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Hlwn Event...WT..?

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When there’s a fixed time for event, it’s not fair to delay it …. Even more when it’s a competition. 


It’s fair to give the prize to the winner as it was planned firstly.


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9 minutes ago, lt1genv said:

And allow round 1 winners receive prize with bugged skills 

While we did even better score without bug. 
best score with bug 280 we did 279 playing legit. 

Edited by Hellnation
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Honestly, in my opinion it’s definitely not ok, hope for good news from GMs. 

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Unfair for the group who was top in the event and worked hard for it. 

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I agree this isn't fair at all, specially that it's a competition between people and a time has been set for the competition, doesn't make any sense to extend it without announcing that to everyone atleast a couple of days ahead.


Hope the GM's will do the right thing here and show the people that the server is fair to everyone.

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We put a lot of effort in the last day of the event to be able to get the top 1 !  and then suddenly after 26  hrs got extended? ? not so cool! @Wartale yes its fine to extend the Ghost Castle but the competition must closed it!

Edited by Jersey
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8 minutes ago, bernd88 said:

lol @ fair ... you guys play wartale for 1 day? since when is anything fair here?

Imagine Espot tournament, where all the big names, TSM, NRG, SENTINTALS, all participating to win the 1M$ prize in a game, after one team winninig, celebrating, the whole crowd go crazy, they fly home, later that tournament announce, that they forgot to shut down servers, so there is extended play, come try to beat the winning team, you have a chance now.


Yeah so this is not this kind of tournament but still there was a prize and we worked really hard to get it.

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1 minute ago, bernd88 said:


im working hard in this game for years and never got anything xD this game is not about fairness.. if u want fair play another game

Drops wise?

Exp wise?

Boss Lotto?

Yeah this is hard, I do EB a lot and only got 2 144  items all my life playing in game.

Got only 1 time good thing from boss and shared it with party.

But this is a tournament, a competition, not RNG.

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6 minutes ago, Hellnation said:

Imagine Espot tournament, where all the big names, TSM, NRG, SENTINTALS, all participating to win the 1M$ prize in a game, after one team winninig, celebrating, the whole crowd go crazy, they fly home, later that tournament announce, that they forgot to shut down servers, so there is extended play, come try to beat the winning team, you have a chance now.


Yeah so this is not this kind of tournament but still there was a prize and we worked really hard to get it.

I saw that event already extent to 16 Nov.


I think GM should extent more days until the end of this week to be fair.


Need to announce the ending hour/minute of event and no more time. (Not only date).

Edited by ChainLancer
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Just now, ChainLancer said:

I think GM should extent event until the

I saw that event already extent to 16 Nov.


I think GM should extent more days until the end of this week to be fair.


Need to announce the ending hour/minute of event and no more time. (Not only date).

Yeah no problem about extending.

The problem is -  the event ended on the 13.11 23:59 server time.

we had the first place.

26 hours after event ended - extended event for 1 more day,. no round 3, same round 2, you can outcome the winner now.

This is biased.

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Just now, Hellnation said:

Yeah no problem about extending.

The problem is -  the event ended on the 13.11 23:59 server time.

we had the first place.

26 hours after event ended - extended event for 1 more day,. no round 3, same round 2, you can outcome the winner now.

This is biased.

So, i think now already extend.


Could your team gear up and join again in this week?


@Wartale @Overlady Can we have a sure time schedule for this HLW event? Especially for the competition?

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2 minutes ago, bernd88 said:


yes  this

+ people on this server always cheat in any possiblity

+ oh u dont have good equip? no party

+ oh u dont have play 20 hours / have high end gear = no clan, no friends, no party

+ 99%  of people never help

+ 99% of people steal at mining, gms and high llvs wont do anything against it

every update is only for rich players who pay lots of coins


i can give u 100th more points but i guess u get my point ... people here are never fair but demand fairness .. is a little bit crazy ^^


But this is daily game play.

I was leveling from lvl 1, and I always had friends, clan and people to help. just be nice to others.

Yeah the game is hard, and getting equipment is hard but it has nothing to do with a competition with time limit.



2 minutes ago, ChainLancer said:

So, i think now already extend.


Could your team gear up and join again in this week?


@Wartale @Overlady Can we have a sure time schedule for this HLW event? Especially for the competition?


Unfortunately no, we cant go today to keep doing the best score, we have a life, work, wives, kids etc.

Thats why its frustrating.

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5 minutes ago, Hellnation said:

But this is daily game play.

I was leveling from lvl 1, and I always had friends, clan and people to help. just be nice to others.

Yeah the game is hard, and getting equipment is hard but it has nothing to do with a competition with time limit.




Unfortunately no, we cant go today to keep doing the best score, we have a life, work, wives, kids etc.

Thats why its frustrating.

I think not extent only 1 day, especially working day.

Should extend 1 week and end at weekend if GM want to extent.

Edited by ChainLancer

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i think same

2nd round winners 

and open 3rd round for the rest of the days…

GM please think about it 

Thank you

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1 hour ago, Hellnation said:

While we did even better score without bug. 
best score with bug 280 we did 279 playing legit. 

Note that in the first round you didn't have the 10% bc tails... so you would have to increase your time by 10%, which would give you over 5 minutes.
a good suggestion so that in the next event of this type consumables crown etc do not count in the events and a balance is made so that only skill is put into practice....

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2 hours ago, Hellnation said:

Hey Guys,


I'm so mad, and for reasons!

We worked so HARD to get number #1 for the HLWN event,

We did rounds until server reset, we got number 1 after really hard fight with other trio.

26 HOURS after the event ended, you guys (GMS) extended it, for a full day, where we can't defend our title - without notice.

No issue if event was extended, but competition stopped.

This event has crazy prize, and extend it without notice,  let other people the option to win - 26 hours after so crazy.


To be honest, this is not fair,  this is outrages, and unprofessional. ?



When an event has a competition with such a prize, times and schedule dates should be respected, and not modified at will.


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I believe the competition should be ended and only the event continues.

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