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Wartale Journal - Bless Castle • Siege War

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For the 4th Edition, I'll make a small tutorial abot the Bless Castle - The Siege War!







Every Sunday at 16:00 (Server Time), starts the Siege War in Bless Castle. The main objective is win the War to take control of the Castle.


  • How can I enter?


Bless Castle can be accessed by the Clever Daemon located in Bamboo Forest.




Once you are in, you will found 3 NPC's:


- Rossa

- Shellbi

- Rozalie






This shop sells special scrolls to be used against specific enemies in PVP, and some Ether Cores. It is located on the field outside Bless Castle, and disappears during siege time.


As in the description, in here you can buy Stones that gives you bonus of damage against X enemy, where X is the character that you want to inflict more damage. Every Stone gives you XX% of additional damage against that Class.






This shop sells potions and some really useful scrolls to help you fight in PVP. It is located on the field outside Bless Castle, and disappears during siege time.


Here, you can make your repot and buy Ressurection Scroll. If you die in the Bless Castle "wearing" one of these, you will reborn at the Field like a Rebirth Scroll. You also can buy some Scroll to improve your Evasion, Critical and Party Heal (HP/SP/MP).






This shop sells scrolls that will help you survive the attacks of the towers in Bless Castle. It is located on the field outside Bless Castle, and disappears during siege time.


In this NPC, you can buy protection against towers, located inside of the Castle.

There's exist Scroll against Ice, Fire and XXX Tower, and gives you XX% of additional defense.











As I said in the beggining, the Siege War starts every Sunday at 16:00 - Server Time.



  • How can I participate? Can I go without a Clan?


To participate of the SW, you have 2 categories:


- The Siege War with clan and without


All members that belong to 1 Clan can participate in the Siege War.

Other users who don't belong to any clan, can also participate but, but they will have not the right to take it, not even if they destroy the Tower and win.






The "free battles" begin as soon as you cross the flags between the Field of Battle and the Castle.

The Siege War will start when you leave the field and go to attack the Castle, and when any Clan attack the Castle, the rank will be shown up in your screen.

The resistance of the Valhalla Tower will start to drop when all the others 6 Crystal Towers inside the castle will be destroyed.


First of all, you have to destroy the 6 Towers inside of the Castle. They are:




And the last tower:  Valhalla Tower



The Valhalla Tower has the power to regenerate itself.



After the "destruction" of the Valhalla Tower, the 1º in the Rank will be rewarded with the control of the Bless Castle for 1 week, until the next SW.

The defeated Clans and Players without clan will be teleported to the Field, having the acess to the Castle denied, until the next SW starts.


The timeout of the Siege lasts 2 hours, excluding unexpected problems on the server during the event.









For the clan who took the control of the Castle, some benefits will be granted. They are:



The Mana Fountain





1 potion of MP will be generated in the Mana Fountain every minute, accumulating a maximum of 1.440 potions in 24 hours.





The Leader of the Clan, have acess to a few controls that give you some bonus.


The main Board:




In here, you can have acess to the tax rate. Every iten that you sell in any NPC, the % of his price is converted in gold for the onwer of the Castle. It's possible to switch between 0% to 10%.



The owner Clan can receive 3 kind of bonus. The bonus are:




As you can see in the image above, the leader can decide what bonus the clannies will recieve: +10% Damage / 10% Evasion / 10 Absorb.



Well, this was a little tutorial of the Bless Castle - Siege War and I hope help everyone to know better this great Battle that happens every Sunday.


Any doubt, post here and we'll try to help you to solve it.

Hope you like it, Enjoywtand the Wartale Journal. ;D


kvra, Editor - Wartale Journal

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We can fight EPIC battles in Siege War/BC.

It's sooo fun, till for a Mage noob like me. 8)


Nice guide, biba !  8)

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I decided to make this tutorial, since a lot of guys will never see this (have the control). I can't say that everyone will have a chance because you know that is hard to happens. But i hope this gives you a goal to be stronger. ;D

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I decided to make this tutorial, since a lot of guys will never see this (have the control). I can't say that everyone will have a chance because you know that is hard to happens. But i hope this gives you a goal to be stronger. ;D

lol :P



very nice guide biba

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