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I realized it

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If someone asks and doesn't respond within 5 minutes, it's considered auto-play.


This is. 


after confirmation


It's not AFK when I checked. Or Afk is correct.

This should lead to consequences.





If someone asks and doesn't respond within 5 minutes, it's considered auto-play.    -> ban.


I checked, but it's not AFK.

Resolve the ban.




I think we should go through this process.

What do you think?


I didn't use any programs.


If you've confirmed that you didn't use the program, isn't it right to release Ben?





is not bug.


It only claims to be a legitimate act in the game..


And this operation is possible in all classes.


It's just something you didn't know.




Korean gamers are strong in this area.


Is it illegal if you didn't follow the producer's intention?


Do I have to go up to level 10?





The reason why I haven't shared it so far is because it's my research.


It's not an unfair advantage.



I'd like to ask if this server restricts the player's creative play.



Edited by KOREA_Sin

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