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PVP tips and strategies for wars ( bless Castle)

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From years of experience i have seen it all, here are a few tips and strategies that i have found to be useful in bless castle map BC wars. 



1. stick with your team, your enemy will try to separate you . in bc there's the center, left side, right side. If you are defending bless castle your enemy will most likely try to separate you. If they are successful in separating you then they will be able to weaken you because the few that got separated will now be vulnerable to hard attacks. So stick with your team mates and stay together.



2. Don't chase your enemy, let your enemy come to you. your enemy wants you to chase them so they can ambush with their team  while you are alone. letting the enemy come to you is much more efficient. 



3. Prioritize Rangers , rangers should be your number 1 priority when in BC wars , they need to be executed as soon as possible before they cause serious damage to the team. Rangers capabilities are amazing and when they are left alone they can make alot of kills and assists from distance so its important to remember to focus  on these rangers immediately .. as soon as they enter danger soon you have to be 100% focused on them. 



4. I notice people like to use their own mules for party buffs , while that may be the most convenient way because you get buffs faster and you dont need to keep asking people for buffs and having to wait this method is a relaxing game play but in wars its much better to party with your clan mates to take advantage of all the party buffs while in combat. Shaman speed , extra evade the list goes on... these small buffs are vital in combat. So if you can try to party with your clan mates who are in the war that would be a better option








These are just a few things that i think are important during wars , if anyone else wants to add some more tips that would be great!! 

Edited by Boogieman
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-Use all your debuffs anytime it is available, the right use of debuffs makes a big difference.

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On 7/11/2022 at 9:39 PM, kenibok said:

or no strategy and just play pike lol

That's why every SW we see magic/rangers staring, and not pikes.

Ironically, classes such as prs/mgs/ss especially, their strength isn't truly shown in the ranking due to their debuffs to enemies/ support buff to allies, yet in general, they stand at the top of the list.

Edited by TigerShark22
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study everything kom/wtf does, pay close attention, and do everything backwards, the result is a :195_crown: of bless 

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Strategy is great but you also need numbers  in Siege Wars as Hit Points is counted.

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not much strategy, only numbers.

more people = win


karma = BR clan, claim to be international clan, but international people there has no power or leadership

MIB = BR clan


WTF = VN clan, claim to be international, but international people there has no power or leadership

KOM = VN clan


who has more people (allies) who win. 30 people cannot win SW against 60 people. With strategy or not.

Get more allies. Forever allies, more ally, plus more allies, AND more allies.

Ally is the only strategy. 


There is no strategy. Only Allies. Only numbers. Allies are the strategy.

Yeah sarcasm, but the truth, for many years.


before you argue against my sarcasm. Go somehow check Chat Log History in game for the past many years. Go check Whatsapp and many other social Apps Chat History.

Go see all your clan leaders all days finding allies. That is all they do. That is all their strategy.

'Hello bro'




done. one more ally in SW.

Naruto: talk no jutsu


incase you never watched Naruto:

It allows him to cause a change of heart in an enemy and turn them into either an ally or a friend. A very important prerequisite for this technique to work is that Naruto must either relate to his opponent or sympathize with them. (quote from internet)




From years of experience i have seen it all, here are a few tips and strategies that i have found to be useful in bless castle map BC wars. 

From years of experience I too have seen it all, here are a few tips and strategies that I too have found to be useful in bless castle map BC wars. 


1. add people into your friend list, talk to them about PvP and SW.


2. if they are interested, add them into your Whatsapp or whatever social apps. Try your best to be friendly and make friends.


3. brainwash them through Talk no Jutsu, how evil or disgusting your enemies are, set up a 'common enemy' for your Allies.


'KOM killed us in PvP and SW. KOM is our enemies.'

'Bro, Karma is our enemy kill Karma ok.'

'Need your help SW kill MIB ok.'




4. repeat step 1. 2. and 3. and make more allies.


5. give them candies before SW starts. some Sol Force, Sacred Star, Giraffe Hat, Sheep Hat or any.


6. win Crown go take some photos. no Win go back repeat above steps.


Trust me. My advice is better than yours, even though I'm sh1tposting. Number wins all.



Talk > Wars.

Thank your for reading.


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On 7/14/2022 at 1:27 AM, moobie1988 said:

Strategy is great but you also need numbers  in Siege Wars as Hit Points is counted.



For siege war yes, numbers is important because its a game of points during siege war. I think what would be an interesting implementation is changing something about siege war where you don't need the most amount of players to win. Getting all 60 members to siege war weekly on a Sunday too is challenging. if the victory of siege war is dependent on having 60 full members attending then the clan who is always full clan will win.



But what if there was a way that lets say clans with 30-40 members can win , maybe different systems in siege that give a opportunity to these clans to compete. Not sure how but it would be cool

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3 hours ago, sell_only said:

not much strategy, only numbers.

more people = win


karma = BR clan, claim to be international clan, but international people there has no power or leadership

MIB = BR clan


WTF = VN clan, claim to be international, but international people there has no power or leadership

KOM = VN clan


who has more people (allies) who win. 30 people cannot win SW against 60 people. With strategy or not.

Get more allies. Forever allies, more ally, plus more allies, AND more allies.

Ally is the only strategy. 


There is no strategy. Only Allies. Only numbers. Allies are the strategy.

Yeah sarcasm, but the truth, for many years.


before you argue against my sarcasm. Go somehow check Chat Log History in game for the past many years. Go check Whatsapp and many other social Apps Chat History.

Go see all your clan leaders all days finding allies. That is all they do. That is all their strategy.

'Hello bro'




done. one more ally in SW.

Naruto: talk no jutsu


incase you never watched Naruto:

It allows him to cause a change of heart in an enemy and turn them into either an ally or a friend. A very important prerequisite for this technique to work is that Naruto must either relate to his opponent or sympathize with them. (quote from internet)



From years of experience I too have seen it all, here are a few tips and strategies that I too have found to be useful in bless castle map BC wars. 


1. add people into your friend list, talk to them about PvP and SW.


2. if they are interested, add them into your Whatsapp or whatever social apps. Try your best to be friendly and make friends.


3. brainwash them through Talk no Jutsu, how evil or disgusting your enemies are, set up a 'common enemy' for your Allies.


'KOM killed us in PvP and SW. KOM is our enemies.'

'Bro, Karma is our enemy kill Karma ok.'

'Need your help SW kill MIB ok.'




4. repeat step 1. 2. and 3. and make more allies.


5. give them candies before SW starts. some Sol Force, Sacred Star, Giraffe Hat, Sheep Hat or any.


6. win Crown go take some photos. no Win go back repeat above steps.


Trust me. My advice is better than yours, even though I'm sh1tposting. Number wins all.



Talk > Wars.

Thank your for reading.


I played this game more than a decade and i couldnt agree more lol... Funny, yes but deep down its true.


Back in the day, strategy works! But now, whoever has more Ally ( most important), has better equips and levels win.

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