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Guide: How to get roll on super bosses

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Hello players,


After a few times I've seen too many people on Draxos (including today), and literally NOBODY got a roll,

I have decided to make a guide on how the roll formula works for parties.


All the information I'm saying here is written here: 



Eligible Players are those who meet all the requirements as follows:

  1. In the same map and in range of the Boss at time of its death;
  2. Met the minimum damage threshold % of total HP of the Boss, OR is in a party with someone else who did and also satisfies point 1. The minimum damage threshold % varies per Boss.


Clause 2 means that If you have a party of 6, then ONLY ONE player needs to deal enough damage to the boss, the other 5 players can afk in range of boss.



Note: I am not sure if Draxos requires 3.5% or 3% damage, but let's say he requires 3.5% damage for my example:

1. Let's take an example of 100 players attacking Draxos at the same time.

If 100 players deal 1% damage to the boss,

it means nobody will get a roll lotto.


2. Let's take an example of 12 players attacking Draxos at the same time.

In one party, 6 players deal 2.5% damage, on the other party 5 players deal 2.5% damage to the boss and 1 player deals 72.5% damage,

it means only the 2nd party will get a roll lotto.


3. Let's take an example of 10 players attacking Draxos at the same time:

In one party 4 players deal 1% dmg and one player deals 3.5% damage, on the other party 4 players deal 1% damage, on the last party both of the players deal 44.25% damage to the boss,

it means that only party No.1 and party No.3 will get a roll lotto.




If there are A LOT of players on boss (happens frequently on Draxos), we need less players attacking the boss. Basically, it's the best to let Archers & Fighters deal Demon damage and rest of the players will either tank / buff / afk.


Dream party for Draxos:

1. SS for buff.

2. PRS for buff + Heal.

3. As / Fs for damage.

4. AFK / Tanker.

5. AFK / Tanker.

6. AFK / Tanker.


In theory you can always go solo as Archer / Fighter and get the roll by yourself, but if you have clannies / friends that you share with them, you get higher chance to get roll.

6 players sharing roll vs 1 player roll, more chance to get the drop, but less value for the drop.


If everyone implements that playstyle, most of the players will see a roll in any boss fight.


Centlon requires less damage and he also heals a lot, which means 99.9% of parties will get a roll lotto.

Other bosses are weak enough so any class can get a roll lotto solo with decent gear.


I hope that this guide will change something and we will see roll lotto from Drax on weekends.





Edited by LBirman
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We need a remake on this boss roll mechanic, is a fail that no one get a roll, should count the party damage, and in the party only give the roll to the persons that help to kill the boss, to avoid ppl afk geting roll

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U have to call ur friends to make a dream party.

It is not difficult. 

My clan always participates in the lottery.


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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
7 hours ago, LBirman said:

Dream party for Draxos:

1. SS for buff.

2. PRS for buff + Heal.

3. As / Fs for damage.

4. AFK / Tanker.

5. AFK / Tanker.

6. AFK / Tanker.


and here is the problem, boss drops actively benefits AFK mules + only one killer while punish a party full of killers, which doesn't make much sense to be honest.

It's been a while I don't go bosses, but my Archer 150 full buff [ mage+ss+prs healing] was always enough to get Draxos roll.

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Some people don't read forum. Years ago 2017 2018 I posted so many replies indicating ONLY the highest damage dealer in the party is decided to have Roll or not.

And Draxos = Demon. Centlon = Undead.


I have joined so many party without killer. Party full Prs + Mg = No Roll. 

I'm so casual these days. I just go in Draxos shout 'Pt'. And even years ago. I do that. I ended up in a Pt without As, Fs, killer of Demon type. How can ever a Mg go hunt Boss? The only thing Mg does is Buff for other chars and go Afk.

And Public party people ask me why I afk.. I know they don't know this. So I just attack Boss and act like it will help.

Yeah. Don't worry. I have As mules to go Boss. I just speak from the point of people whose main are not Boss Killer.


Just a few days ago. I decided to go have some fun and go 'Pt'. 'Hi guys Pt me plz.'

Yeah. Same exact disaster. 

This is punishing to Public parties. A failure of our classic 2001 PT.

Remember 2001? 

The time of go to any map and joining party?

What we have now is just not fun.

Same goes to Lkey. Yeah whatever.



Yes. My exact sentiments as well. 

I have joined Party with PvP chars. Party full of Ps and some Prs. Yeah. Sure no Roll.

And then the other Pt with1 As + 5 afk let's say 5 afk regen Prs = sure Roll. Rofl.



