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Does "no engrish" really translate to "I can take over this spawn and ks you" and does everyone "ask for party" by KSing you then standing in the middle of the spawn on these servers?

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Yep pretty much that's how it works on lower level map.


Once you get to 110 + it stops happening, because people actually care about getting ban.

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Well i allways ask first no matter what level i am  ;)


that is usually the right thing to do. some people however seems to have the need to demonstrate their killing ability prior to asking for pt.

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or worse, they see u killing in spaw come kill the moobs, u say "no ks/no pt/solo here" and they keepind intere giving pt to u...

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ksing happens alot here. Mostly what you say is true they come up asking for party then if you don't say anything or say no they will stand in your spawn and kill your monsters. Happens all the time to me. I just say no and leave. Then i come back a few minutes later and they are gone. I'm just 100 lvl so i got a few more levels to go myself to get rid of those guys. Its kinda funny i think though those guys do it just to mess with you and i usally teleport out and leave them there and go somewhere else.

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the fun part is when people come try to ks and can't handle the spawn = death to ks'er muahahaha D8<


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Actually no matter what level you are there will always be retards coming to ks you even in ET3. Look at the ksing reports. The ksers themselves say "No KS!", "You ks me!", "This my spawn =]" and other kinds of bullshit. And when some of them get banned they will post defence topics to act innocent.

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Actually no matter what level you are there will always be retards coming to ks you even in ET3. Look at the ksing reports. The ksers themselves say "No KS!", "You ks me!", "This my spawn =]" and other kinds of bullshit. And when some of them get banned they will post defence topics to act innocent.


ET3 is a hunt map, in which people run all over the place. I can see why there are more KS reports since people always leave their spawn and come back.


If people post defense topics, and they are approved then they aren't acting.


Just a few weeks ago some idiot left his spawn, so I took it over. Then they called me a kser. They honestly believed it was their spawn, which I don't blame them. However according to Wartale rules once you leave the spawn even for a minute, it's no longer your spawn.



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Spawns have no owner


You got the right to use them as long as you stay on them and nobody else was there before :D

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the fun part is when people come try to ks and can't handle the spawn = death to ks'er muahahaha D8<


yeah thats great.. when that happens to me i like to try and make the mob follow me to the kser so they can kill him LOL

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It's wrong, but I would get prst in guild to heal the mob they were trying to KS until they died, ran out of pots or gave up.

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