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General Builds Guide

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Hello everyone!!


Throughout the years, I've been playing a lot o Wartale (and other Wartales as well), and I've faced the same problem with every gameplay: What skills should I level? What about the stats? What is the best build?


So, that kept me thinking, what can I do, as a player, to help my kind of gameplay, and also maybe help the community? So I created a file, on Google Drive, where I tried to post all the possible builds for all the characters.
And with that file all of the new players can use it as a guideline to create their characters.
Of course, it isn't the "perfect guideline" where you have the "best builds", people can, and should, change their builds according to their play style. However, for those who are new at the game and want to try out different characters without having to think, and study, and memorize all the numbers, they can follow this guideline.
I believe this would be good for more "casual" players...who just want a good build, so they can follow and play along...

Again, this ISN'T a file with the best builds of the game.

This is something that I created but playing a lot with different characters, reading the forums, reading the skills, and all that.

I don't have all the characters 14x+, and perfect knowledge of the game.

That's why I'm posting here, so people can comment, and suggest, and share their builds, and we as a community, would develop this guideline a little better, so it could help new players, who just want to try something new.




Here is the file, you can all take a look, and let's try to help ourselves to improve the community and the game itself.


Thank you!

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