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Effect Robe/Armor

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Evaluate Guys, For those who have no money to complete the set according to the lvl of the robe / armor

Will the appearance is horrible

Who Uses an example Robe 115

Miscellaneous Uses and How to Set brac 100, 106 gloves, boots 90 (Example)

the doll will look horrible with bits of other Robes

Because I would not have this effect


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Armor is fine nice skin (is 110-120 changed) i like skin armors


Robe is poor , mage is same skin robe low lvl is same skin inferno robe 106.


Robe's need new changed skin , armor dont need .


(o_0) bb

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There may be some odd color combinations I suppose, but if the videos showcasing it are anything to go by, I don't think it'll be a big deal. Whoever made the videos should really learn to keep it simple though.

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I want this. imo,  now days,  new mmropg have those thing where u change ur boots, the boots on u will change. this will upgrade pristontale and have a great feature that pristontale dont have.


atm pristontale is old fashion when it comes to gear, no item change when u get a new item ( but shield/weapon/armor).

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i need robe tronger than...defen and abs too low than static of amor . mage and pri alway so hard to tank in Training - SOD - Bless . i think we should make nice static of robe

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man stop all the threads about it. . as you can see i saw like 3-4 threads just like same content as this..  patch wont just be delay or stop due to some who dont like it. . its a great feature for pt.  i let some friends from other server look at the future about of pt .. and gues what.. they are already playing here and looking forward for the updates.. if this patch happens.. it will be a great community to see different kinds of looks from other players. not just same looks

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man stop all the threads about it. . as you can see i saw like 3-4 threads just like same content as this..  patch wont just be delay or stop due to some who dont like it. . its a great feature for pt.  i let some friends from other server look at the future about of pt .. and gues what.. they are already playing here and looking forward for the updates.. if this patch happens.. it will be a great community to see different kinds of looks from other players. not just same looks

agree with this. Just want to add, this gauntlet thing feature is a really damn good one, because this would give the game more depth to customizing your own character. So what if you wear a low lvl equipment, so what. But would it be more bad-ass if you saw your gaunt,boot and bracelet in accordance to their lvl and right skin.

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Evaluate Guys, For those who have no money to complete the set according to the lvl of the robe / armor

Will the appearance is horrible

Who Uses an example Robe 115

Miscellaneous Uses and How to Set brac 100, 106 gloves, boots 90 (Example)

the doll will look horrible with bits of other Robes

Because I would not have this effect

agree with you, one of the most stupid features ever seen.

@cuteako: why dont they create 2 modes and one of them is normal?

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It's ridiculous the ppl dont want a GREAT improve in game just because they'll "looks ugly".


This point is stupid IMO, since loot gold and buy stuffs is tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy here.

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I think guys all types of players


if a person wants to use a char "pure" it will use boots, gloves and bracelet noobs and she will not want to see your character so noob because its set to be low-level


as I already said and repeat (bracelet not change the shoulder that is a ridiculous and nonsensical, bracelet brco not part of the shoulders, shoulders is part of the armor / robes)


think that fact! Bracelet = Arm


(should not be changed anywhere in the body of the character, if the changes are made ​​the bracelet should not be changed)


I have also said and I repeat will be much the same armor and robe ings and discussed not give more deference to each other because the differences are minor from one to another


Seating in the case of the 100 level 110 level and one from the difference lies in glove and boot, if these are changed by the "SET" the robes will not be any difference


as I said the idea is pretty cool and will be a revolution in the game although not this way but like to change the glove used by you in your avatar would change only details


For example:


warrior glove uses a level 110. the glove on your avatar will have it in blue and bronze details, so that the design of the glove in inventory,


If it uses 115 glove or boot he had been in some detail in green and black because that is how the design of the same inventory.



and the details would be made so do not let the avatar is so ridiculous.


bracelet would not change anything because we can not speed it's like if you stay inside the armor.

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Sorry friend, did you saw how the customization will be apply in rPT?


So, how can you affirm that shoulders will be changed by bracelets?


