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Come and mumble!!!

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rPT Mumble!


Here we go!  For those of you who don't know..  "Mumble" is the name of a popular new voice chat client similar to Ventrilo and TeamSpeak.


I figured, in order to help pass the time, I would purchase a dedicated mumble server that all of us rPT'ers could enjoy!  As of right now, I haven't configured much.  But there are dedicated channels for the most common languages found on rPT, as well as a few other tid-bits.


I'm most certainly open to suggestions, and as time goes on, I will appoint language moderators to help maintain stability.  But let's jump right in to it!


http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ <- Mumble can be downloaded from here.


The server details are as follows:


Label:  rPT

Address:  ny2.mumblevoice.com

Port:  64890

Username:  ******


**NOTE**  For those who are new to mumble, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY


During the initial configuration of mumble, you will be asked to create a certificate of authentication.  You will be asked to save the certificate after its made.  Do NOT ignore this step.  When/If you decide to register your Username..  This certificate is your password.  Without it, you will pretty much lose your username(unless I reset it, of course)


The bottom line is..  Make a Certificate, Pick a Username, Register it after connecting..  And DON'T LOSE YOUR CERTIFICATE! :D


Most questions can be answered via Mumble Wiki.  If you you're unable to locate an answer to your question, feel free to post here.  I'll try my best to help.

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International mumble english speakers are welcome xD

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yeah gogo munble bad language all time



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I personally like the simplicity of the system(after installed and configured :P)  Although confusing at first, it's actually a rather..  Interesting program from the administration standpoint.  Reminds me of AMX mod for cstrike..  Just a bit more GUI based.  None the less, I hope everyone can enjoy.  :]  Once fully configured, I believe there's a relatively easy way to setup channel/subchannel creation with password by regular authenticated/registered users.  Which would be nice for private clan chats.  :D

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