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Question about new Fashion Stash Box

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Hello how are you.
Sorry to ask the question in this topic, I looked for a specific place for doubts but I couldn't find it.
I would like to ask a question about the new Fashion Stash Box to store skins.
I have 3 Vampires Hats in My Fashion Stash open with my Ks, and I wanted to know if it's possible on the same account with my Fs I can have access to those same Hats or skins, I know it's an exclusive item for the account, but how the Fs is on the same account and I have 3 in Ks's Fashion Stash.
So if I open the Fashion Stash with O Fs in the same Id will it be empty for the Fs?

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Fashion stash is like fishing coolbox, it is just for your character.

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