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mage does not defend with a staff

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why is the mage the only class that can't hit and defend with a staff?

I currently have a mage 155 full 140+24 and he dies with 2 slaps, even using virtual life from prs it's impossible to play staff.

It's unfair for all classes to play with 2-handed attack items and the mage can't. 

Edited by Alef153
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Try player with a archer in 2hand, the fighter with a 2h axe

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On 8/24/2022 at 4:11 PM, xkintaro said:

Try player with a archer in 2hand, the fighter with a 2h axe


Edited by Alef
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1 hour ago, Alef said:



you managed to prove that the class that has more HP only needs one VL to tank decently, try make the same video without vl, the fs will suffer much more.


the game is not balanced for mid game experience, but for full items people in the end game.

the mage in question of the topic


compare a fs 155 with a mage 155, same items, and test on the last map and dg, who tanks more.

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I don't know if you read the topic carefully. the mage level 155 full 140, using the same VL as this video FS, the mage can be worse than the vl fs. even the staff mage using vl he can't hold 1 bakan

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4 minutes ago, Alef said:

I don't know if you read the topic carefully. the mage level 155 full 140, using the same VL as this video FS, the mage can be worse than the vl fs. even the staff mage using vl he can't hold 1 bakan


11 minutes ago, xkintaro said:

compare a fs 155 with a mage 155, same items, and test on the last map and dg, who tanks more.


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2 minutos atrás, xkintaro disse:



compared to 2h items, fs defends more

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35 minutes ago, Alef said:

compared to 2h items, fs defends more

Mage dies in 4-5 hits depends on lvl/gears/relic, just like fs at 1v1.

Did you use Energy Shield?

Or do you use a boss set?


Also count at how he tanks mass mobs with 1h- at that he can even compete a knight.

( When at LC he even wins).


Or who has the highest AOE damage?



Edited by TigerShark22

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16 minutes ago, TigerShark22 said:

Mage morre em 4-5 hits depende de lvl/gears/relíquia, assim como fs em 1v1.

Você usou Energy Shield?

Ou você usa um conjunto de chefes?


Também conte como ele tanques multidões em massa com 1h- em que ele pode até mesmo competir um cavaleiro.

( Quando na LC ele até ganha).


Ou quem tem o maior dano aoe?



crying with 4/5 hits maybe in sl, ss and eb dies easier.
in up 1x1, it's a matter of defending a lot of orb, ks also defends a lot of shield, just doesn't defend when it receives poison. in lc a kina of the same level and equipped was doing better as a tank, remembering that the mage's energy shield doesn't work when the mp runs out.

It is worth remembering that the mage is the second character who most deferred to tank.

I invite you to make a video of mage tanking from staff in ss or eb.

I tested fs, ks and mg on eb, all using item 2h, equipped equally and using VL.

The mg killing the rathir every 1 attack against the rathir he used 1 pot hp.

The ks used a maximum of 2 pot of hp during the death of the rathir.

The fs used more pot hp than the ks, but the up is still very comfortable.

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so u want ranger can tank like melee???


don't use drug when posting bro :)))


if u need to compare, test in mgs, prs, as ,ata and auto ms


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On 9/1/2022 at 1:06 AM, anhducbm said:

so u want ranger can tank like melee???


don't use drug when posting bro :)))


if u need to compare, test in mgs, prs, as ,ata and auto ms



make a video for comparison and show us

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mage is the worst class to be seeing in ingame being that the team does not manifest anything about the character, mage could tanka more he is the only one who suffers a lot in all maps from beginning to end loses a lot of mp could reverse this situation is everyone help to improve the characters more here only we see fight on top of fight

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On 8/23/2022 at 6:54 PM, Alef153 said:

por que o mago é a única classe que não pode acertar e defender com um cajado?

Atualmente tenho um mago 155 full 140+24 e ele morre com 2 tapas, mesmo usando vida virtual de prs é impossível jogar pessoal.

É injusto que todas as classes joguem com itens de ataque de 2 mãos e o mago não pode. 

FS is Paper man .. MG and FS have problems with itens 2h =(

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Server Full of Mage because Mage is soooo bad... 


Make a Video and show us how you play your Mage with what Build and Items and VL too. 


Mage have also a nice Pet too that work atleast in SS. Not like SL but much better then Hellion. 

Mage never miss and is also not based on critical hits like FS

For 1vs1 you dont need high lvl brace. You can use Energy Shield + VL = 36% Damage Reduction. Put 200 Points into health and see. 


Mage also need to Pot much less Mana and Stamina, he has tons of it. This you also forget


Mage from lvl 1 to lvl 170 can almost play AFK

Even SS he can do without tank i saw alot already

with tank Mage can go naked just using staff

Never get splash damage or anything

Never miss

Tons of Mana and Stamina

His skill also kills in Area,  many mobs



And the list goes on if you want.. 


What do you want more???? 

Edited by DeadlyWarrior
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On 8/24/2022 at 5:54 AM, Alef153 said:

why is the mage the only class that can't hit and defend with a staff?

I currently have a mage 155 full 140+24 and he dies with 2 slaps, even using virtual life from prs it's impossible to play staff.

It's unfair for all classes to play with 2-handed attack items and the mage can't. 

Just use Fire elemental to tank for you. That's the most basic thing to do. Mage DPS is not that bad though.

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On 10/25/2022 at 10:09 PM, disable1000 said:

Just use Fire elemental to tank for you. That's the most basic thing to do. Mage DPS is not that bad though.

want good defense attack with a bracelet.106 110

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mage 155 full 140+24 and he dies with 2 slaps

because 2-hand, u lose Orb. Orb gives alot HP. Also alot Defense, so monsters hit u and no damage.

switch to 2-hand, what's ur hp? 900? with VL = 1100+. Same as Archer.

Only STR classes have more hp with 2-hand.


Mage 2-hand = Archer with Bow.

sure die in 2 hits.

Think that way.


All STR classes = Melee

All Spirit / Agility classes = Range

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