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I am sure not gonna leave this private server 8)

I searched a long time for a server like this one

Only play for about 3 or 4 months here but i do like this one alot!

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tbh pt is just something to do when i'm bored lol. i'm not leaving (and certainly have no intentions of going to another server) but i'm not goin crazy over the situation...if everything gets works out, great.. if not oh well, i'm used to it by now..its the story of private servers x_x in the meantime i'll just be checkin the forums regularly for status but i won't be attempting to log or play the game until its all worked out. I'll be back in game once everything is under control again ^^ in the meantime maybe i'll work on some models/skins for fun and share them in the media section. It doesn't matter to me how long it takes to get the server security stronger just so long as we're updated on the situation and once its all done and workin well so we don't encounter this again. good luck sandurr and don't stress too much, you have loads of support  :)

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Hmm, what about option 1!?


Feed my need!

1 and 4 too bad i cant pick both

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yea man gm will fix it in due time just be patient



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Screw to all thoses hackers !!!


Meanwhile i do and play another game, not pressing to our dear staff of admins and GMs on the way to solve this, RPT is the best private server that i had knew.  "Patience is the mother of all science"


Admins, please blocks Hackers ID and erase their characters when you find them!! xD

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For me, I have tried out many different PT servers, and this one is better than the rest. Plus, I have other things I can do while waiting for this server to come back. Like, figuring out how to make kick ass sigs with CS5.

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did every1 quitted already? i hvnt seen a new coment in around 6 hours plus the game is down for hours too, this is scary, a little bit of info will be nicr thx

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For me, I have tried out many different PT servers, and this one is better than the rest. Plus, I have other things I can do while waiting for this server to come back. Like, figuring out how to make kick ass sigs with CS5.

i am a photoshopper with cs5 also

i dont post my work here alot but on some GFX boards  8)

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6 ppl who are thinking about leaving this server  :-\


I hope would be the a**h*le ill hackers  ::)


;) But i belive not that normal and common users are.

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i believe if GM give us more information about whats going on  there will not have 6 ppl vote for leaving..

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