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Patch 3223 Share your thoughts

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Changelog Patch 3223:


1  New Tier 5 Skill Unlocked: Javelin Mastery (Atalanta)

2  New Item Yellow Stone sold at Event Girl NPC: Resets Tier 5 Skills

3  New EXP Bosses in MD1, 2, 3 and AD 1, 2, 3

4  Maximize, Automation and Precision skills no longer stack with Physical Absorption and Metal Armor

5  Precision skill critical attribute removed

6  Shadow Mastery skill Damage Boost increased from 55% to 60% (on level 10)

7  Regenation Field skill HP and MP Recovery boosted significantly

8  Cyclone Strike skill AoE damage is % based

9    Impulsion skill AoE damage is % based

10  Perforation skill Damage Boost from 73% to 90%

11  Update on Char Select Screen map

12  Bug Fix where Force WP Damage didn't apply to Ice Meteorite


what do u guys think?


personally i hv to change the MS skills im happy for the ata skill release and im ansious to see if cyclone strike is any good now, another thing i love to see is the t5 reset stones and impulsion % dmg does this means no more spark mech?


ok share ur oppinion





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I want numbers of 7-9. Otherwise it looks fine. Harsh on the mechs, I guess, unless Impulsion gets a big boost, but they should be fine. I have some serious doubt about how much use Regeneration Field is going to get even with boosted numbers due to the obvious drawbacks (one less damager for the team and little use outside of parties, the priestess being a sitting duck unless the HP regen is high enough to keep her alive), but we'll see. I'm disappointed there's still no word on VL. That problem is all but fully confirmed and it should be easy to do at least a temporary fix since the functionality to do so was there to begin with before it was removed.

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"9    Impulsion skill AoE damage is % based" This would be for those who are Power mechs, I'd say.

Spark is lvl based and now, Imp's % based  :)  Just gives Power mechs a chance to lvl a bit faster than before.


3: This could be fun, just wonder which monster they are for bosses.


4: They weren't meant to stack with PA and MA, so no surprise that it got "fixed"


8: Well, Fighters have been asking for this to happen for a while and I'm glad to see it happen, just hope it works out like they're want.


10: Perf damage boost? Rather interesting to see it get a 17% boost.


All in all, I think it's a fairly good patch at this point in time  ;D

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1  New Tier 5 Skill Unlocked: Javelin Mastery (Atalanta)                OK

2  New Item Yellow Stone sold at Event Girl NPC: Resets Tier 5 Skills                OK

3  New EXP Bosses in MD1, 2, 3 and AD 1, 2, 3                              OK

4  Maximize, Automation and Precision skills no longer stack with Physical Absorption and Metal Armor                  Not OK

5  Precision skill critical attribute removed                                                            OK

6  Shadow Mastery skill Damage Boost increased from 55% to 60% (on level 10)              Not OK

7  Regenation Field skill HP and MP Recovery boosted significantly                                    OK

8  Cyclone Strike skill AoE damage is % based                                                                OK

9    Impulsion skill AoE damage is % based                                                                      OK

10  Perforation skill Damage Boost from 73% to 90%                                                        Not OK

11  Update on Char Select Screen map                                                                            OK

12  Bug Fix where Force WP Damage didn't apply to Ice Meteorite                                        OK



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4  Maximize, Automation and Precision skills no longer stack with Physical Absorption and Metal Armor      Not OK

6  Shadow Mastery skill Damage Boost increased from 55% to 60% (on level 10)                                    Not OK

10  Perforation skill Damage Boost from 73% to 90%                                                                          Not OK


Sorry, but I have to laugh at this! Care to expand on why it's "Not Ok"?


For no.4: I can only guess that you're a mech an like the bug with them stacking.

For no.6: A pike's getting a skill boosted a lil and you don't like pikes getting boosted.

For no.10: Same as no.4, but with archers.



