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auto rotate - disregard

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Does anyone else absolutely HATE the auto rotate when your mouse goes to the side of the window?????  My start menu is on the left side of my display because that's the best resolution I can use for the game without the start menu being in the way, and every time I go to change windows, the one that I am on starts spinning around and its so unbelievably aggravating.  Can we get rid of this?  Why was it implemented????  


DISREGARD - I found in the settings where I can turn that off.  THANK YOU BABY JESUS.

Edited by jcompher
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I LOVE it that I can spin the screen by touching the edge of my screen. That's how I turn. It's been like this for as long as I can remember. At least since 2004.

You can use Alt + Tab to switch screen. I think it's much easier than using mouse.

Edited by JeleStore
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