Wartale 7,374 Report post Posted December 24, 2022 Changelog Patch 5292 New Boss: Uppruni! The Nether Spear has finally found a soul strong enough to wield it. Do you possess the finesse to challenge him on his own turf, the Etherborne battle arena?! New Armor and Robe with new armor visuals! Drops in Etherborne! Epsilon Armor (148) Worshipper Robe (148) Rota's Head New Boss Relic! New Uppruni Crystal New Uppruni Anima Unstable Ether Matter material drops from Uppruni, for use in multiple Craft Recipes: Uppruni Gauntlets Valkyrie's Helmet New Mounts obtainable by trading with Archangel Nilft in Etherborne! Ethereal Skodyr Possessed Skodyr Dryadic Skodyr Added Gift Cards to Coin Shop! New Exclusive Class Mounts added to the Coin Shop with limited availability! Infernal Daimorgon Celestial Koukos Framed Terramole Ivy Ellkr Increased the number of Beehive Keys and Mushroom Keys you get with crafting them. Reduced damage dealt by monsters in Beehive Cave and Mushroom Cave dungeons. Increased EXP given by monsters in Beehive Cave and Mushroom Cave dungeons. Drop Rate changed and increased chance to drop a Belt in Beehive Cave and Mushroom Cave dungeons. Craft Recipe for Belts reworked. Gem and Socket System re-balanced. New Bellatra Crown for each class! Ranking is based on true solo score (no buff mules). Gives the same reward as Clan Bellatra Crown, but if you have both, the second crown is reduced in power. Added Luminous Key, Mushroom Key and Beehive Key to Monster Soul trade in Bellatra. You can now preview the stats of a Skill's other skill level by scrolling or using keyboard arrows while aiming on it in Skill Book to change to another skill level. Item layout is now saved in Personal Shop. Added Charity Box outside every Instance. Added option to make your own Health Bar visible to yourself. Added option to make your own Name visible to yourself. Added option to change and disable Duel notifications. Added option to decline Duel requests during Boss Fight. Fixed a bug where Antrallos and Aspiseren dealt two hits simultaneously. Fixed a bug where Cheekstains didn't work on Mechanician. Fixed a bug where Hair Dye didn't work while wearing a hat. Fixed a bug where the Extra Shellfish stat didn't work properly. Fixed a bug where the Level UP guide did not appear. Fixed a bug where text sometimes goes out of boundaries. Fixed a bug where you couldn't buy more items from a Player Shop after a short time. Fixed a bug where you couldn't buy an item with coins from a Player Shop. Fixed a bug where Super Powers Event affected PvP Damage in War Mode. Fixed a bug with enabling/disabling War Mode. Fixed a bug where you couldn't use Shift + Potion to move Potion to Item Slot or into Personal Shop. Fixed some issues with lag. Fixed a game crash. Skill Balance Impulsion (PVE/PVP) Fixed a bug causing the skill to don't deal lightning damage. Automation (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 125% to 136%. Precision (PVE/PVP) SP Consumption Per Shot reduced from 41 to 36. Melee Mastery (PVP) Extra Weapon Damage Boost reduced from 160% to 130%. Berserker (PVE) Added Attack Power Boost reduced from 16% to 13%; (PVP) Added Attack Power Boost reduced from 9% to 8%; (PVE/PVP) Added Absorb Penalty reduced from 7% to 5%. Boost Health (PVE) Damage reduction increased from 3% to 4% when your health is under 50% and using 1h weapon ; (PVE) Damage reduction increased from 6% to 10% when your health is under 50% and using 2h weapon ; (PVE) Damage reduction increased from 8% to 13% when your health is under 25% and using 1h weapon ; (PVE) Damage reduction increased from 19% to 25% when your health is under 25% and using 2h weapon ; Hellion (PVE/PVP) Chance to rage reduced from 5% to 2%.. Perforation (PVE/PVP) Projectile width increased from 80 to 105. NEW Finishing Blow (PVP) Damage boost increased from 104% to 106%. Shadow Bomb (PVE/PVP) Distance increased from 50 to 70; (PVE/PVP) Character orientation can now follow the cursor even mid attack. NEW Retaliation (PVE) Critical Damage Boost increased from 20% to 26%; (PVP) Critical Damage Boost increased from 20% to 22%. Pummel (PVP) Damage boost increased from 95% to 100%; Neck Wrecker (PVP) Damage boost increased from 77% to 86%. Sword Blast (PVE/PVP) Range increased from 200 to 220; (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 150% to 164%. Piercing (PVE) Damage boost increased from 153% to 