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Power MS Buff pls

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+1 MS is almost disappear from this game. Only for tank now. No one power, auto still have less, but slowest killer.

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On 8/31/2022 at 9:02 PM, Nightlord said:

Mech has been used as or tank or auto for far too long now, its impossible to be power mech nowdays. We deal almost no damage and take too much damage for no defensive skills at all, this without consider that t5 skill 99% of time just miss.

My suggestion is to not remove all the defense buffs of ms when he is with maximize active but half their effect. Exemple if an tank skill gives you 60% more defense, when maximize is activated this value goes to 30%, it will give a fair defense for ms power and make it useful at least.


hope yall agreed or have anything to add, i miss using hammer xD


Regards~~ Nightlord

+1 at PvE.

Yet only metal armor, not trine shield.

Edited by TigerShark22

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After obliterate released - not so usefull for PVE - i guess the best way now for PowerMS is to add more damage to Sparkshield when using Maximize. Thats the only option i see. anyways PowerMS will be Boring no way to fix this when you can play KS, FS, PS, AS, ATA, SS, MGS, PRS


MS will always be the last Option


Thanks for reading

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I'm power!! O.o 

I'm alive!! 

If devs maybe decide buff mech, they don't need nerf. 

Enough nerfs in this game!!


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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Maybe Physical Abs could work alongside maximize, I agree that Ms is not really tanker outside of trine shield/metal armor, but his damage is nothing especial with max.

In fact, we have better hybrid classes, both knight and Mage being the peak of PvE DPS/tank balance.

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5 hours ago, AnJoS said:

I'm power!! O.o 

I'm alive!! 

One of the few warriors still standing

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nowadays AutoMS only works at higher levels.  this is due to its damage source being target.  Don't get me wrong, I think AutoMs is pretty good the way it is.  What I want is the chance to leveling an AutoMs from the lowest levels and for that AoE damage is needed.  My suggestion here is to allow using Spark with Bows and Javelins.  Remembering that this suggestion only applies to PvE.  if by any chance you think this will affect PvP, you could split Spark's damage the same way you split the damage of some skills in the game

 PvE - just as it is

 PvP - Less Damage.


As far as i know Auto Mechs use Agility Points to rise ATK RTG, right?


Since ATK RTG is kinda useless for Spark, you can put some points on STR stats and use better gears like Armors, Shields, Gloves, Boots, Bracelets,etc...that will rise a lot your Defensive Stats than a common AutoMs plus Str stat rise your HP too


Using Javs you'll be able to use Xshield / Spark Shield/ Trine Shield (maybe?) + compulsion + Spheres. A good defensive buffs that will help you  lot.


About the DMG. I don't think it will be too OP like a Ks and Fs ( vortex and lightning sw). Since the % of spark dmg is too low. AutoMS have a hight atk pow than power Ms but Impulsion (main skill for Power Ms) have a higher dmg than spark. I think this little "rework" on spark will bring some "solo potential" that MS never had.


The true lovers about MS still trying Power Mech to levelling 'cause have a good dmg, but c'mon man. only 25 mobs per hit? Even FS with that tiny ciclone can hit 100 mobs per hit. Nowadays ANY class can finish Daily quests 11x faster than MS. I hope that suggestion will help a lot of players

MS need this buff


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You guys simply do not realize the situation. 


First, you guys want MS to be tankier. Second, you guys want power MS to have more damage (and i agree).


BUT,  you guys also want AUTO MS to be stronger, even playable from lvl 1.


Please understand, you guys are trying to have a super tanker + a super pve dps both in same class. Wtf dudes ????


There are some consequences when such a thing happens. First, ms class and ALL ms spec gears gets overpriced vs any other class/spec. And second, server gets completely dominated by MS players. Because MS simply better than anything else. 


AutoMS is a cancer. If i was adm i would delete precision skill from game in my first day 100%...


Only way to boost power MS without creating another MS Tale era is nerfing/removing auto ms build.

Edited by MadTale
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8 hours ago, MadTale said:

You guys simply do not realize the situation. 


First, you guys want MS to be tankier. Second, you guys want power MS to have more damage (and i agree).


BUT,  you guys also want AUTO MS to be stronger, even playable from lvl 1.


Please understand, you guys are trying to have a super tanker + a super pve dps both in same class. Wtf dudes ????


There are some consequences when such a thing happens. First, ms class and ALL ms spec gears gets overpriced vs any other class/spec. And second, server gets completely dominated by MS players. Because MS simply better than anything else. 


AutoMS is a cancer. If i was adm i would delete precision skill from game in my first day 100%...


Only way to boost power MS without creating another MS Tale era is nerfing/removing auto ms build.

The way you're talking sounds like it's easy and cheap to play as Power and as Auto, and making It soung like autoMS is great at everything. He's only decent at hitting mobs 1v1(Which was the only content in the game at MStale era). Now we have dungeons, Warmode, and a bunch more stuff to come, that autoMS sucks at.


The class were build to be hybrid playstyle. It used to be the best tanker of all classes(still is), has a decent dps as power but autoMS didn't evolve to be useful on latest contents of the game(Etherborn and dungeons)


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