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Set minium level requirement for entering BC on Athena

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I know this suggestion has been raised previously by ska but why until now it has not be implemented.

"Set minium level requirement for entering BC on Athena" PLZ

I reckon it must be  implemented ASAP to prevent HACKER on BC.

Min LEVEL IS 120+.

For lower level characters, please go to BC on Hades or Zues.

BTW,  to report hacker on trade chat, I MUST write down  T>H.A.C.K.E.R ON BC .. how annoying  >:(




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I know this suggestion has been raised previously by ska but why until now it has not be implemented.

"Set minium level requirement for entering BC on Athena" PLZ

I reckon it must be  implemented ASAP to prevent HACKER on BC.

Min LEVEL IS 120+.

For lower level characters, please go to BC on Hades or Zues.

BTW,  to report hacker on trade chat, I MUST write down  T>H.A.C.K.E.R ON BC .. how annoying  >:(


ask to ur friends stop to use hack ( u know what i mean  ;) )

MH /wings clan ofc :)

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oh..i think my post on townsquare section ..not on whining section. :o

btw..i dont see ur clannis on bc anylonger?? worry to lose bp???



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I know this suggestion has been raised previously by ska but why until now it has not be implemented.

"Set minium level requirement for entering BC on Athena" PLZ

I reckon it must be  implemented ASAP to prevent HACKER on BC.

Min LEVEL IS 120+.

For lower level characters, please go to BC on Hades or Zues.

BTW,  to report hacker on trade chat, I MUST write down  T>H.A.C.K.E.R ON BC .. how annoying  >:(


ask to ur friends stop to use hack ( u know what i mean  ;) )

MH /wings clan ofc :)


This is a big slander, i think GM need to review on this if no proof from this stupid guy.


As previous topic, someone can not accept lose in BC and often accuse others hackers. Pity boy.


Best Regards from Wings, kitkid

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This is not a report, so nobody has to bring anything to here.


Interesting this statement about losing on BC. If I'm not wrong someone was trashtalking too much on BC and challenged me on 1vs1 match betting accounts, lost and never paid... oh, that was you!


So how do you ask people to recognize their loss when you can't recognize yours?


Enough hypocrisy, kid.

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This is not a report, so nobody has to bring anything to here.


Interesting this statement about losing on BC. If I'm not wrong someone was trashtalking too much on BC and challenged me on 1vs1 match betting accounts, lost and never paid... oh, that was you!


So how do you ask people to recognize their loss when you can't recognize yours?


Enough hypocrisy, kid.


Haha, only one word to you, where is your acc??? ;D ;D ;D ;D.

Bye bye forever.

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Up your butt, maybe?


Give it time... weren't you banned, multiple times?


At least I can say I never got banned under cheating accusation. Can you say the same? 8)

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Up your butt, maybe?


Give it time... weren't you banned, multiple times?


At least I can say I never got banned under cheating accusation. Can you say the same? 8)


Sry, no hacker, no cheater of me forever, i can say. Keep post unban in forum. No Gm will review your info:) Do u think u will get respect? No, never.:) Challenge Gm will have shit result. Stop discuss shit and be a man to be here. If you can get back your acc, go to the BC, our clan waiting for you:)


My all words ends here. Again, Where is your acc???Bye. ;D ;D ;D

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No GM review my info hahahahaha yeaaaaaa. As if they could hahahaha.

Getting respect from? You? I got to laugh even more. I got respect from who I want, because I respect who deserve. That's why people who are not my friends and even some wich had several discussions and fights support me somehow. You don't have it ;)

I don't get this challenging GM thing. Are you high or something?


Keep waiting on BC, but wait alone 8) "our clan" is too much people. And believe me, I am coming.

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Not to intrude or anything but this is rediculous, you sound like to little 5 year olds fighting over a toy. If you both made a bet you should both hold your word or grow up and stop whinning, this game was made to have fun I recall not to have children Like yourselves arguing about something that REALY isn't a big deal, I hope one of you will man up. no disrespect intended.

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Not to intrude or anything but this is rediculous, you sound like to little 5 year olds fighting over a toy. If you both made a bet you should both hold your word or grow up and stop whinning, this game was made to have fun I recall not to have children Like yourselves arguing about something that REALY isn't a big deal, I hope one of you will man up. no disrespect intended.

Word is a big deal for me. My account aswell. So yea, this is all about big deals.

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Yes people like that are shunned not much you can do, unless... you know were they live. :o But ya I know how you feel Gogg, obiously he is not a man.

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Enough shit !!!!!


I made this topic to suggest better way for stopping hacker on BC .

I did not make this topic for whining players spam on my post.



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