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New scammer appeared because of PT font

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There are someone try to create a IGN which will look exact the same with your IGN if your IGN contains lowercase L( use the uppercase I). For example : becauseoflove is same with becauseofIove in game . Then they forge as your friend to pm you and ask for borrowing items, gold or  ...They often trade with you in crowded area (like ricarten in athena) to hide their noobie char. Be careful all players !!

And I hope GM can fix font, so we can see the difference between lowercase L and uppercase I.


If anyone know this case more, please share the info here to help player to avoid scams.

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You can always PM your real friend's nick to see if he's really online ;)

And yeah this font is confusing with the l = i issue.

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This is why i like fonts with serifs. Would prevent much trouble like these.



For who doesnt know what a Serif is,


This is a example. LIil

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You can always PM your real friend's nick to see if he's really online ;)

And yeah this font is confusing with the l = i issue.


They often use this cheat when your friend 's online also :)

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when i loan stuff out its to a clan member so i dont really have this problem


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This kind of scam are happening to much here...

Maybe will be good change the font, like the guys suggest.

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Even if they hide their character in town, their face will appear in the trade window. Even if they try to scam you while your friend is online, you could just PM your friend and talk to him about the transaction. I dunno how but if your friend is close enough to borrow stuff from you, shouldn't you know how he speaks? Unless the scammer has the same character, same face, same armor worn and the same way of talking, I don't see how people get scammed so easily.


Another thing, whenever people buy stuff for coins or trade accounts, don't just give your damn account ID and password so easily. You mean when the scammer says "I not scammer" or "You give pass first" you actually believe him?

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