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Wartale has the worst dg system in an online mmorpg?

Wartale has the worst dg system in an online mmorpg  

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2 hours ago, TigerShark22 said:

" The worst" is hard to say.

Yet what I can say, is that the keys for low lvl dungeons should be easy to hunt ( Beehive Cave and Mushroom Cave). 


About LC- defiantly fine, if everyone could enter freely- they can just delete any exping activity outside of that to get the same result xD  ( SS will be only for 144-146, EB only for drops).


SS is dead already and as if EB is not for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I don't understand why are you guys so hell bent to have something for the high level players in something that was supposedly made for low level players.

Why do you need the belts to drop in the new caves instead of SL, SS, LC, EB???


Just keep one mode (easy) and let people exp. The key system needs to GO AWAY!

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Hey There!


Wartale is an open-world game. 

The keys were created in order to create dependency of the instances with the Open World, otherwise everyone would spend the entire day locked inside the instances, and you wouldn't see anyone outside. 

A patch is all that is required to implement the new dungeons (Beehive and mushroom cave) balance, as I have repeatedly stated we were reviewing ?




Edited by Overlady
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3 hours ago, TigerShark22 said:

About LC- defiantly fine, if everyone could enter freely- they can just delete any exping activity outside of that to get the same result xD  ( SS will be only for 144-146, EB only for drops).

There are some ways to counter it

  • You can make it free but the chest and high exp counts only once a day
  • Reduce the exp and drops after 2 runs/day + increase key drop or remove it.

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Problem is not key system.


Key system is good.


Super low drop rate is the true trouble.


We need increase drop rates. 


Only way to increase drop rates is removing aging recovery from game. 



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does not make sense ! In a way, this already happens, but only those with money can do this... this causes the game to create a huge hole with who can pay to level up in LC and who cannot.
EB we have the old problem of SS you are only accepted in the pt if you have a tanke, the quest that was similar to that of DI no one does, the npc of SL has been there for years and until today nothing of the quest nor in group as solo! 

I just don't understand why a free to play game's content can't be more fair to everyone. who can pay to do it several times has a very quick level up, and who doesn't have $$ what's left? 4 daily quests

54 minutes ago, Overlady said:

Hey There!


Wartale is an open-world game. 

The keys were created in order to create dependency of the instances with the Open World, otherwise everyone would spend the entire day locked inside the instances, and you wouldn't see anyone outside. 

A patch is all that is required to implement the new dungeons (Beehive and mushroom cave) balance, as I have repeatedly stated we were reviewing ?





Edited by piabeta
Quote in other language has been removed
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1 minute ago, Overlady said:

Keys are not created out of thin air. To buy a key, someone must first drop it in the open world, where you can either use it or sell it. This is how money circulates for mid to high level players.
Remember that key values are determined by the players themselves, we added the option to craft and obtain material through skins some time ago, and the value has remained stable despite the addition of many new keys to the game. 


On the other hand, for low level dungeons, we will make more radical changes to key drop, crafting and drop rate of belts. We expected the value of the keys to be high at first due to the initial hype surrounding the belts (and the same was true for the earrings), but the current value has exceeded our expectations. 





Yeah, it's crazy that a leather belt costs 1kc just for less than 1 abs. It's like paying 1kc for ordinary earrings. I think leather belts should be more available (since more belts will come) and keys in low-level maps should have higher drop rate. Thanks for considering this change!

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2 hours ago, Overlady said:

Keys are not created out of thin air. To buy a key, someone must first drop it in the open world, where you can either use it or sell it. This is how money circulates for mid to high level players.
Remember that key values are determined by the players themselves, we added the option to craft and obtain material through skins some time ago, and the value has remained stable despite the addition of many new keys to the game. 


On the other hand, for low level dungeons, we will make more radical changes to key drop, crafting and drop rate of belts. We expected the value of the keys to be high at first due to the initial hype surrounding the belts (and the same was true for the earrings), but the current value has exceeded our expectations. 





I would still suggest buffing leather belts for a bit. Relative to Ordinary Earrings, the stats are just incomparable. Those Earrings give so much more than +3 belt.

