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Percentages % bug in game.

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Hi, my name is Zanie. IGN as "Honey-bee" or "Citrine-Bee". 
I would like to lay out a couple of bugs that I found in this game. The RNG system is pretty buggy or perhaps doesn't work like it said it would.

First thing first, the whole Moriph system is so vague with the explanation. "Failure chances", this statement is saying for the chance the item will be broken during the process? I'm a programmer as well, but the math does not seem to add up to me. In the process of aging to 22, my item broke 3 times; even though I did use the aging stone 50%. (Moriph stated that there would be 5% to fail--that's 1 in 20 times). 

The second issue is the whole crafting system in this game is so delusional. For example, crafting a Doomglaive--Centlon's relic, has a 70% of success rate, meaning in statistics, there will be 3 times it will fail. Gathering information from the players, they said the % is a lie. 

So? Is this a bug or is it a lie? I donate and support your game just like everyone else does. I think I deserve an explanation. Please don't try to be one of those private servers owners who seek and kill the ones that would speak up for the community. I believe in karma. Have a good day.

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32 minutes ago, Jinni said:

Hi, my name is Zanie. IGN as "Honey-bee" or "Citrine-Bee". 
I would like to lay out a couple of bugs that I found in this game. The RNG system is pretty buggy or perhaps doesn't work like it said it would.

First thing first, the whole Moriph system is so vague with the explanation. "Failure chances", this statement is saying for the chance the item will be broken during the process? I'm a programmer as well, but the math does not seem to add up to me. In the process of aging to 22, my item broke 3 times; even though I did use the aging stone 50%. (Moriph stated that there would be 5% to fail--that's 1 in 20 times). 

The second issue is the whole crafting system in this game is so delusional. For example, crafting a Doomglaive--Centlon's relic, has a 70% of success rate, meaning in statistics, there will be 3 times it will fail. Gathering information from the players, they said the % is a lie. 

So? Is this a bug or is it a lie? I donate and support your game just like everyone else does. I think I deserve an explanation. Please don't try to be one of those private servers owners who seek and kill the ones that would speak up for the community. I believe in karma. Have a good day.





Are you reporting a bug ? if this is your main objective i would focus only on reporting that. Instead you sound really demanding and it comes off like your insulting the staff... not the best way to get help i would edit your post. 

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11 minutes ago, drakethebest said:

Thank you for your opinion, if you deal with public. I'm sure that not everyone will come and try to please like you as family members. It's not insulting, i'm stating my right just in case they want to go down that way, because there are things in this game--I don't want to exploit on here. Again, bug reports. If any GM have problems with coding. I would be more than welcome to help them and fix it, but please don't use people opinions to slap others because they want to protect something blindly. I believe in stats and numbers not words. My apology. 




Are you reporting a bug ? if this is your main objective i would focus only on reporting that. Instead you sound really demanding and it comes off like your insulting the staff... not the best way to get help i would edit your post. 


Edited by Jinni

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Since this is not a bug report, I am going to move it to general section.

Maybe it is time for you to learn more about game and the system, how it works before creating this insulting topic and claiming you are a programmer.


The % is calculated base on the time you action something not an accumulation of every time you do. It means, no you will not get fail 3 times out of 10 times doing something. It only means you get fail chance 3 out 10 right at that single action.


Lastly, donation is a choice so please don't use that on your topic for anything. It does not give you any advantage over any other user when talking to us since we treat all our users the same way.

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The system is still based on Math and a generating system. Do you need help to perfect the system that you guys already using, because I really think it's oudated. "Failure chances is 5%", saying that doesn't mean any time or how many times you do it, there will be 5% chances it will break. Percentages are calculated by Math. Your answer just seemed like you want to avoid to provide the statistic proof.  Just because you worded it differently, it doesn't change how it should work because Moriph stated that numbers not me, or you guys can go ahead and clear the wording up a little bit to clear up the confusion. Like for example, "Failed chances are 5% and the success rate is XX%" ? 