I've said once, now i said twice:


Wait to see how it'll works in rPT, all that you saw is a video from other server.Wartale can do this different if he wants.


Plus, if the bracelets change the shoulders, specially the dragons shoulder that's your point/fear i'll enjoy too because will change robe 110/115/124 too and ALL THE ROBES OF THIS SERVER !


How can't you see as customization is so AWESOME !




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Evaluate Guys, For those who have no money to complete the set according to the lvl of the robe / armor

Will the appearance is horrible

Who Uses an example Robe 115

Miscellaneous Uses and How to Set brac 100, 106 gloves, boots 90 (Example)

the doll will look horrible with bits of other Robes

Because I would not have this effect

agree with you, one of the most stupid features ever seen.

@cuteako: why dont they create 2 modes and one of them is normal?


its because ur old fashion, u probably never seen new game now days.

this will upgrade pristontale. not d-grade it

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yes my dear friend


the idea is very good but ...


if the change advice is the way we saw it was a very poor


mudaças on the way if they are not seen but things will change and equal


remember that part of the glove all the players wearing armor / robe 110 and 120 are the same?


automatically'd have two identical items


gown and robe lvl 100 lvl 110 is the only change gloves and boots


if they are changed by Set the robes will not be any difference

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ohkito" post="332081" timestamp="1316320403"]

Dont forget :


Robes and gears high level give more defense and abs so, this isnt made just for looks nice.



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ohkito" post="332954" timestamp="1316372715"]

ohkito link=topic=52348.msg332081#msg332081 date=1316320403]

Dont forget :


Robes and gears high level give more defense and abs so, this isnt made just for looks nice.


yes you are right but the beauty is something that helps in encouraging




why you are asking to change the robe 124? because it appears to be the lowest level.


that is the beauty of the robe / armor is also a feature items from higher levels

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^ I agree looks nice helps but, IF new customizations gear changes these skin have no problem with me ;)


and these thread is before we get the notice about customization.

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its just sad that they dont like the costumization just because they cant buy the items accurate for it.. while everyone are waiting for this

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its just sad that they dont like the costumization just because they cant buy the items accurate for it.. while everyone are waiting for this

i agree, thats kinda silly actually...its almost the same as saying i can't afford hades armor so thats not fair that i don't have that skin...

if someone earns something then they deserve to be able to show it just like any weapon/armor/etc theres no legit reason as to why this is a bad idea lol...its actually something many games have alrdy and have been doing for some time...why not pt too? if someone chooses to be pure and use lower lvl items thats their choice, same as those who wear things like low lvl shields/armors


i like this customization personally and it'll be cool to see in game

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its just sad that they dont like the costumization just because they cant buy the items accurate for it.. while everyone are waiting for this



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its about time that pt had this great future updates to deal with.. and yea trinitas is right.. its owner's pride to show what he got.. on his sleeves

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Yes this is not bad it will give the community a little extra motive to get a higher lvl and be able to see new looks and maps and all that stuff im pretty excited bout it to be honest im full 115 cept rings and amu sooo yeah cant wait :)


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reason to avoid this:


Glove lv 110

Boot lv 110


Glove lv 120

Boot lv 120


what is the difference between them? (answer: "nothing")


the difference between armor and robe in the approximate levels of Priston is very little as ...


Phoenix armor and armor Wyven the difference is only the boot and glove


if the glove of the character is changed by the glove and boot also used, which will be the difference enters the two armors?


(answer: nothing)


two equal armors


as they say here when you put something new into your character has the right to show it


for some gloves and boots and some armors and robes


will be all the same


(of course if the GM makes so that each glove / boot change your character so that is not only clippings armors and robes in the case "had been level 15 glove as part of the armor or robe level 15" it is stultify


  as I said just stick "details" this idea will be (amazing)


to finish


Bracelet should not be changed because colokamos bracelet is where is the potions and bracelet on the arm and not the shoulder


I think that as the arm would be difficult compared to modify or bad guess bracelet should not be changed

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