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Hi all new here, what are the rates for this server? Other ?'s too

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I am wondering what the exp/drop/gold rates are for this server as I can't seem to find them anywhere. Is priestess viable at higher levels? I know in the offical ver they kinda can't solo well at higher level due to how their skills work.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
31 minutes ago, Scyris said:

I am wondering what the exp/drop/gold rates

they are custom, the staff can modify them whenever they need.


33 minutes ago, Scyris said:

Is priestess viable at higher levels? I know in the offical ver they kinda can't solo well at higher level due to how their skills work.

yes, she is actually really strong at higher level, but really level/gear dependent.

You'll fell uncomfortable to play with priest with low level items because she needs a tanker to do things, especially on maps with many mobs, although she'll still have the best support. her defensive skills are also not really focused for AoE scenarios, her quirks are aoe slow down [ ice meteorite], single target damage reduction [ holy mind], really high hp formula and extra evade [ muspell]. but, as you progress, maps are less AoE Focused, so, holy becomes one of the best debuffs of the game, allowing prist to tank really well.


you'll be able to solo those aoe maps eventually, but you must have an robe/orb with high age, set boss etc, unlike shaman that can tank those maps even nearly naked.


Also, when you get at high level, you'll have a character with top notch support skills, decent single target damage, AoE skill with the best range, AoE skill over time[ thunderstorm], short immortally [divine cleaning], resurrection for dungeons [ useless on the OG pt, but really great here],  strong debuffs with high uptime, extinction for undeads, over time heals... she has one of the most solid skill set of the game, but not enough skill points for everything till 158+.


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53 minutes ago, Scyris said:

I am wondering what the exp/drop/gold rates are for this server as I can't seem to find them anywhere

You can check some useful data here



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Thanks, didn't really answer the question though about the exp rate. Guess i'll find out soon.

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14 minutes ago, Scyris said:

Thanks, didn't really answer the question though about the exp rate. Guess i'll find out soon.

You won't find it anywhere, the exp rates X2 X50 x100 are based on official servers, Wartale proposal is to be an original game, not a prist0n tale server, that's why this kind of comparisson cannot be found here.

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11 minutes ago, Lyseria said:

You won't find it anywhere, the exp rates X2 X50 x100 are based on official servers, Wartale proposal is to be an original game, not a prist0n tale server, that's why this kind of comparisson cannot be found here.


well looking at the exp gain its gotta be like 100x or something. Same for gold gain, think i'll pass, WAY to easy like this.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
55 minutes ago, Scyris said:


well looking at the exp gain its gotta be like 100x or something. Same for gold gain, think i'll pass, WAY to easy like this.

early level is not really important here, late game is when every level might take 5 months or so.

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1 hour ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

early level is not really important here, late game is when every level might take 5 months or so.


Even with a 100x rate? O_O

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
6 minutes ago, Scyris said:


Even with a 100x rate? O_O

it's custom, it's not exactly 100x rate.

165+ levels require a lot of xp.

if you want to level up 1 to 170 you'll take around 3 years playing ~ 5hrs/day.


160 is a soft spot for casuals to stop, decent lvl with enough lvl to do everything in game.

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -

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12 hours ago, Scyris said:


Even with a 100x rate? O_O

Up to lvl 100ish its really easy, after that youll need to put a grind mode. 

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Hello @Scyris


Firstly, welcome to Wartale ! Thanks everyone to all the answers. If you have any other questions please feel free to use our forums or get in contact with any of us.


Enjoy !



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we cant say which is the rate because the EXP given by the monsters and the EXP to level up on each level are all custom theres no multiplier so it really cant be compared.

One might say WT exp and gold rate are 1X

Edited by xXxRazieLxXx

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On 1/11/2023 at 2:42 PM, xXxRazieLxXx said:

we cant say which is the rate because the EXP given by the monsters and the EXP to level up on each level are all custom theres no multiplier so it really cant be compared.

One might say WT exp and gold rate are 1X


You can say what it is by comparing what u'd get for the same kill in the vanilla game then simple division. like I bet a hopy doesn't give 5000 exp on the vanilla server per kill. its prob closer to 50-100 or so as a guess, So by doing the math the exp rate is 50-100x of vanilla. This is just an example. I never understood the point of high exp servers, it trivializes(sp?) most of the game. About all i'd use this server for if I bothered to play on it would be to test builds, then go back to my 1x or very near vanilla rate server where everything is not just handed to you in seconds. Server I play on a Hopy gives 72 exp. Hobgoblins 520 exp. Going by that wartales rate is about 69-70x the one I play, and the one I play even feels easy as hell due to the fact chars attack power is much higher earlier on. You may say "well why not just play the vanilla game then if you want 1x rates?" My answer is simple: the vanilla server is pretty much completly dead, you literally can't even make a new account without contacting a gm to do it for you as its broken on the offical site. I like wartales extra content, but the sky high rate just makes me not wanna play as its too easy. if WT had a 1x vanilla rate server i'd deff be here though thats for sure. I like a more steady curve, to feel my char slowly grow stronger, you just don't get that on a high rate server as you jump past all the hurdles pretty much due to the high rate. Sure there are lv 170+ people here but its not very impressive when your on 100x or higher rates, lets see you do that at vanilla rates, Btw vanilla pt has people that are lv 150+ on the vanilla rates, so it is doable.


WT is like most high rate servers, you level up quickly as hell then all of a sudden at a certain level it feels like you get a brick wall shoved in your face. I dunno maybe i'll have to give it more of a chance, the high rate pretty much had me play by lv 20, as it took less than 5 mins to get there.

Edited by Scyris

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