Anyway.. to people who don't know and hope you read forum..

You explain very well. 


Our bosses only split into Demon or Undead. The only exception is Fallen Angel which is Normal type.


Demon killer = as, fs

Undead killer = ks, prs, supposedly, but they are rather just Undead attack buff, Ks give Undead attack buff, Prs give 1v1 attack buff. It is still best to go As for low level undead boss. Or any other fast killer. Because low boss does not matter.


Now Centlon requires set-up killer + buff mule team back then. Nowadays I see Centlon keeps regen after I come back play, probably GMs want to make Centlon Regen back full hp, so you can deal that x% damage to get Roll for your party. Back then it was 3%? Was it 5% Greedy, 4% Draxos, 3% Centlon or what.. Now they don't show that info on that Boss Lotto page. They probably adjust it from time to time depending on the number of players going to high level bosses.


But anyway if your friends already log As to Centlon, stop logging 5 more As, it will not help. What you do is: log some other classes that your friends are not logging.

So if your friend already log As to go Centlon. You can log Prs, Ks for attack buff and VL, which are nearly a must for easy survive and Roll.

Other mule you can log is: Mg for attack buff, Ss for attack speed buff.

Otherwise you can log 1 more boss killer like Fs.


Other classes like Bs, Ass, Ps, Ms, Ata, are just useless. Unless you know you can deal a lot damage with High Attack Rating. And that requires better items and higher level. Ata or autoMs maybe ok to function as Boss Killer. Idk. 


Other than that. If you see Centlon die very fast without Hp regen. And you KNOW your party won't get the Roll. Because you are all 14x or low 15x with average items. Just die and party chat: "boss too fast go die regen".

Some smart players do this. A few times Public party people ask me go die for regen Centlon. Sometimes in Public I also ask my party to go die. 

And don't be shy. GMs purposely set Centlon this way. So high 15x and 16x with full finished items will share the Rolls with low end players. Otherwise this game will be dead even faster. Imaging low-end players cannot up their chars.. 

So just for Centlon alone, remember to die to regen Hp, sometimes after BC or some certain time, people with full relic full DNT items go Centlon, Centlon just die like 1 min, just to help low-end players and casual Public party, remember to die. It's not fun.. lol, but better than no Roll.


But having said that. Those who come last minute and die: are seriously f-ack you.. 

And those who put mules not to attack boss, but lure boss to As killers and force As to run away.. so you can play from Ares to Mars to Odin.. 

Any many more stupid nonsense play.. 


Other people who still don't get Roll, who still don't understand, just reply here. I will help analyze why and how and reply you.

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i think super boss need be another type, no undead, no demon etc, this make only 1~3 class can get roll safety.


Create a new type, and change all boss from babel + to this new type, this will make game and boss hunt more fair

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On 4/30/2022 at 4:28 PM, xkintaro said:

We need a remake on this boss roll mechanic, is a fail that no one get a roll, should count the party damage, and in the party only give the roll to the persons that help to kill the boss, to avoid ppl afk geting roll

We believe the biggest problem is the discrepancy of some classes because of monster type modifiers. We will experiment with that soon, otherwise we will consider revamping the lotto system.




Edited by Overlady
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13 minutes ago, Overlady said:

We believe the biggest problem is the discrepancy of some classes because of monster type modifiers. We will experiment with that soon, otherwise we will consider revamping the lotto system.




Nice to hear from you.


I have some cool suggestions:

1. Make the type of all bosses completely random on spawn.

2. Harder to implement but let's say KS deals xx% more damage than other classes to undead, so make the extra damage not count towards the lotto (sounds like a bad idea, but may give you inspiration for something better)

3. As suggested before, no type for all bosses (same as LC walls)

4. Make party damage count, party buffs count, heals count, tanking count.


I think 4 is the best option.

The closer you are and the more time you are close to the boss, count towards the % threshold for the party,a damage taken for tankers should count, hp healed for healers, extra damage dealt thanks to buff from buffers.


Hope ppl love my suggestions, take care!

Edited by LBirman

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1 hour ago, Overlady said:

We believe the biggest problem is the discrepancy of some classes because of monster type modifiers. We will experiment with that soon, otherwise we will consider revamping the lotto system.




All classes must have same avarage performance against bosses, and bosses shouldn't have a monster type.


Otherwise bosses will always be owned by some/same classes while other classes remains almost useless (what we have now). This is not good.


What we want is a MGS player having the same interest level for boss hunting as a KS/AS does, because boss hunting is for everyone, it shoudn't be something to care about when balancing classes. 