208%; (PVE/PVP) Range decreased from 150 to 120. Sword of Justice (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 488% to 500%.. Godly Shield (PVE) Damage reduction increased from 23% to 24% when using 1h weapon; (PVE) Damage reduction increased from 25% to 26% when using 2h weapon; (PVP) Damage reduction increased from 16% to 17% when using 1h weapon; (PVP) Damage reduction increased from 18% to 19% when using 2h weapon. Divine Piercing (PVE) Damage boost increased from 116% to 123%; (PVP) Damage boost increased from 80% to 85%. Storm Javelin (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 162% to 253%; (PVE/PVP) Projectile width increased from 60 to 80; NEW (PVE/PVP) Pushback reduced from 60 to 30. Divine Force (PVP) Damage Boost reduced from 15% to 13%. Meteorite (PVE/PVP) Damage Boost increased from 230% to 342%. 27 2 1 4 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wartale 7,374 Report post Posted December 29, 2022 Changelog Patch 5293 Etherborne Boss Uppruni updated: Increased difficulty. Increased drops. Changed to 36 hour spawn interval. Every other day at 13:00 or 01:00 server time. Changed Loot Lotto mechanism for all Bosses: Reduced the required Damage Threshold to enter the Loot Lotto. Each Player must be actively attacking the Boss to be eligible to enter the Loot Lotto. Attacking Minions and other attackable objects that are part of the Boss fight also count as if attacking the Boss directly. Just being in a Party with attacking Players is no longer sufficient to enter the Loot Lotto. Added Xmas Shield, Xmas Orb and Elf Xmas Orb to Winter Nights Event! Changed Mushroom Cave and Beehive Cave quests that give a character bound Dungeon Key to daily with a max level cap. Added the ability to change Clan Name through Coin Shop. Fixed a bug with Boss Time. Fixed a bug where Head Gear increased absorb by 1. Fixed a game crash related to Glamorous Brush. Fixed a wrong stat value on Spark Shield skill. Fixed some issues with lag (ongoing). 10 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wartale 7,374 Report post Posted February 15, 2023 Changelog Patch 5294 New Event: Love Festival! Craft the Love Ring at Love Coach in Phillai Town and share it with a loved one to give them a love buff when they're close to you! Uppruni Boss Time changed to 13:00 and 23:00 with 34 hour/38 hour intervals. New dyeable Commander Uniform now available in Coin Shop. Merchant Certificate now gives a Trade Chat cooldown reduction of 20%. Black Market now spawns in advance with a closed shop so that you have some time to find him. It is now possible to open a Personal Shop in Eura. New Personalization options in F10 Settings Window such as the option to show next Boss Time above minimap. Respeccing with a Mount Rune now behaves the same as with a normal Class Rune. Now it only changes the Spec. Holding two Bellatra Crowns now prioritizes the best Crown, and the second crown is less effective. Bellatra / Bless Castle class based Crown now disappears after changing class. Personal Shops that are sold out now close automatically. Skill Balance, see below. Map Balance, see below. (cancelled, pending further review) Caravans now stay outside the Uppruni and Centlon boss arena. Fixed a bug where Champion buff wasn't working. Many general User Interface improvements. Many general bug fixes. Major Game optimizations for smooth gameplay. Major Server optimizations for smooth gameplay. Preparations for next update. Enjoy Wartale! ? Skill Balance Mechanic Bomb (PVE/PVP) Now does fire damage. Spark Shield (PVE/PVP) Area increased from 10 to 32 Tornado (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 206% to 239%. (PVE/PVP) Range decreased from 180 to 160 (PVE/PVP) Added area reduced from 88 to 50 Expansion (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 137% to 242%. (PVE/PVP) Weapon size reduced from 160% to 50% (PVE/PVP) Added area increased from 20 to 180 (PVE/PVP) Added width increased from 60 to 100 Charging Strike (PVE) Damage boost increased from 81% to 102%. (PVE) Charged damage boost increased from 243% to 423%. Arrow of Rage (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 168% to 208%. Split Javelin (PVP) Damage boost increased from 106% to 110%. (PVE) Damage boost increased from 117% to 148%. Chimera of Light (PVE/PVP) Added HP aura increased from 130 to 150. 19 3 1 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites