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Ps 164 Pablo$_

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All i see is fully buff ps 164 + bc  scrolls ( LoL ) hit and run and still die sometimes . 

Poor pvp skills 




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Hahaha come on bashers i want more hahaha . Hate me ???

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12 minutes ago, jobilok21 said:

Hahaha come on bashers i want more hahaha . Hate me ???

Who says i hate ?  Just my opinion about the video you upload  ?

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Hey bro, make your own figthing style . Dont be mad or insecure of my full buff.. just do what ever u like with no illegal ****s.. just like adrian "KS".he use prs to support hes KS.. 

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Melees is overbuffed in this patch, and karma only go with out numbered in compair to yours enemies. Beside this all facts we have full buff.  So its not show your real hability. If you play with no-overpowered char like priestess or mage maybe we can respect you, maybe.


not hate, just  my opinion.

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4 hours ago, jobilok21 said:

Hahaha come on bashers i want more hahaha . Hate me ???

Maybe his pc cant handle logging in buff accounts, that's why. ??

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Good video with the music bro.


Skip those haters, you did a good job ? keep it up.



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2 hours ago, signuskeep said:

Melees is overbuffed in this patch, and karma only go with out numbered in compair to yours enemies. Beside this all facts we have full buff.  So its not show your real hability. If you play with no-overpowered char like priestess or mage maybe we can respect you, maybe.


not hate, just  my opinion.

"We" or should it just be only "You"? ?

"is" is singular, u should use "are" since u mentioned "melee" with "s"


So many critics who can't play well when out numbered by enemies. ??

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2 hours ago, signuskeep said:

Melees is overbuffed in this patch, and karma only go with out numbered in compair to yours enemies. Beside this all facts we have full buff.  So its not show your real hability. If you play with no-overpowered char like priestess or mage maybe we can respect you, maybe.


not hate, just  my opinion.



lets be honest here, 



Karma is one of the strongest clans in the game. Every day its karma vs wtf + KOM …. we always 1vs2.   Have some appreciation for the karma clan , without us you would have no enemy and be afk in ric most of the time.



Your lucky karma still play when its 1 clan vs 2 clan. 





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16 hours ago, signuskeep said:

Melees is overbuffed in this patch, and karma only go with out numbered in compair to yours enemies. Beside this all facts we have full buff.  So its not show your real hability. If you play with no-overpowered char like priestess or mage maybe we can respect you, maybe.


not hate, just  my opinion.

Melees aren't overbuffed. You guys can't take the fact that there are some asepcts melees do better ( just when rangers/magic classes have their aspect they are better at BC )   / pick a ranger, and play like it's a melee in team fights, like in the time they were OP. 

( Just a note- it makes sense that a ranged class should try to avoid a close ranged combat, especially if it has running speed too. It doesn't make sense that a melee has to run away from magic/rangers ).




Also about prs not being OP- she literally has almost the same chance to avoid a hit as ks, AOE slowdown, 34% dmg reduction, debuff clear and invincible mode which can be casted on others and- range+ buffs to the party members.

Her debuffs also have no cd in the rotation, and if she plays it right, shes pretty much invincible, and she always excel at every pvp situation- team fights, SW and 1v1


Mage is a close case, just not as bad as prs, and instead of decent attack speed, he has a  nuke.




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