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Need to recover break item, where?

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Unluckily I broke my item last night I was aging it!! VERY SAD, so how should I recover it?? PLEASE someone walk me through the steps and give direction.



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if the item is DONATED, just recovery paying 10 euros


but if not donated.. thannnnnnn BB =(

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if the item is DONATED, just recovery paying 10 euros


but if not donated.. thannnnnnn BB =(




Aging Fail Recovery Any item (Normal or Perfect) 1000 coins (10 eu)


After send a to http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=5. Please use the following formatting in your PM for fast processing:


Game Account (id):

Amount of Coins to use:

What do you want:


Make sure the Game Account (id) that you fill in has the required amount of Coins available or your request can not be processed. PMs are usually answered within 24 hours.

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