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1h sword + shield or 2h sword?

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i'm wondering whether i should use 1h sword + shield or 2h sword. 'cause i have read some topic that dv shield only works when i use a shield. :|


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isn't it kinda obvious divine shield only works with a shield? lmfao..


anyways almost all knights have both..


but I guess 2h is a must :)

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Either way divine shield doesn't give you back hp via undead attacks so don't bother with it and go godly shield.

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so 2h sword only use for pvp/hunt, we'll use sword + shield when we train lvl, right ?


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First Active Godly shield, after that change to 2h SW, u don't receive abs bonus, but u gonna receive block% Add(Since ur sword has block% hahaha).


If somebody Doubt me, just test (first go with 2H without buff)

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Only Godly Shield ABSORPTION work with 2 Hands. But block rate doesn't.



Neither Divine or Godly Shield Block works with 2 Hand.

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r u right it's abs???


it's not make sense to me...


can u explain to me "link"??

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r u right it's abs???


it's not make sense to me...


can u explain to me "link"??




Godly Shield reduce 25% of incomming damage, regardless if you have a weapon, a shield, a dagger, a bow. You just need a shield to cast the buff.


But, its chain effect (100% block rate from Divine Shield), only works when you're using a shield. This means you wont have any block rate increase when using a 2 handed sword.

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r u right it's abs???


it's not make sense to me...


can u explain to me "link"??




Godly Shield reduce 25% of incomming damage, regardless if you have a weapon, a shield, a dagger, a bow. You just need a shield to cast the buff.


But, its chain effect (100% block rate from Divine Shield), only works when you're using a shield. This means you wont have any block rate increase when using a 2 handed sword.


now i understand !! cool thx!!

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1st of all, GODLY SHIELD IS EFFECTED when u use 2 sw .

Make a simple test in Dead Island. 2 hand with Godly shield and 2 hand witout godlyshield

You will see the huge different when tank

The second thing, Before Godly shield 100% block rate of Divine shield BUT NOW

Godlyshield is "Blocking rate of shield 100% chain" (Read the description of skill In game not on web). It means now GoShield is boost 100% block rate of your shield now (Only effect when u use shield and 1 hand sw)

You can test when use shield with buff and without buff in DI (Try to lure 5 mobs and tank) you will see. Beside the HP drop slower it also appear more block. Check it out. Thanks

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