Lastly,  I know donation is extra work. But, people talk and people know what you guys are doing behind us. I'm only stating my right as everyone else, again still no slur calling or harassment. ? 

Edited by Jinni

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Another dev with a +24 brain. I'm a DBA, and the data is not loaded fast! Please, change WT database to a full NoSQL, ty.

Edited by Lyseria
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it's funny.


When ppl goes from +1 to +24 aging level withouth single item break, they never think "ohh, there's something wrong!", they think it's 100% normal, just OK, couldn't be any different!


But in the other side, when item fails like 3 - 5 times in a row they think game is bug or aging is manipulated.



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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
6 hours ago, Jinni said:

I'm a programmer as well, but the math does not seem to add up to me. In the process of aging to 22, my item broke 3 times; even though I did use the aging stone 50%. (Moriph stated that there would be 5% to fail--that's 1 in 20 times). 

The second issue is the whole crafting system in this game is so delusional. For example, crafting a Doomglaive--Centlon's relic, has a 70% of success rate, meaning in statistics, there will be 3 times it will fail. Gathering information from the players, they said the % is a lie. 

this is mostly gambler fallacy,  one RNG event doesn't affect the next one, so, you can fail age +22 for the eternity or succeeded on all your +20-+24 ages not using any type of aging stone, both are mathematically possible.

As for Relics, players that succeed crafting it won't complain as much as players that fail to do it, so it might give the impression that the rate is worse than what actually is. Still, 30% fail rate on Centlon's Relic is a lot, that's why I would wait till ''lucky craft event'' to attempt any expensive relic.

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5 hours ago, Jinni said:


The system is still based on Math and a generating system. Do you need help to perfect the system that you guys already using, because I really think it's oudated. "Failure chances is 5%", saying that doesn't mean any time or how many times you do it, there will be 5% chances it will break. Percentages are calculated by Math. Your answer just seemed like you want to avoid to provide the statistic proof.  Just because you worded it differently, it doesn't change how it should work because Moriph stated that numbers not me, or you guys can go ahead and clear the wording up a little bit to clear up the confusion. Like for example, "Failed chances are 5% and the success rate is XX%" ? 

Lastly,  I know donation is extra work. But, people talk and people know what you guys are doing behind us. I'm only stating my right as everyone else, again still no slur calling or harassment. ? 

If you truly knew statistics, you wouldn't make such bold claims after only a few trials (3 consecutive failures). Perhaps you should spend a couple of days during aging events and count all the successes and failures from +20 onwards, you'll see that after some time the stationary distribution will emerge and maintain roughly the same (which is the 5% failure chance you mentioned).  

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and I am here thinking about crafting sol with a risk of 5% loss. Looks like a small value item compared to all of you are discussing. But that 5% is still possible. 

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
8 minutes ago, moobie1988 said:

and I am here thinking about crafting sol with a risk of 5% loss. Looks like a small value item compared to all of you are discussing. But that 5% is still possible. 

I failed sol craft 5 times last week [-10 sol], trying to clone ~20 sol, I lost half of my sols =x

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6 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

I failed sol craft 5 times last week [-10 sol], trying to clone ~20 sol, I lost half of my sols =x



yes, 5% is a lot so. So its either we are very unlucky or maybe their is a error with the % written in the description? It seems higher than advertised. :D

Edited by moobie1988

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It’s all a game of chance really. I had fail for the first time ever on my 144 robe using 50% stones too even though it was 4% break chance ?. Both my aqua drills and heavy anklets broke the first time before succeeding on the second. 

some have luck, some don’t. 

