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157 fighter 

140 armor +24 dnt

140 shield +24 dnt

142 axe +24 0-0-3

138 axe +24 0-0-2

140 bracer bsol dnt

140 gaunt bsol 98% perf

140 boot bsol 98% perf

Boss set 2 bsol dnt

2x grace earing nice stat


152 shaman 78%

140 robe +12 nice stat

140 orb +10 nice stat

138 ph bsol 0-0

Hell bracer bsol

Hell gaunt bsol

140 boots bsol 98% perf

Throne amu/sheltom bsm

2x luci ring ss/ms bsm

2x Triadic earing 





All char have snow deer ? w/ equip

Fs exp potion activate


Fighter Open to trade in knight 158+ full, shaman open to trade in ms full tank leave ur message here


Edited by MrGreen

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Douglas Blanco
On 27/08/2022 at 14:32, MrGreen said:

157 lutador 

140 armadura +24 dnt

140 escudo +24 dnt

142 machado +24 0-0-3

138 machado +24 0-0-2

140 braçadeiras bsol dnt

140 gaunt bsol 98% perf

140 boot bsol 98% perf

Boss set 2 bsol dnt

2x Grace Earing Nice Stats


152 xamã 78%

140 manto +12 bela estatística

140 orb +10 estatísticas legais

138 ph bsol 0-0

braçadeira do inferno bsol

Inferno esquelético bsol

140 botas bsol 98% perf

Trono amu/sheltom bsm

2x anel luci ss/ms bsm

2x brinco triádico 





Todos os personagens têm cervos da neve ?com equipamento

Fs exp potion ativar


Fighter Aberto para troca em knight 158+ full, shaman aberto para troca em ms full tank deixe sua mensagem aqui


Vende o xamã? Cheio 

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