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Give Finishing Blow bonus damage against Mechanic monster

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Hello fellow Assassin players and GM,


I would like to suggest having Finishing Blow getting buffed by receiving bonus damage against a certain type of mob. I know we have Stinger and Gust Slash which deals extra damage to for single target, then also Pollute/Shadow Bomb/Rising Slash for AOE to Normal/Mutant/Mechanic monsters. Skill points are very valuable and scarce for Assassin and unless you are 17x, you would have to sacrifice points to max Stinger OR Gust slash for PVE grinding. At the end we would normally still be spamming Finishing blow because it has the highest damage overall across all types of mobs unless I leveled up Stinger or Gust Slash. Doing that would also require me to sacrifice not leveling up Soul Shock although its more for PVP of course.


I hope Finishing blow can receive a 30% bonus damage buff against Mechanic. It makes sense because Assassins players rotate our skills for max DPS against mobs. Usually using Pollute > Shadow Bomb until burn Procs > Finishing Blow. If Finishing Blow received this buff, we can cover all 3 types of mobs and kill quicker and be more relevant in PVE. Right now we are not exactly the best at single target damage and we don't have a type of monster we are especially strong against. Having this buff would also make us more relevant at boss hunting for a bit. The new map doesn't have much mechanical mobs as well so it wouldn't be overpowered to have this buff. 


Almost all classes have their bread and butter that is spammable and doesn't have to go out of their way to level it up that is strong against X type of monster. I think Assassins deserve one too.


Best regards

Edited by aruchan
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+1 Still waiting for the penetration/precision buff to assassins somewhere. @Overlady Any update with regards to this plan?

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Le 14/09/2022 à 14:16, moobie1988 a déclaré:

+1 Toujours en attente du buff de pénétration/précision aux assassins quelque part. @Overlady Une mise à jour en ce qui concerne ce plan?


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Yes would really appreciate bonus damage vs Mechanic or Demons by 50%

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they don't know how to combo skills with assassin
that's all 😂

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