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3 hours ago, moobie1988 said:



yes, 5% is a lot so. So its either we are very unlucky or maybe their is a error with the % written in the description? It seems higher than advertised. :D

Its all about luck, I've cloned more than 100 sol without fail, a friend of mine failed 2 times on 10 attempts

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7 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

I failed sol craft 5 times last week [-10 sol], trying to clone ~20 sol, I lost half of my sols =x

Meanwhile, I haven't failed when crafting sols once. Perhaps when the time comes, I'll be like you xD

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7 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

I failed sol craft 5 times last week [-10 sol], trying to clone ~20 sol, I lost half of my sols =x

you are luck i failed pentagonal, over 5 kcs lost.. 

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Hey there!

We did several tests right now, and everything is working correctly. 




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22 hours ago, Jinni said:

Hi, my name is Zanie. IGN as "Honey-bee" or "Citrine-Bee". 
I would like to lay out a couple of bugs that I found in this game. The RNG system is pretty buggy or perhaps doesn't work like it said it would.

First thing first, the whole Moriph system is so vague with the explanation. "Failure chances", this statement is saying for the chance the item will be broken during the process? I'm a programmer as well, but the math does not seem to add up to me. In the process of aging to 22, my item broke 3 times; even though I did use the aging stone 50%. (Moriph stated that there would be 5% to fail--that's 1 in 20 times). 

The second issue is the whole crafting system in this game is so delusional. For example, crafting a Doomglaive--Centlon's relic, has a 70% of success rate, meaning in statistics, there will be 3 times it will fail. Gathering information from the players, they said the % is a lie. 

So? Is this a bug or is it a lie? I donate and support your game just like everyone else does. I think I deserve an explanation. Please don't try to be one of those private servers owners who seek and kill the ones that would speak up for the community. I believe in karma. Have a good day.


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13 hours ago, thisisrauldo said:

S> probability math classes, 10kc each


Is the class fatal?


12 hours ago, guerrero said:

Its all about luck, I've cloned more than 100 sol without fail, a friend of mine failed 2 times on 10 attempts

Last year I cloned sols and failed twice in a row. 


Edited by JeleStore
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When you put the sheltoms in a right order, you will have a greater chance of success, trust me.

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On 2/18/2022 at 7:22 PM, ExS said:

When you put the sheltoms in a right order, you will have a greater chance of success, trust me.

Is this based on experience? Do you also believe in placing perfect sheltoms boost + results. Also going into sub servers to age than in Ares? Lastly running around moriph before and after would boost your success rate? Some of the things other people believe in.

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On 2/18/2022 at 12:59 PM, DarkLink64 said:

Discussing RNG is pointless.

Players can't prove the actual rate is different from the one advertised without huge sample data. Like, to prove a 5% fail rate is indeed 5%, a player must try many times the 5% failure chance to give an actual evidence against the rate. 100 times is not enough.

The devs can't prove the actual rate is correct, because saying it's correct doesn't prove anything. Even sharing/exposing the code/procedure doesn't prove anything, since the published code obviously could be different than the actual one.

So debating RNG is pointless. Players without sample data can't prove the likelyhood of the advertised rates, Staff/devs can't do nothing to also prove what's actually happening.

You either trust into devs or you don't. 



Well, it's actually possible to be checked via aging attempt logs, filtered by each level and with/without stone and visible char nickname so everyone can check log authenticity.


Or, admin could set a bot to run thousands of automated aging attempts super fast and then check results.


But considering such % code isn't super complex and it's only 1 or 2 players complaining about SHORT SEQUENCES like 3 to 5 fails i really think all this job is simply unecessary.

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On 2/21/2022 at 12:18 AM, MadTale said:


Well, it's actually possible to be checked via aging attempt logs, filtered by each level and with/without stone and visible char nickname so everyone can check log authenticity.


Or, admin could set a bot to run thousands of automated aging attempts super fast and then check results.


But considering such % code isn't super complex and it's only 1 or 2 players complaining about SHORT SEQUENCES like 3 to 5 fails i really think all this job is simply unecessary.

Exactly, running thousands of simulations until the model converges doesn't take much time on a normal computer. 

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