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Signatures by Derek

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6 hours ago, MadTale said:

guys wait till i afk for 5 minutes to post something so they don't get insatantly headcutted again akakakakakkakaka 🤣when i'm online they stay behind the line AKAKAKAKKAKAKAK imma not sleep today, will stay here until you all go sleep first ❤️


"look guys he's off now it's the time to post something gogogogogo"


"oh sh't dude came back real fast, **** this...."

bro still at it since 2022 and ur still here tryna harass ? 
clearly the creator of this post said he has been doin this for his friends and wanna share this to others (willingly) just respect the hustle, it does not harm you and ur creative juice if he is tryna hustle for himself and for his time regardless what skill level he is. u are a true definition of a shallow artist. if ur really butthurt for him tryna do something why not do it urself ? u wanna do it for free? do it for free ! but what u are doing my man is just pure projection of ur hate. u need to touch grass my man.


Edited by PoAvenue
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4 hours ago, MadTale said:

Isn't Karma a clan in game? 


For momment I was expecting a full clan cry or something.


Now I understand you are expecting life itself to charge me for something.


The crime: I did not mixed my words with chocolate 🤡


I wish you good luck lmao

If the word "toxicity" is a person, that would be you. Time to grow, your not a kid anymore.

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4 hours ago, PoAvenue said:

bro still at it since 2022 and ur still here tryna harass ? 
clearly the creator of this post said he has been doin this for his friends and wanna share this to others (willingly) just respect the hustle, it does not harm you and ur creative juice if he is tryna hustle for himself and for his time regardless what skill level he is. u are a true definition of a shallow artist. if ur really butthurt for him tryna do something why not do it urself ? u wanna do it for free? do it for free ! but what u are doing my man is just pure projection of ur hate. u need to touch grass my man.


dude charges 400% the price of pro signature maker to deliver 10% the quality. only this is part is already insanity. and then you check and he is surrounded by people "buying it", but all of them are close friends (fake demmand).


considering i am free, that i hate fake stuff, that i hate low quality crap, that i hate people tryna deceive others, that this dude once tried to confront me in the past (bought a fight that will last longer than it was expecting, but this is 100% his problem and consequences of his choices)....


considering all these factors you guys can 100% count with both my foots right in your faces.


and man, believe, i touch grass whenever i want, not only grass but sand, water, even weed. just take a look at where i do it: it's called "place of the moon".



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J.Snow @lavanm221282 asked for a perum-like edit !! working on the others 😛



Edited by kenibok
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2 hours ago, kenibok said:

J.Snow @lavanm221282 asked for a perum-like edit !! working on the others 😛



Got it, tks bro! ^^

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@kenibok 1 order of Pike class Perum-like edit also when you have the time bro. :D

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On 3/5/2024 at 7:22 PM, MadTale said:


look this topic and check some things:

- how much a LEGENDARY signature maker charges for a signature

- how big is the volume of TRUE demmand

- how many likes/feedback has the topic NATURALLY


this topic is more like an old cheat i know, where someone is doing some kind of sh't to trick others and they create fake demmand so SOMEONE will eventually step the trap because of the fake demmand that deceives people to think that thing is awesome for some reason or at least worth making a test. but it's a trap and everyone is cheater. 


i am not born yesterday, and i don't like fakeness.


lol 🤣  

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