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* Sell Itens*
S> 154 SS 3 relics Babel, VAL, Mkv 20kc offer
S> Claw 142 =2.5kc
S> L shild = 2gb
S> Greedy Gaunt As 2kc -2-0
S> shild ps 140 clean= 250kk
S> bracel Hell ms mix = 500c 
S> Gaunt Ks 140 bsol Drop= 1.7kc
S> bracel 140 bsol As 1.5kc
S> Boot As 140 bsol 1.5kc
S> Guide As 94 hp 400kk 
S> Guide Ass 94 hp 400kk
S> Runa ks e As 500c
S> Lc Axe 1h 300c
S> Lc Bow 1h 300c
S> Lc SW +15 600c 
S> Jav 142 -0-0  5kc 
S> 2 Val ring As 2.9 abs 350kk each
S> Kel amulet 350kk good stats 
S> Dg Shelton As 400kk
S> Val ring Ms 350kk
S> Ph 142+24 -0-0 11kc
S> Boot Dnt 140 bsol 3kc
S> Gaunt ss 140 bsol 1.5
S> Bracel 106 dnt bsol Ss 300c 
S> 2x Val ring SS mix 700kk
S> 2x Grace+1 SS 1kc
S> DGs SS 400kk

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