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How does extra damage on monster types work?

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I have a question regarding extra damage (from skills) on different types of monsters. Today I tested two shaman skills: Dark Wave 10_12.png and Scratch 10_50.png. According to the description, Dark Wave gives 175% attack power boost and 50% extra damage against mutant and normal monsters. Meanwhile, Scratch gives 190% attack power boost and 50% extra monster damage boost. Theoretically, if one's attack power is 1000, Dark Wave should deal  1000*1.75*1.5 = 2625 damage, whereas Scratch should deal 1000*1.9*1.5 = 2850 damage. However, in real-world tests, Dark Wave always has a slight advantage over Scratch when applied on the right monster types (mutant and normal). Why is this the case? Is it a bug or is it the way elemental damage works?

@Overlady did say once that there will be a guide on how elemental damage works but it hasn't come out yet. Would you kindly give some short explanations? 


Thanks in advance!

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Hey there!

Specific monster type damage bonus is the last boost to be applied, you will have a directly boost on everything, even in your Force Orb boost. 


You can find the elemental guide here:

Elements - Game Guides - Wartale,




Edited by Overlady
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1 hour ago, Overlady said:

Hey there!

Specific monster type damage bonus is the last boost to be applied, you will have a directly boost on everything, even in your Force Orb boost. 


You can find the elemental guide here:

Elements - Game Guides - Wartale,




Thanks a lot. Much love! ❤️

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