I believe when you guys made the profession system the intention was the profession to work 100% equal for all classes and combo with the mounts feature. That's amazing, that's how i think thing should be. BUT, assassines can run faster than any mount - a detail i think you guys let it pass - and becuase of such small detail, professsions are completely dominated by assassines instead of being something equal for all classes and no mining player cares about mounts.


Somethings must work the same for everyone, same as we had no diff classes - example, the fishing thing - 

Somethings must work diff for each class, so we have some diff between classes making things more interesting.

But abosolutely nothing in game must work exceptionally good for one and lame for other, that will cause frustration in the weaker class because it can't join a game feature.


When present, differences must be small, in a way ALL classes can join ALL game features with decent/acceptable performance.

Edited by MadTale
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Remove % dmg to get roll

Implement time hit in boss,  example>  boss die in1min, who attack per 40seg + get roll

if you attack, and stay afk per 20seg, your time attack reset

Only who attack enter in roll, if your char stay afk, or using regen field , you Dont get roll

if someone in your pt attack (and get roll), and you stay AFK or using regen field, you dont get roll


implement this in HG too

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3 minutes ago, ik3r said:

Remove % dmg to get roll

Implement time hit in boss,  example>  boss die in1min, who attack per 40seg + get roll

if you attack, and stay afk per 20seg, your time attack reset

Only who attack enter in roll, if your char stay afk, or using regen field , you Dont get roll

if someone in your pt attack (and get roll), and you stay AFK or using regen field, you dont get roll


implement this in HG too

Well, I like the first part of your suggestion, but "afk heal" is actually useful.


If you have 5 prs i  party, then 4 are useless, but one prs regen per party is good for most bosses!

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2 minutes ago, LBirman said:

Well, I like the first part of your suggestion, but "afk heal" is actually useful.


If you have 5 prs i  party, then 4 are useless, but one prs regen per party is good for most bosses!


i know is useful, but i dont see how prevent this case with 5 prs, maybe only the first prs to enter in pt can get roll,   


PS> prs using debuff get roll too

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53 minutes ago, MadTale said:

I believe when you guys made the profession system the intention was the profession to work 100% equal for all classes and combo with the mounts feature. That's amazing, that's how i think thing should be. BUT, assassines can run faster than any mount - a detail i think you guys let it pass - and becuase of such small detail, professsions are completely dominated by assassines instead of being something equal for all classes and no mining player cares about mounts.


Unfortunately there is no way to fix this unless we nerf assassin/archer or boost mounts. Even if we disable stealth while mining/harvesting, we would still have archer with phoenix speed and atalanta with amazon rage.

There are some options like disabling the speed bonus if you haven't attacked any monsters in the last 5 seconds, but we have to be careful to not break the class outside of mining/harvesting (brainstorm).


If you have any suggestions, let me know :D




Edited by Overlady
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Something bad happend to Ass class . 

He become mining char only .. at laest as are good for pve ..pvp ..bosses .. 

Ass simply left bhiend with his ex bro BS 

But again somehow Bs still playable in pvp so .


What left from ass ? Mining only ? That why you create ass ?


I would like to sugguest something . 

1 idea - speed of mount - make it max to 52-55 speed ( ofc i am talking about the last ankle use) ...  that way people will work hard to get the last ankle .. price will rise abit and we will see more class mining .. 

2 - overall need improve ASS and BS to be more usefull in game for pve and pvp  cus now days those class kinda left bhiend ..( that different subjact i know but i mention it anyway   ) 

3. Make mining can not kser while some1 start mining it allready -  its super hard anyway  to mining /herb  sometimes take so long to find ..  then any lvl 7-10 can jump and kser you in 1 sec ..   now if i think about new player that start from lvl 1 they got no chance with all those noobs ksers going on them . 

This server must welcome new players and mining is a good way to make gold /coin 

I believe if you make mining / herb  unable to get ksers on them .. maybe we also going to see more ass players exping or pvping and not just use thier lvl 10 axe running and ksers everyone . 


Thanks  . 

@Overlady  @Wartale

Edited by RaiseAgain

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5 minutes ago, RaiseAgain said:

Something bad happend to Ass class . 

He become mining char only .. at laest as are good for pve ..pvp ..bosses .. 

Ass simply left bhiend with his ex bro BS 

But again somehow Bs still playable in pvp so .


What left from ass ? Mining only ? That why you create ass ?


I would like to sugguest something . 

1 idea - speed of mount - make it max to 52-55 speed ( ofc i am talking about the last ankle use) ...  that way people will work hard to get the last ankle .. price will rise abit and we will see more class mining .. 

