Seth 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 If this has not been mentioned i'll thust throw it out there for when the server does come back up, we all know this was said wich i am about to post in another thread." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi all, Tonight at around 4 AM the Patch 3208 was released. Unfortunately due to high traffic our WebHost decided to screw us over and disabled our website completely. This had the effect of the website being unreachable and the Game Launcher being unresponsive. We have now moved to allow more traffic on the website. However the domain '' will for some people still point to our old unreachable website, it will take about 48 hours for the whole world to see the new website of ''. This happens automatically. Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. We'll do an in-game event to compensate So keep an eye open there. Let's go Wartale!"You look at the main page and it says."Offline Patch 3217 Released" Ok so with the above mentioned "We'll do an in-game event to compensate So keep an eye open there" could it be possible to extend the Wanted Moriph Event for at least 1-2 days maybe more, I don't know about most but i myself have been trying to collect as many as i can for upgrade/mixing, wich i got off to a late start was sick and bleh bleh bleh,but i know there are others out there that wouldn't mind haven this event extended perhaps for a few days longer, Wich would be Awsome. As for the other idea, Maybe throw a couple day Double Experiance/Drop event for a few days as well,if not drops at least the Experiance event wich i am sure would also make alot of players happy, Obviously myself as well . But if that is to much with the double drop rate, then perhaps just the wanted extended and experiance added for a few days Instead of just 1 day, lol i don't see how 1 day of double experiance can make up for 2 even 3 days of downtime, but thats just my most you could always anywhere from 3-5 days just throwing that out there. But this is just an idea maybe even perhaps a suggestion, though it's not in the correct thread area and seems to me as if more people come to this area to read and see whats going on and so on so forth. So again i am just throwing this out there and it would be awsome if you guy's=GM's did this . Chances are RPT might not even be up tomorrow, just depends on if our GM get to laying the smacketh down on these peope "WebHost decided to screw us over and disabled our website completely" But i have Faith in our GM's so i am 100% sue they will get it all resolved. Oh and to throw this out there i am seeing complaints about how the servers will be packed and what not. There is more then 1 server, and i was just simply saying it as an idea. It's not up to me it's up to the GM's if they even consider this anyways. Plus when the server is getting new players all the time event's like these really help out people that are new and then they pass that info on and the server grows. But like i said though, It's just and idea nothing more then that."I also just wanted to add for everyone out there that does not enjoy the idea of a double experiance event.."Wich was a simple idea nothing more"If in any case at all perhaps instead of a double expriance event/How about a Double Drop event? i mean that can always take the place of the people that don't want to have a double experiance event. So in other words Perhaps a Double Drop event. I Just tossed out some idea's and i leave the rest to the GM's should they even consider anything i have posted. So added that for those that don't want the xp event. Sorry if i made a few of you angry at 1 persons simple idea's lol for an event. All Is Well. Thank You. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swingegg 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 exp x2 will make server full again. i hate this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonberry 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 No more xp events!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 No more xp events!!!!!!!! agreed, no xp event D: it'll just cause more days of unable to play because of either a. full server and/or b. mega lag no ty i'm sure theres something else that could be done to kinda "compensate" for lost time if necessary...xp event is not always the answer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seth 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 No more xp events!!!!!!!! agreed, no xp event D: it'll just cause more days of unable to play because of either a. full server and/or b. mega lag no ty Lol. Look they don't have to throw and xp event, they don't even have to do anything at all, and i always thought that everyone that didn't have max lvl character that has only been playing for a couple months or weeks wich ever would be happy. I was simply saying it was an idea nothing more. I'll even edit it more for all those that don't want another xp event. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 No more xp events!!!!!!!! agreed, no xp event D: it'll just cause more days of unable to play because of either a. full server and/or b. mega lag no ty Lol. Look they don't have to throw and xp event, they don't even have to do anything at all, and i always thought that everyone that didn't have max lvl character that has only been playing for a couple months or weeks wich ever would be happy. I was simply say it was an idea nothing more. I'll even edit it more for all those that don't want another xp event. no need to get defensive when you post people may or may not agree with you...i for one disagree with the xp event idea and as i said before, yes alternate methods of compensation sure could be my opinion maybe a website hosted event would do well, seeing as how full server/lag tends to be a downer to a lot of these high participant outcome events (xp events/increase drop events)...perfect example would be the limited time offer through the account panel...xp pot/3rd eye can be earn through the use of VP...what if this were extended or other items added or even earn double vp....people would not be restricted to a time frame of a weekend and could earn their xp pots quicker for example, thus compensating for lost time by using the xp pot and gaining the xp at their own leisure..or even selling it if they don't care about xping...this is just an example off the top of my head, but see what i mean? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seth 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 No more xp events!!!!!!!! agreed, no xp event D: it'll just cause more days of unable to play because of either a. full server and/or b. mega lag no ty Lol. Look they don't have to throw and xp event, they don't even have to do anything at all, and i always thought that everyone that didn't have max lvl character that has only been playing for a couple months or weeks wich ever would be happy. I was simply say it was an idea nothing more. I'll even edit it more for all those that don't want another xp event. no need to get defensive when you post people may or may not agree with you...i for one disagree with the xp event idea and as i said before, yes alternate methods of compensation sure could be my opinion maybe a website hosted event would do well, seeing as how full server/lag tends to be a downer to a lot of these high participant outcome events (xp events/increase drop events)...perfect example would be the limited time offer through the account panel...xp pot/3rd eye can be earn through the use of VP...what if this were extended or other items added or even earn double vp....people would not be restricted to a time frame of a weekend and could earn their xp pots quicker for example, thus compensating for lost time by using the xp pot and gaining the xp at their own leisure..or even selling it if they don't care about xping...this is just an example off the top of my head, but see what i mean? Lol, I'm just fine and it's been 420 for me for awhile now so i am lets see what did you say here we go. "no need to get defensive?" I'm doing awsome,it's just i didn't understand alot of things until you explained them to me now, I'm still new and thought it would be a good idea just to throw an event idea out there thats all,but after reading what you posted i now see, Either way we look at it i am sure the GM's will hook us up with a great event. And seriously like i said i am still new so i have yet to had the chance to get any of these xp pots 3rd eye and what not, i do vote as often as i can. But since i'm still new i am still learning things. And i just wanted to say thank you for letting me know these things in wich case i didn't know. I'm eager to learn all the time and i didn't know a few things until you told me. So I'm not being sarcastic or anything at all i actually mean it when i sayThank You for given me a bit more game knowledge. Thank You Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seth 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 And on that note, I need to go pass out I have to work a split tonight so i hope to see you all in game soon. Good Morning Good Afternoon and Good Night Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robin564 11 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 I think GM´s will compensate ous for our lost time i am sure of HOW i dont know but probly be some good event or somthing i dont know but then again i wont get mad if they dont cause its not GM´s fault that server is down is some screwed up nolifer thats f***ing upp the server and DDosing so its overloading the servers i be happy as long as servers comes up again, Me myself hope for 2x exp a day or two.... or more ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaysoncg333 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 compensation compensation blah blah <3 . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alive 3 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 server is down again, even though it says "Online"... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
easternheretic 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2011 We are now back to square one. :-[ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites