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Perfectize Items 142/144

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
8 minutes ago, Boogieman said:


you call 3 years forced?  how many years is long enough 6 years maybe when 152 items come out lol. 

Draxos is 7 years old, and the price is 3 times higher than it was released, centlon brac is also 3 years old, also increase by twice the price.

142 items won't be directly be directly powercreeped  since most are 1h.


8 minutes ago, Boogieman said:

But i think those people who -1 this topic are people that dont want to see all their KC go to waste because their items lost alot of value. But thats not how games work especially this one. 

so.. all KC should go to waste just because a bunch of casual players don't want to put bare effort to have 142/144 items?

sound like a dumb decision either way.


the drop rate of 142/144 is more than enough to anyone to get full, no need artificially plunge item price.

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -

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17 minutes ago, Boogieman said:



you call 3 years forced?  how many years is long enough 6 years maybe when 152 items come out lol. 



Remember this is how the game works when new items come out the old ones go in coin shop. Staff has given players fair warning that this will come soon. So you as a player with your personal items can make a informed decision on what to do either sell items for a fair price then try to buy them again when its cheaper or upgrade to 146. Option is yours.



But i think those people who -1 this topic are people that dont want to see all their KC go to waste because their items lost alot of value. But thats not how games work especially this one. 



People who -1 are just trying to cope hard for the inevitable. OP should've added a poll to this thread. @r.patrese can you still add a poll?



8 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Draxos is 7 years old, and the price is 3 times higher than it was released, centlon brac is also 3 years old, also increase by twice the price.

142 items won't be directly be directly powercreeped  since most are 1h.


so.. all KC should go to waste just because a bunch of casual players don't want to put bare effort to have 142/144 items?

sound like a dumb decision either way.


the drop rate of 142/144 is more than enough to anyone to get full, no need artificially plunge item price.

>so.. all KC should go to waste just because a bunch of casual players don't want to put bare effort to have 142/144 items?

sound like a dumb decision either way.



Oh now im gonna cry about how 134 and 138 items have devalued so much over time because casual players are too casual to play the game without breaking bank or spending 16 hours playing a game. 


>Draxos is 7 years old, and the price is 3 times higher than it was released, centlon brac is also 3 years old, also increase by twice the price.

142 items won't be directly be directly powercreeped  since most are 1h.


Comparing apple to oranges. Comparing an item that is the absolute best in slot with only one way to get it ingame, to something that will progressively have better upgrades which is currently happening right now.


Keep on with the strawmans. 142-144 perfectise is inevitably coming and you would have to cope real hard when it comes.

Edited by aruchan
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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
7 minutes ago, aruchan said:

Comparing apple to oranges. Comparing an item that is the absolute best in slot with only one way to get it ingame, to something that will progressively have better upgrades which is currently happening right now.


10 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

142 items won't be directly be directly powercreeped  since most are 1h.

holly molly, read just a bit please,  half of classes will need 142 1h weapons.


7 minutes ago, aruchan said:

Oh now im gonna cry about how 134 and 138 items have devalued so much over time because casual players are too casual to play the game without breaking bank or spending 16 hours playing a game. 


as I said, the drop rate is enough to get items 142/144, I just play like 2/3 hrs EB and got Gauntlet 144 already.

Also, 138 items on coins shop so soon was a mistake, even ADM know this, that's why it has been 3 years now w/out items on coins shop.


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3 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:


holly molly, read just a bit please,  half of classes will need 142 1h weapons.


as I said, the drop rate is enough to get items 142/144, I just play like 2/3 hrs EB and got Gauntlet 144 already.

Also, 138 items on coins shop so soon was a mistake, even ADM know this, that's why it has been 3 years now w/out items on coins shop.


>holly molly, read just a bit please,  half of classes will need 142 1h weapons. 

And then what? This game isn't just FS/KS/PS/AS


>as I said, the drop rate is enough to get items 142/144, I just play like 2/3 hrs EB and got Gauntlet 144 already.

Oh you got really lucky! So your very small sample size of a data is absolute proof that we don't need perfectisation anymore! Oh wait lets ask the masses and see if they were even remotely close to being as lucky as you. 



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The people who do not want 142 144 items release in coin shop because they are spamming LC and try to make as much coin as possible. They just want more time to make more coins, that is all. 

They dont really care about market lmao, they only care and worried about themselves and no the community lol. 

+1 for 142 144 to be release in coin shop

Edited by SupremeDeity
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1 hour ago, SupremeDeity said:

The people who do not want 142 144 items release in coin shop because they are spamming LC and try to make as much coin as possible. They just want more time to make more coins, that is all. 

They dont really care about market lmao, they only care and worried about themselves and no the community lol. 

+1 for 142 144 to be release in coin shop

Well said.


+1 for 142-144 dnt to be up on coinshop


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2 hours ago, SupremeDeity said:

The people who do not want 142 144 items release in coin shop because they are spamming LC and try to make as much coin as possible. They just want more time to make more coins, that is all. 

They dont really care about market lmao, they only care and worried about themselves and no the community lol. 

+1 for 142 144 to be release in coin shop


The people who want 142 144 items release in coin shop because they are spamming LC and try to make as much item as possible. They just want more items to make more perfectizes and swaps, that is all. 


They dont really care about market lmao, they only care and worried about themselves and no the community lol. 


-1 for 142 144 to be release in coin shop

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4 minutes ago, xkintaro said:


The people who want 142 144 items release in coin shop because they are spamming LC and try to make as much item as possible. They just want more items to make more perfectizes and swaps, that is all. 


They dont really care about market lmao, they only care and worried about themselves and no the community lol. 


-1 for 142 144 to be release in coin shop

Just curious. When do you think is the appropriate time to release the items on dnt store? I'm very excited to hear your expert copy and paste opinion.

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1 minute ago, aruchan said:

Just curious. When do you think is the appropriate time to release the items on dnt store? I'm very excited to hear your expert copy and paste opinion.


When items 138~140 came out in the coin shop and the prices of the items dropped, I and several other players know that it was a mistake to release new items in the coin shop.


I'm against launching items in the coin shop, or perfectize when you have swap and it would be the same thing.


want items 142 144 currently worth 15kc 12kc selling at 6~7kc? mass devaluation of items and less reason to go hunt.

it's the same thing you're asking for.

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if items 142-144 come out in the coin shop it will end a lot of jobs. here people see items and coins as cash. this is already explicit, the team itself should be aware of it. (I personally prefer to buy from coin shoop for 10-15kc than pay 10-15kc for someone else. )


+1 for perfectice itens 142-144 


I totally support items 142-144 coming out to make it perfect in the coin shop (and 146 soon too. )

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there is a good side and a bad side of releasing perfectize from 142/144


Good: all items will have the same value.


bad: all items will have no value

Edited by Hulk

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2 hours ago, xkintaro said:


When items 138~140 came out in the coin shop and the prices of the items dropped, I and several other players know that it was a mistake to release new items in the coin shop.


I'm against launching items in the coin shop, or perfectize when you have swap and it would be the same thing.


want items 142 144 currently worth 15kc 12kc selling at 6~7kc? mass devaluation of items and less reason to go hunt.

it's the same thing you're asking for.

Lmao lets continue with the hyperbole. 6-7kc????? DNT items would cost at least 12-14kc each judging from current 138-140 prices in coin shop. Then you have to age it to +24. If all is smooth that would cost about 5-6kc per item. But yea MaSs DeVaLuAtIoN.


Less reason to hunt? Aren't people hunting for 146-148 everyday? Hit the jackpot and you are 50-90kc richer? 


I understand ego is a huge thing in this server. I'm not even requesting you to apply any critical thinking yet but god please apply some common sense before you all reply. 



1 hour ago, ivan0012 said:

if items 142-144 come out in the coin shop it will end a lot of jobs. here people see items and coins as cash. this is already explicit, the team itself should be aware of it. (I personally prefer to buy from coin shoop for 10-15kc than pay 10-15kc for someone else. )


+1 for perfectice itens 142-144 


I totally support items 142-144 coming out to make it perfect in the coin shop (and 146 soon too. )

Yep this is why they feel incredibly threatened and defensive about this. +1 again to releasing 142-144 dnt and perfectisation. -1 to 146-148 though obviously.

Edited by aruchan

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There is only one reason for -1.

Because 142+24 items like Staff etc wont be high price anymore.

144 Brac / Gaun wont be 10-14kc anymore.


But we still have to accept the fact that server is moving forward.

We have new items coming out. 146-148. ( you can always go EB to try your luck )


Edited by Hawaii2
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15 minutes ago, aruchan said:

Lmao lets continue with the hyperbole. 6-7kc????? DNT items would cost at least 12-14kc each judging from current 138-140 prices in coin shop. Then you have to age it to +24. If all is smooth that would cost about 5-6kc per item. But yea MaSs DeVaLuAtIoN.


Less reason to hunt? Aren't people hunting for 146-148 everyday? Hit the jackpot and you are 50-90kc richer? 


I understand ego is a huge thing in this server. I'm not even requesting you to apply any critical thinking yet but god please apply some common sense before you all reply. 



the price was an example, but it happened exactly in that proportion with the 136 items when the 140 came out in store.


not only the 146-148, some 144 is a good jackpot too, items 146~148 are not the only ones that are important in the new map, the biggest drop of items 142~144 is also, so there's no reason to put them in the coin shop either, it's already dropping more.

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3 hours ago, ivan0012 said:

if items 142-144 come out in the coin shop it will end a lot of jobs. here people see items and coins as cash. this is already explicit, the team itself should be aware of it. (I personally prefer to buy from coin shoop for 10-15kc than pay 10-15kc for someone else. )

Why aren't you replying to this? Conveniently ignoring this huh?



57 minutes ago, xkintaro said:


the price was an example, but it happened exactly in that proportion with the 136 items when the 140 came out in store.


not only the 146-148, some 144 is a good jackpot too, items 146~148 are not the only ones that are important in the new map, the biggest drop of items 142~144 is also, so there's no reason to put them in the coin shop either, it's already dropping more.


>the price was an example, but it happened exactly in that proportion with the 136 items when the 140 came out in store.


Ok so? Now give us your expert opinion for the pricing. Using your example, 136 items tanked when 138-140 came into the store. Yes. It happened.  The new items in coin shop would likely be priced around what I mentioned and aging 142-144 would be anything but cheap. It would most definitely drop but 'MaSs DeVaLuAtIoN' LOL. Now we have 146-148 dropping at a very steady rate of one new item every 2-3 days since release. Compared to when SS came out, it took 3 full months before we saw the first 142 weapon (spear iirc).  If using all your arguments that it is ALrEaDy DrOpPInG A lOt InGaMe, Those are still drop stats and not DNT so the price difference would still be there. Your 'MaSs DeVaLuAtIoN' is already in effect. But Coin shop would offer DNT stats for players willing to pay.  It would still not be cheap to pay and age an 142-144 item to +24. All in all its still gonna cost more than a pretty penny to get a full set dnt 142-144. But sadly the money won't be going into your IRL pocket ?




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All I want is to be free to change my class and take my items with me as I can't find similar one in every corner.


+1 for perfectize items on coin shop.


Any heads up on this matter @Overlady?

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1 hour ago, ChocolateTeapot said:

All I want is to be free to change my class and take my items with me as I can't find similar one in every corner.


+1 for perfectize items on coin shop.


Any heads up on this matter @Overlady?

Another good reason why we should allow 142-144 perfectisation. This would definitely help for people who wants to change classes. Its so tough to change classes when your items arent perf and cannot swap to another class's items.

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It is already clear that the divergence of opinion, we have workers taking money at -1 and we have normal players at +1 this is the fact.
the difference is simple the game from what I understand does not allow you to sell items and etc for money or illegal market, but the administration obviously can't catch everyone or even turns a blind eye, in my view these players ruin the game of who just wants to play calmly and equip their characters, if it's to add items 142-144 in the store and these players leave the game I hope that happens, and that those who really like to have fun stay.

Are you in the mood for free money, go to the new NFT to hit rocks =]


Edited by thalysson
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Well, reading all the comments, I did not find enough arguments not to put the 142/4 articles in coinshop.


I also think that some people take lightly or abuse the term ''break the market'', as this is not the case for that, the economics of the game is more complex than this particular case.

I think it would be good to continue with the custom of placing the old generation of items in the coin-shop, I suppose that the people who want to keep the value of those prices are people who want to keep their hunting profitability higher, but they are still inaccessible for the average player, in this case.


I think it's more worth taking that step to stabilize the prices of those items a bit, and continue with the market for new items (which are falling very fast xd), I also think it would help positively to the profitability of the game that the players spend those coins in the coin-shop, and thus the staff can cover with more personnel in highly saturated areas of work that they have now.


That's my opinion and I give +1 to the suggestion of this topic.

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9 hours ago, aruchan said:

The new items in coin shop would likely be priced around what I mentioned


how can you know for sure?


9 hours ago, aruchan said:

If using all your arguments that it is ALrEaDy DrOpPInG A lOt InGaMe, Those are still drop stats and not DNT so the price difference would still be there


it would be a MaSs DeVaLuAtIoN yes, because most of the in-game items are "drop" and not donations, and people tend to pay more for dnt items, am i lying about this?


just see 140 dnt items and drop items:


sw drop = 4.5~5kc

sw dnt = 7kc


9 hours ago, aruchan said:

If using all your arguments that it is ALrEaDy DrOpPInG A lOt InGaMe, Those are still drop stats and not DNT so the price difference would still be there. Your 'MaSs DeVaLuAtIoN' is already in effect. But Coin shop would offer DNT stats for players willing to pay.  It would still not be cheap to pay and age an 142-144 item to +24. All in all its still gonna cost more than a pretty penny to get a full set dnt 142-144. But sadly the money won't be going into your IRL pocket ?


everyone who is full 144 bought and ran after dropping the items, now just because new items have been released and naturally more items will drop 144 and devalue, launching the same items in the coin shop is obviously that the price of existing items will drop in game that are mostly drop, exactly like i showed in the price of the 140 dnt/drop;

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On 6/22/2022 at 10:53 AM, Hawaii2 said:

Well said.


+1 for 142-144 dnt to be up on coinshop


Yep couldnt agree more. The argument seems totally 1 sided for people farming coins. They wan market stagnant so they could use old items to benefit their pocket instead of providing constructive feedbacks to help game move forward. Help the community, not urself. #onwardstonextphase

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