hand is crap, but PN is a fantastic skill, even though both have fairly close DPS.

1. No its not. Pike will pot and die so much more than SS, which leads to insane DPS reduction. PN even without it is slightly better, but due to PS's tanking abillity, SS deals so much more damage.

2. I didnt say that he has advantage over SS in the bridge. I did say that tornado's range advantage is starts and ends on the bridge. after that, that effect is to just force some rangers/ magic classes who avoid hell zones to pot, to the lvl they feel slight breath, while pike is at semi hell zone spot, potting like hell/ die a lot. there arent too many skills that get the rangers/ slightly more skills who get the magic classes, but all of them can tank well, so again, you cant compare it there.

3. What do you mean by: " good "? compared to who? compared to most classes- no. compared to assassin or fs ,yes.  Its relative.


4. About Iron core, what I meant is there are only 3 classes who can tank IC ( and kill ) as soon as they go in, and those are SS. KS and mage. I did miss prs though that now VL works for them with the 10% damage reduction, so there are actually 4.  I gave it as an example of what important in mass tanking. R8 sod too, only KS/ Mage ( kiting SS can handle it too ) . And for a pike for a example- you will die right on the spot at R8 if u engage .

Also about +20 abs- SS has it too, and I remember that before the ks nerf, you spesifically were saying that when I was a knight, with 25% damage reduction, and ~barely suffer damage there ( I did go with ks to SW ) And I didnt know how SS with 420 abs is much harder to tank. So if its hard for a class with 420 abs, Im sure that a 340 1 too.( And I also did a test back then what happens when I go without Godly shield to a hell zone, guess what, died instantly. so ofc pike is on the same boat). The food wont make him a good tank.



5. Power lvl at SWs- Abs, range, support skills, AOE area and DPS while playing effectively. Those are what matter, and guess what, Pike has only 1 of the things in the list, and its the least important 1(  Low overall DPS on opponets not many hit them ). SS has it all, and KS doesn't have range, but he doesnt need it in order to tank. ( damage reduction happens before abs calculation ).


KS is at a power lvl of being closer to SS than pike, much much closer. There is a huge power lvl diff between most classes to pike, then some gap to fs ( The tanking diff isnt big, yet the  AOE area+ range is big) , and than there is another gap to reach ass .  ( I admit that I only know that brawler is the 4th worse, but Idk if I locate it before the huge power gap, or after  though, thats the only thing Im not sure about, cause I didnt try out brawler to tell ) .


6. About sod I think I agreed with you, that pike's tornado's is nice ( And finally, a melee has something that its good at, sod, ty for god sake for handing a melee something its good at ) , though the combo with poison is not efficient at sod specifically. but Ill gladly take it that at least in AOE+ tank party situations at PVE, pike can actually do something. thats why I moved to get a pike, a manly melee with a role that isnt a tank ( cause tankers are outside the party in this game, which is pretty sad, and also didn't want the role of fs anymore- to be the guy that dies at the start of the movie. Hope they will get something though).


But this topic is about SS, and SS can do them too. SS can also tank in the higher rounds of sod.but I agree that sod wise, pike is balanced. I agree with you there, the area of tornado is very convenient, and being able to attack from max 180 range ( though in reality Ill attack from a closer spot due to poison+ wanting everything to get in tornado's range ) is pretty sweet too. 


Also when you want numbers:

Top 100 SS- till lvl 150

Top 100 pikes- till lvl 144.

And pike is literally a class that exists longer, and some like it due to nostalgia, what SS doesnt contain , and ofc this class had much more time than the SS fellows to reach higher lvls , just no one plays them.

Edited by TigerShark22
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Favorite Classes of the business players are SS and Mage. You dont need expensive items for those classes and you will be able to exp them easy from level 120 to 150, to sell them again to make coins or to use them as farmers in the maps or for Sod (thats the normal role for those classes and for pvp they just buffers/annoyyers/debuffers/supporters, but not killers). But that marketing strategy doesnt work anymore, market is not hungry anymore for that. 

server is too full with SS and Mages and no new people that want to play them or use them as buffers/farmer classes (and you have Assassine now as farmer class no.1 for herb/mining...).


On top the game is actually dead in comparison to before. Market is dead, everyday the same business players hidding behjnd their mules in the trade channel, there are 99% sellers, but no buyers. There is no cashflow anymore. PVP is dead too. Maps? Compare that to before its also dead. The business players will go farm in the events or go mining/herb/fishing. Before they were forced to stay on the maps in CT3, DIQ, SL, SS... Now they have new ways to make their profit = maps loosing players. That was wrong and the guy that had the idea of mining/herb/finishing missed too see that aspect.


Keep LC and the Gem-System. Just  copy the Gem-System of other servers were the Gems drop from monsters and you have to craft them to higher Gems.... 

And release a new map with new items to keep coinsystem alive, we understand that money is required. New map, new hunt, new items, new market, new aging and so on. 


So this not only effect SS class, other classes are much lower valued. Last classes that are alive now are Rangers and their supporters class Priest and MS/KS as tank-boy for LC

Edited by DeadlyWarrior

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