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Guest Mayreen

Wartale Journal - Interview with the Clan JustFriends

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Guest Mayreen



Hi there sweeties :))

For this edition, I'd like to show you the interview with LegolaS. and Quant.

Leader and member of the great Clan JustFriends.



Journal: When was the clan created? And who created it?

LegolaS.: DjKaos created JustFriends in September 11, 2010



Journal: What for? BC, SoD, both or just for fun? Do you have any goals for your clan?

LegolaS.: Just for fun I think, to make friends

Quant: Just as the name says, Friendship forever. Eventually the bond between friendship comes into power, that's why we can score well in SoD.


LegolaS.: I don't know our goal at this moment, but we try our best to get online for SoD. :)

Quant: Well, to be honest, the clan sometimes have members not that active, the spirit (goal) to go SoD in small groups when not everyone online xD. As a clan we help each other out, that's what make justfriends different, we dont do exp service, leech others.


LegolaS.: By the way you should write about our JF's song.

Journal: Do you have a song?

LegolaS.: Jet Lag by Simple Plan, it talks about us.



Journal: How's the relationship in clan? Do you guys do all together?

Quant: We are very "gay", our clan chat gets crazy from drunk --> gayness. We share our real life photos in clan forum too. But besides the jokes, we like each other.

LegolaS.: Lol, i'm the bohemian of the clan.



Journal: How many people in clan?

LegolaS.: At this moment we have 3 slots left, and 4 bugged lol.

Quant: We have constant request from people wanting to join our clan



Journal: Do you have people form different countries?

Quant: We have clanmates from Vietnam, Peru, Brazil, China, etc..



Journal: Is english the main clan language?

Quant: Yes, we use English as our main language.



Journal: Is the clan 24hrs active?

Quant: Yes, because of the different time zone



Journal: Have you met someone personally outside the game?

Quant: We haven't, but hoping to visit some day. But some members exchange phone numbers, some clannies live close to each other and keep a close contact.



Journal: Do you have any that you don't like (Clan/Game)?

Quant: About Clan, should be much stronger than it is. Where other clans would boost members with items & levels, getting good at SoD, or have a few times win in Seige Wars, but that makes it Unique for us, which we don't need to be too actively played like other clans.

One good example we have in clan, is that we have a 30 year old member Swibby & Casey25 who are Husband & Wife who plays together, our clan is very suitable for them.

About the game, the donators always will win because they have the best itens and stuff, hackers will be exist because is not a something that you can have fully control of it and I don't like the EXP Service because they fill up all spawns and make the "owners" kind of weak because they didn't level since 1. But the game, have an improvement compared with the original PristonTale, what draws back to this game is the simplicity rather than other popular MMORPG games, without learning too many quests, skills, character, maps, controls.



Journal: Do you have any enemies or allys?

LegolaS.: Well we dont have an official ally u know, but we dont kill Wings cuz Ray (DjKaos) is friend of kitkid wing's leader, so we dont hit them and they dont hit us. And enemies? not really, we just kill MH and Pisico for fun.

Quant: We don't purposely attack them if we see they are "xxx" clans, we just defend ourselves if needed.



"JustFriends is about friendship, no matter if they beat us, we always feel like winners"


I would like to thanks LegolaS. and Quant for this great interview!. I hope you like it ^-^.



Interview made by Mayreen

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Uhh, nice interview !  8)

I always like of JF is one of the oldest clan in game...

"we just kill MH and Pisico for fun."



Ps.:I'll hear the song, I'm not a Simple Plan's fan, but I'll give a try for JF. :D

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ohkito" post="348457" timestamp="1318060049"]

Uhh, nice interview !  8)

I always like of JF is one of the oldest clan in game...

"we just kill MH and Pisico for fun."



Ps.:I'll hear the song, I'm not a Simple Plan's fan, but I'll give a try for JF. :D


today is the day to reply to journal editions? :P

anyway, Simple Plan and "we are very gay" are too strong to be at the same page, lol


"we just kill MH [...] for fun."


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I usually reply in the day that the edition has been released.

But, you're right "anyway, Simple Plan and "we are very gay" are too strong to be at the same page, " this is enough.


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Nice interview

Its always nice to learn about other people and there clan

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Guest mEe3kOo





btw thank you quant for remember the couple player.. ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Hey guys,


Nice interview,


Thanks Mayreen for organizing, we enjoyed it a lot.


Swibby/Casey25 please don't mind the age I said , it was just a guess, hehe.





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Guest mEe3kOo

as original loading screen before in PTP.

"it can be enjoy by all ages"

correct.? if not correction please...hihihihihih

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