2 - overall need improve ASS and BS to be more usefull in game for pve and pvp  cus now days those class kinda left bhiend ..( that different subjact i know but i mention it anyway   ) 

3. Make mining can not kser while some1 start mining it allready -  its super hard anyway  to mining /herb  sometimes take so long to find ..  then any lvl 7-10 can jump and kser you in 1 sec ..   now if i think about new player that start from lvl 1 they got no chance with all those noobs ksers going on them . 

This server must welcome new players and mining is a good way to make gold /coin 

I believe if you make mining / herb  unable to get ksers on them .. maybe we also going to see more ass players exping or pvping and not just use thier lvl 10 axe running and ksers everyone . 


Thanks  . 


I don't see a problem with the assassin class, she was even more played.


Anyone who wants to play can play with her the same way, it's not something that gets in the way of assassin's game play.

Edited by xkintaro
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1 minute ago, xkintaro said:


I don't see a problem with the killer class, she was even more played.


Anyone who wants to play can play with her the same way, it's not something that gets in the way of assassin's game play.

The ranking lvls says is all check it out . 

There is a resaon why almost every class got 15+ 16x players .. while bs and ass got   1 or 2  16x players . 

Edited by RaiseAgain

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just why their PVE is bad, it has nothing to do with mining as you are talking about

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7 minutes ago, xkintaro said:

just why their PVE is bad, it has nothing to do with mining as you are talking about

I mention that this is for different subjact . 

However the main problem is not the mining style of ass.. its the mining able to kser ... 


Why to try and waste so much time  and coins / gold to get last ankle perf for 43 speed max .. when noob low lvl ass for free can reach 55+ ? .   So people dont even think to play ass like normal char they just automatic make it for mining only becuase of that point  .     At laest that my opinion . 

Edited by RaiseAgain

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1 hour ago, Overlady said:

Unfortunately there is no way to fix this unless we nerf assassin/archer or boost mounts. Even if we disable stealth while mining/harvesting, we would still have archer with phoenix speed and atalanta with amazon rage.

There are some options like disabling the speed bonus if you haven't attacked any monsters in the last 5 seconds, but we have to be careful to not break the class outside of mining/harvesting (brainstorm).


If you have any suggestions, let me know :D




Yes. Nerf = stress


I think buff mounts is simple and effective option. Nobody would complain becuse it's mount got faster xD 


And i think all class must be free of monster aggro while mining same as ass does...  it's just so good and relaxing being ignored by monsters... lmao


Maybe just add a mining uniform and while wearing mining uniform mobs will completely ignore you, also can't target monsters while wearing mining uniform.


Uniform could be sold in ruinnen village and could only be wear/removed in city territories to avoid exploit in pvp/pve.


Maybe a "monster invisibility cape" would fit better than "mining uniform" cuz no much sense a mob ignoring humans because wearing a uniform lmao... mobs ignoring a char because wearing a cape that makes char invisible exclusively for monsters is a bit more ok.

Edited by MadTale
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1 hour ago, RaiseAgain said:

Something bad happend to Ass class . 

He become mining char only .. at laest as are good for pve ..pvp ..bosses .. 

Ass simply left bhiend with his ex bro BS 

But again somehow Bs still playable in pvp so .


What left from ass ? Mining only ? That why you create ass ?


I would like to sugguest something . 

1 idea - speed of mount - make it max to 52-55 speed ( ofc i am talking about the last ankle use) ...  that way people will work hard to get the last ankle .. price will rise abit and we will see more class mining .. 

2 - overall need improve ASS and BS to be more usefull in game for pve and pvp  cus now days those class kinda left bhiend ..( that different subjact i know but i mention it anyway   ) 

3. Make mining can not kser while some1 start mining it allready -  its super hard anyway  to mining /herb  sometimes take so long to find ..  then any lvl 7-10 can jump and kser you in 1 sec ..   now if i think about new player that start from lvl 1 they got no chance with all those noobs ksers going on them . 

This server must welcome new players and mining is a good way to make gold /coin 

I believe if you make mining / herb  unable to get ksers on them .. maybe we also going to see more ass players exping or pvping and not just use thier lvl 10 axe running and ksers everyone . 


Thanks  . 

@Overlady  @Wartale








assasins are still amazing in PVP .



For PVE they are great in most maps they are fast killers if you know how to play assasin during XP



Boss hunts they do good enough. 

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then make melees miss less. hit more. if atk modifier is gonna be changed. if you change the atk modifier then melees need all hit as well

to get roll or damage


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