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As 160 Naked = 47kc SOLD


All As items:


- Bow 138 +24 drop -0-0-5 = 5kc SOLD

- Bow 142 +24 drop -0-0-8 (with red socket extended) = 11kc SOLD

- Brac and gaunt hell bsol = 500c/each SOLD

- Draxos boots bsol def 333, abs 32, speed 11.9, spec speed 2.2, spec abs 1.6 = 27kc SOLD

- Amulet 138 drop per, throne ring dnt x2, throne sheltom dnt (300 def) all bsol = 6kc SOLD

- Shield 55 dnt bsol = 500c SOLD

- Triadic earing +1 (x2) = 1.5kc/each SOLD

- Cuepy per block, per speed, abs 22.3, def 391 bsol = 2kc SOLD

- Perum amor female with pink dye = 1.6kc SOLD

- Perum amor female defaut dye = 1.1kc SOLD

- Lum helmet with pink dye = 6kc SOLD

- Lum bow 1h with pink dye +14 = 1kc

- Heavy Anklet Epic spec (total 15 speed) = 600c SOLD





Inbox me, thank you!

Edited by thichlam2010

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