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Wartale Journal - What you think about...?

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For this Edition, the Wartale Journal gone to the "street" to ask to a few people what they think abou the Tier 5...





leodmv says:

I liked of the skills released so far. I think there’s a great concern by the Staff and the Players because of the balance of the game as the skills of T5 are released. I don’t really like of some skills because they don’t have any feature with the style of the Character, like Archer and her Phoenix Blessing.

But I think when all skills are released and working 100% and balanced, we can have a better “view” of the situation and discuss about it. Until there, good luck for the Staff people that will have a lot of work. =)



rugx says:

I don't like the way that it is launched.

Wartale launch one by one, He don't make any test before lauching, leaving the skill very good or very bad, leading to the nerf.

Rather than tidying up, test, and launch it all at once.

But, I really like the work of Wartale, bringing something new to the server,new skills make the server more fun, different. :D



[D]ohkito says:

    • Well, about the T5, I'll only talk about the Magician, as it is with this character I have played PT for 5 years and have knowledge to speak.
      The T5 will be a revolution in how the player will enjoy the Magician in rPT.
      In my view, the T5 is the tier that enhances the qualities of the Magician in PvP / Hunt, as two of their skill (Amplify / Execration) will be used almost exclusively for that.
      • Amplify
        Amplify to boost our 1vs1 skill, so we'll have considerable damage in PvP and Hunt.


  • Exacration
    Exacration to cast into the monster when mages are hunting or PvPing, we'll use to drain the enemy's HP, also in the Siege War, I believe it'll can be used agaisnt the Towers.


  • Stone Spike
    I must speak of that will be my favorite skill.
    In relation to this skill I am very hopeful, since it is the PvE skill , I hope it is as useful as was Diastrophism and reflects the grandeur of the Magician.Magician is power, Magicians is massive killers, Magician means monsters dead on the floor. 8)


And lastly I will speak of the skill that will make the player think ...


  • Magic Source.
    Magic Source is not a skill to be used by itself, this skill has made the player to rethink their strategies to combat, if the player puts it at level 10, it will increase your MP by 50% and 70% of your SP, combine this with the Mental Mastery that increases your MP by 40% and (as expected) change in Agony and you'll have a powerfull Mage, therefore, Mages will can use Energy Shield at level 10 again, without a massive loss of Mana. ;)


The Magician took a big step with t5,because we became a much more complete class and gave us to new ways/builds to explore.


That's all folks, I'm glad to have been interviewed and I hope to contribute again to the rPT's journal. ;)

Go,go,go Mages ! ^^



ADONIS says:

Personaly i like it a lot ,but, everything have its bad side and about t5 is that make the game unbalanced most of times when a new skill is launched. Until now the skills are making new perspectives on gameplay ,but, they need a balance because some characters are taking the place that were of another char (see the Priest owning the SOD, place where mages were masters), beside of that things t5 is a huge oportunity to Wartale make the game even more fun.



Now, we ask to you:

What is your opinion about the Tier 5?

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I think everyone is happy to see the new skills in T5 but so many people complain about the OP of the new skills till they get nerfed. These are T5 skills, they are suposed to be OP in comparison to the other skills. I think if they were all completed and then released at the same time there would not be so many complaints. Everyone will have all there new skills at the same time and instead of complaining about OP skills, everyone will have powerful skills and people can rethink there game play on how to best use these new skills.

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^ Yeah, i think that is better have all skills released before complain/compare classes...

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I am glad there is such a thing as Tier5. It's something fresh which keeps me to play this Priston Tale server.

It's actually good that the skills are being released one by one each week, so that players have something to look foward to.


Although it would be better if the skills are really 100% tested and so ready to go. Because I have seen/heard that some skills have been decreased in their abilities, which could lead to a disappointment.


But for now, I like it!  :D

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I agree with you. If all the new skills were tested before release it,  could be much better. There wasn't a lot of players complaining. Take Prs for example: When released the IM, came OP. But then they balanced, they all complaining abt the damage and etc... If it was released like the way that it is now, no one would say anything.. but beside this, I'm really happy with the skills. I don't really have a lot to complain.. xD


Good job with the Tier 5. You guys are doing well.. ;D

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Calii - Atorp

Stuff's is changing it so much.

Yeeeeah, i know that they're looking for balanced skills for all.

But, today i login and a skill is a thing, ok. Tomorrow when i login, perhaps skill had changed, for better or worst.

This is boring :/

I gave up playing with Pikeman because of this.

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I think T5 is excellent, the first thing I noticed is how the skills are fine-tuned with the characters (that's my opinion). But yea it's all become a little messy with the releasing, but imo especially because so many things came up and were released in the meantime. I'm afraid releasing them first into the game, was the only way of truly testing them. It causes some difficulties, imbalances and changes afterwards, but it's all a proces of development. There has to be some toggling between nerfing and overpowering, to eventually find the middle way.

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