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Great Shield

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I think i2. 1 hour train there i see about ~5-6 great shields drop :))

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depends on how fast you kill


It's not

Moar mobs

Moar %drop

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Lowest str shield with 19% top block.


Mine is a 18% base block GS :B


Plus I have to get some for my clanies

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I don't get it... Why to use a shield?


Go for orbs, for the magic sake.

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orbs for mages shield for priestess i would keep it this way, btw i never saw a great shield droped with 19% block i think thats only for the donated ones

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I don't get it... Why to use a shield?


Go for orbs, for the magic sake.


I used, untill I noticed a +10 GS was way better than my 100 orb .-.

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I remember when sandurr started tinkering with orbs to make them more favourable, he added block upgraded mixes etc, but still ppl use sheilds, guess he's worried mg/prs will be too op if he makes the orbs a little better.


I think the main problem is that orbs when aged don't increase block, even though the defense goes through the roof which gives u huge abs (100 def= 1 abs). Block is so much better because u don't get hit at all. And the mixes u get only 1 block on all but the best wheres its still only 2 or 3, and u don't get the massive defense boost u would from aging.


I still think sheild untill atleast the super high level orbs, even then these are hard to find in drop, where as AS crystal sheilds can be brought or dropped or respeced to. So it seems non-donate mages will always be sheild mages. Maybe even some donated mages are, idk.

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hum... Shield just sucks I'm not a mechanic. heheheh...



But you're right, orb has to be high aged to beat a shield. But I don't see that how good shields are. The guy is giving up a lot more abs and def just for a bit if blocking, which will depend on luck? Don't seen so cool as u guys are saying.

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A +12 GS has more abs and def and block than a mixed 100 Orb...


Ok, its still +12 and mix, but 50 levels on equipement don't mean anything?


Orbs should be reworked ):


Plus, shields are more fun, you can't see an orb (witch is quite unfair)

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Would you rather have 28-30% block of a +20 shield (so you get hit at most 2/3rds of the time) or high defence, which becomes irrelevant once monsters have a high enough attack rating? My shield is +18 with 27% block and I don't see myself upgrading to an orb at all unless aging was changed so that orbs also got +block or if there was an uber-mix for orbs that buffed block substantially.

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hum... Shield just sucks I'm not a mechanic. heheheh...



But you're right, orb has to be high aged to beat a shield. But I don't see that how good shields are. The guy is giving up a lot more abs and def just for a bit if blocking, which will depend on luck? Don't seen so cool as u guys are saying.




Block doesn't depend on "luck" if u get hit 100 time u will block the % ur sheild says. Lets say ur sheild has 20% more block than the orb, then even with a higher abs and def on an orb ur still taking atleast 10% less damage overall (if I really wanted to convince u I'd calculate it). Plus when u block, unlike taking the hit and absorbing the damage, u don't flinch.

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Great shield is a good looking one and may have a 18 or 19 block rating, the most important is the strenght you can afford to put in in order to wear it. If you are low level, just pick a Blaze shield wich can go down to 63 or 64 strenght req (AS spec) with like 18 block. So you don't have to put a lot of strenght to get the same block rate as a great shield.


But imo, sparing like 98 to 10x strenght for an as shield is a decent choice since block on orb are ridiculous. My mage is 105 and i'm using an As spec phoenix shield Oredo mix. I got nearly 400 def , 17.2 abs and a decent 25 Block plus 50 HP. Thanks moriph event, i can tell you this overpass any orb.


So blaze if you are low level, great for the look and phoenix for tanking.  8)

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hum... Shield just sucks I'm not a mechanic. heheheh...



But you're right, orb has to be high aged to beat a shield. But I don't see that how good shields are. The guy is giving up a lot more abs and def just for a bit if blocking, which will depend on luck? Don't seen so cool as u guys are saying.




Block doesn't depend on "luck" if u get hit 100 time u will block the % ur sheild says. Lets say ur sheild has 20% more block than the orb, then even with a higher abs and def on an orb ur still taking atleast 10% less damage overall (if I really wanted to convince u I'd calculate it). Plus when u block, unlike taking the hit and absorbing the damage, u don't flinch.


Could u do the math please?

I'll contribute too, i have a 115 as shild +20

and ask for my friend their orb 120+16 ( or more ) lets do some tests in game...



So, i can do a spoiler about somethings that we're talking yesterday...


We have +/- same gears and lv


He said that can tank ad2 well (with ES lv 10)

and me tank w/o difficulties (with ES lv6 )


but i'll test it myself...

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Block = %. So why doesn't it depend on luck? Its just a probability.

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Block, evade and defense does the same thing, the difference being that the effectiveness of defense also depends on what you're fighting. Block and evade gives a fixed X% average damage reduction, while defense gives you a variable average damage reduction. Absorb work similarly to defense if you look at the average, in that it reduces your damage depending on what you're fighting. 100 absorb against something that does 200 damage is a 50% damage reduction. Against something that does 500 damage, it's a 20% damage reduction. The difference is that absorb has no sudden spikes in the damage you take since it is always applied.


Using averages to compare works well in most normal cases, but when you're fighting against things that can kill you in only a few hits (bosses and PvP), it becomes a bit more difficult.

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orbs for mages shield for priestess i would keep it this way, btw i never saw a great shield droped with 19% block i think thats only for the donated ones


bought for 12kk and broke after that =/




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Guest Eleven

u dont need to hunt,


just buy a GS at Navisko town.

and respec it using Gyfu.


me, i have 2 GS now, (18% and 17%) as spec


i'll try those two to go +20


if, success, i will go donate it to perfect (only 100 coins  ;))

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