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The T5 Mech skill now only gives an att rate bonus and 2 att speed? seems kinda useless now lol i dont understand y the crit was taken away

even with the att rate bonus i still miss a lot. y this skill get nerfed so much? fisrt the speed and now the crit  :-\ not much left to the skill now

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Calii - Atorp

12  Bug Fix where Force WP Damage didn't apply to Ice Meteorite



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The T5 Mech skill now only gives an att rate bonus and 2 att speed? seems kinda useless now lol i dont understand y the crit was taken away

even with the att rate bonus i still miss a lot. y this skill get nerfed so much? fisrt the speed and now the crit  :-\ not much left to the skill now


If I understand it correctly, Precision gives you the full benefits of Automation and Maximize, plus an attack rating and a higher attack speed (supposedly a side-effect of the higher projectile speed) in a single skill. Doesn't seem so bad to me.

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Awesome patch. Nothing to complain.

2nd that...sounds like a good patch to me. lookin forward to it

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why got ATA tier5 released first?

it didnt even post on next released skill..

unfair  :'(

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why got ATA tier5 released first?

it didnt even post on next released skill..

unfair  :'(


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i see it on the skill list now

I didnt see it on the ingame discription that max was chained

kx for the info

Guess i need to look on the skill list on the site more often  ::)

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why got ATA tier5 released first?

it didnt even post on next released skill..

unfair  :'(




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Cyclone Strike skill AoE damage is % based    80% at lvl 10 - not bad, need to test it out.                                                       

Impulsion skill AoE damage is % based            50% at lvl 10 - not a lot but better than nothing.


not sure if both skills are good for exping since it has a fixed number of enemies. But I like impulsion % damage so SoD will be better for mech

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I am a fighter, and I hope the the boost Cyclone Strike actually makes leveling a fighter better. Prior to this being done, you couldn't effectively get XP solo with a fighter, and if your in a party, your useless, might as well be a leecher, which is mostly what I would do with a higher lvl char of my own.

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Aight, all they did with mechs are making it suck more, first they balanced maximize to 100%, then they will make it NOT STACK WITH METAL ARMOR?? T_T dang, maximize + metal armor is the only thing that can make a MECH PAWN! but :/ btw. love how impulsion is based on percent now :D

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The T5 Mech skill now only gives an att rate bonus and 2 att speed? seems kinda useless now lol i dont understand y the crit was taken away

even with the att rate bonus i still miss a lot. y this skill get nerfed so much? fisrt the speed and now the crit  :-\ not much left to the skill now

Not have more att spd. I dont see difference when use automation and Precision.

Precision now useless.

If you call chain we have: MA chain 200% abs of PA, But Precision chain 100%, that is the same. Oh my god, that is the first T5 skill of mech.

If you want complant about anything. You must play and test it firt (calculator too).

I don't know why change alot in a short time.

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good thing on mech though...


btw, they better get increase the atk rtg of pike on the next patch since cs and the other have been nerfed!

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Since maxi and MA dont stack anymore ....i think they Should boost MAXIMIZE damage for the loss


Sacrificing MA for added attack power maxi.. ;)

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before you start whining


Mechs were overpowered before the patch was released

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The T5 Mech skill now only gives an att rate bonus and 2 att speed? seems kinda useless now lol i dont understand y the crit was taken away

even with the att rate bonus i still miss a lot. y this skill get nerfed so much? fisrt the speed and now the crit  :-\ not much left to the skill now


If I understand it correctly, Precision gives you the full benefits of Automation and Maximize, plus an attack rating and a higher attack speed (supposedly a side-effect of the higher projectile speed) in a single skill. Doesn't seem so bad to me.

Nope it doesnt give a benefit from Maximize, only 100% Automation, plus 200 AR is nothing when you got 3000 already, and it doesnt give more attack speed


Precision is completly useless now.


+100% Projectile is when you're standing at full range, you don't have a sec of delay, but if you stand a bit closer, automation and Precision is the same, so that means Precision now giving +200 AR only.


Precision maybe were OP at PvP (didnt test it there yet), but wasnt OP at hunting, now when you nerf it, it'll be worse at hunting >_>

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Precision maybe were OP at PvP (didnt test it there yet), but wasnt OP at hunting, now when you nerf it, it'll be worse at hunting >_>

I don't think defaut attack can kill anyone. :D

You can't kill anyone with bow/Jav mech, except lv 0 char.

You can't train with this build, too.

Precision now is very very OP, need nerf it ^_^ (because Jav/Bow mech have very very high att rate now) :D

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