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why dont GM's....

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closewtfor 1 or 2 days to really get to this problem and solve it without ppl connecting to server ::)

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No idé that would be alot better if they fixed it 100% i rather wait 1-2 days and then play without interuption then playing like 30min get super lag then dc then wait few hours then play 30 min again then dc ^^

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No idé that would be alot better if they fixed it 100% i rather wait 1-2 days and then play without interuption then playing like 30min get super lag then dc then wait few hours then play 30 min again then dc ^^


yes indeed

i think it would be alot better to set server status to offline mode, and give the players some information about the reason, so ppl dont whine and make 10000 of the same forums anymore xD

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It's not really going to get the server stable any faster. If anything, it'd help the attacker.

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server ofline again??


i just aged my armor to +12 and i had dc..... -.- sighs :(

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you think so?


The goal of a DoS attack is to disrupt availability. The ultimate disruption is to bring the server down entirely, so doing it yourself just helps the attacker. Meanwhile, those two days that you implement some token protection that will probably not help if the attacker knows what he is doing (yes, there are things you can do, but no, it won't make you completely safe), you let the attacker achieve his goal without actually having to do any work. In that case it's better to let the attacks continue and only bring the server down when you need to so that the ISPs have more traffic to trace.

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I have given you all the info I have and I cannot give you anything new without repeating myself.


Just see the server as unstable and we will announce any news as soon as we get them!

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I have given you all the info I have and I cannot give you anything new without repeating myself.


Just see the server as unstable and we will announce any news as soon as we get them!

thanks alot :D i already did know that information xD however i thnk Gm's are doing a great job now!

if the attacker is being helped by putting server offline than screw the hacker and leave it online 8)

i was only giving some thougths xD

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