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Come on, I can already see that all this is going to Pizza.


The staff simply created the DGs for 113+ and 128+, so far so good, the intention was to help the low lvl (promises). Launched them, but at some point lost focus of map intent. explore putting on a belt that could put on LC. Apart from that the XP is horrible on the two low lvl maps.


They made it difficult with a key system on top of that, no need. (MAP for 11x and 12x leveling needs no frills), we just want to get to where the high lvl's are, nothing more. Why don't you remove your low lvl map belts, and work in LC ??? So simple.


Easy to launch a path with the fix in a matter of 30min, restart the server and everyone will be happy. And don't wait 6 months for that again.

Edited by Natengs

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44 minutes ago, Lyseria said:

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key drop rate can be fixed in real time (no need to restart) unwillingness to change anyway

Or if they have already changed, make clear the maps where you have chances of dropping keys to make it easier for low levels to search

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maybe a system that gives 1bkey 1mkey to players between 113-140 everyday, sure item bounded so people can't sell it if you dont use it disappear.

sorry for my english

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15 minutes ago, nolovenohope said:

talvez um sistema que dê 1bkey 1mkey para jogadores entre 113-140 todos os dias, certo item limitado para que as pessoas não possam vendê-lo se você não usá-lo desaparecer.

Desculpe pelo meu Inglês


I disagree, why not drop keys like SS , DG is only for 11x and 12x chars. if you want a belt change it to LC.

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The dg ideas were awesome, but i still thinking for low levels will be better create repeatable quests.

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just double the exp of all quests 13x- , and the exp of the up maps.


more than a year giving suggestions on what to do, what to improve and we still have this problem of up level low level.

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