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3 hours ago, piabeta said:

does not make sense ! In a way, this already happens, but only those with money can do this... this causes the game to create a huge hole with who can pay to level up in LC and who cannot.
EB we have the old problem of SS you are only accepted in the pt if you have a tanke, the quest that was similar to that of DI no one does, the npc of SL has been there for years and until today nothing of the quest nor in group as solo! 

I just don't understand why a free to play game's content can't be more fair to everyone. who can pay to do it several times has a very quick level up, and who doesn't have $$ what's left? 4 daily quests


Just be grateful we can still play this old game for free. Don't be a cry baby. I am thankful there are many rich people here willing to spend money to make this server alive. And now here you are, complaining. Funny guy

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5 hours ago, Overlady said:

you wouldn't see anyone outside.

I can run to the entire world map and i swear and i bet I’ll see more assassins minning than people playing in any map.

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6 hours ago, piabeta said:

does not make sense ! In a way, this already happens, but only those with money can do this... this causes the game to create a huge hole with who can pay to level up in LC and who cannot.
EB we have the old problem of SS you are only accepted in the pt if you have a tanke, the quest that was similar to that of DI no one does, the npc of SL has been there for years and until today nothing of the quest nor in group as solo! 

I just don't understand why a free to play game's content can't be more fair to everyone. who can pay to do it several times has a very quick level up, and who doesn't have $$ what's left? 4 daily quests




The answer here is that this game originated from a super hard grind game. It took a lot of killing monsters just for .001 xp.


Today in this server we are still trying to keep that sense in away that we dont make it too easy to level up but still challenging. 


But some people just cant take it nor have the time to grind it out. Like me for example when I was younger I played this game like 8hrs straight. But now that I am older. I would just spend a few hrs or 30mins to play the game. So in turn I would probably need to hire someone to do the grinding for me. Its not because I dont want to do it. Its just I dont have the time anymore.

2 hours ago, nameless10 said:

Just be grateful we can still play this old game for free. Don't be a cry baby. I am thankful there are many rich people here willing to spend money to make this server alive. And now here you are, complaining. Funny guy



So true I remembered the time we had to buy cards just to be able to log in. Thats the true pay to play game. But still we played this game.

Edited by moobie1988

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12 hours ago, nameless10 said:

Just be grateful we can still play this old game for free. Don't be a cry baby. I am thankful there are many rich people here willing to spend money to make this server alive. And now here you are, complaining. Funny guy

the problem is not who pays because I know that someone has to pay for the server! the problem here is that the beginning of the game is more alive than ever the middle of the game is also the end of the game the place that gives you a lot of xp is lc and the game does not give an alternative for people to level up.
when you spend hours trying to do a PT or go bc and there's no one be grateful  :D because most who enter the server give up! I wonder why ?

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23 hours ago, moobie1988 said:

I would suggest to remove the key system for lower levels and place the Key system on higher levels.


Free entry for Low level to a certain level.


Medium and Hard Mode with Key for better loots.


Because of this the dungeon will achieve its purpose for helping lower levels gain experience. While adding the key system for Higher levels for optional hunting ground.


Just a proposal. @Overlady


Kind regards,


Totally +1!

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On 12/1/2022 at 8:08 PM, Overlady said:

As chaves não são criadas do nada. Para comprar uma chave, alguém deve primeiro deixá-la cair no mundo aberto, onde você pode usá-la ou vendê-la. É assim que o dinheiro circula para jogadores de nível médio a alto.
Lembre-se de que os valores das chaves são determinados pelos próprios jogadores, adicionamos a opção de criar e obter material por meio de skins há algum tempo, e o valor permaneceu estável apesar da adição de muitas chaves novas ao jogo. 


Por outro lado, para masmorras de baixo nível, faremos mudanças mais radicais na queda de chaves, criação e taxa de queda de cintos. A princípio esperávamos que o valor das chaves fosse alto devido ao hype inicial em torno dos cintos (e o mesmo acontecia com os brincos), mas o valor atual superou nossas expectativas. 









I only read ridiculous jokes and promises. why then DON'T you put a new path today for the keys of the new DGS to fall like the easy SS keys, in a matter of minutes? because it's funny that when we benefit from a bug in less than 30min you fix it faster than flash. But something that benefits the low lvl to level up faster, you pretend to be ignorant, and you keep stalling.



@Overlady , @Senpai

Edited by Natengs
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I am very disappointed people like you. want to eat but don't want to taste

Edited by Babyechop1

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