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Base damage formula

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Is the info about the damage formula on the website correct? I can't get it to add up. For example, a L96 archer with a 47-68 AS /7 bow, L10 Shooting Mastery (+60%), 90 talent and 234 agility should have:


MIN: 47 * 1.6 * 234/130 + (90+234)/50 + 96/6 + (47+68)/16 = 165

MAX: 68 * 1.6 * 234/130 + (90+234)/45 + 96/6 + 96/7 = 233


What I'm seeing in-game though is 190-269. If I move the Shooting Mastery and agility weapon modifier around or add the base damage (3-4) to the weapon I get different results, but either they don't add up for the archer, or they don't for a mech I've been looking at as well if I do the same thing but with his numbers. So what am I missing here?

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Okay, sorry, blonde moment. They are correct, I was just not thinking. For that archer, it's actually:

MIN: 47 * 1.6 + 47 * 234/130 + (90+234)/50 + 96/6 + (47+68)/16 = 188

MAX: 68 * 1.6 * 234/130 + (90+234)/45 + 96/6 + 96/7 = 268


188-268 with a bit of rounding -> 190-269. Also checks out for a higher agility of 274 (205-290).

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I also once got to give and I was right, but I can not say that all calculations are correct.    ::)

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Okay, sorry, blonde moment. They are correct, I was just not thinking. For that archer, it's actually:

MIN: 47 * 1.6 + 47 * 234/130 + (90+234)/50 + 96/6 + (47+68)/16 = 188

MAX: 68 * 1.6 * 234/130 + (90+234)/45 + 96/6 + 96/7 = 268


188-268 with a bit of rounding -> 190-269. Also checks out for a higher agility of 274 (205-290).


I think u accidently wrote down the wrong formula for max here, seems inconsistent and leads to a different outcome. But if you change it the same way you did for min damage its correct.

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Yeah, I wrote it wrong. 68 * 1.6 * 234/130 should have been 68 * 1.6 + 68* 234/130


However, now I can't get it to work for the mech instead. 45-60 /7 MS claw, level 101 with 224 strength, 90 talent, 76 agility, and level 3 MWM (12% bonus). Game tells me 144-193, but even if I truncate the numbers every step in the calculation, I still end up with 152-203. With a pike, I get 226-372 when in-game it's 227-377, and I'm not sure where the rounding error could possibly be happening when the values should at most be +/- 4 in that case.

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When Impulsion starts being useful is actually what I'm trying to figure out. Unless there's more butchering of math going on than I thought though, Impulsion is just 165% of your base damage. I need to be able to figure out the base damage first, and the game won't let me. It does things to math. Horrible, demeaning things that no branch of science should have to endure, and now it won't do as I want. Math is pure and innocent and should always do what you expect it to. You can't just treat it however you want and expect results, you have to love it, whisper softly to it, caress it gently, and... ahem. Anywho, yeah, the game is being rude to me and I haven't done anything that anyone can prove to deserve it.

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Well the problem is the game is really inconsistent in its descriptions and the effect of skills. Kinda wondering about how impulsion works as well, whether it can crit or not, and it also seems like it deals damage twice (at least on the primary target), not sure whether that is the seperate lightning damage, could be important as it could be doubly affected by abs. At least it scales alot better than spark, I can imagine it being amazing at very high level where spark will deal no more than a maximum of 960, Impulsion could probably go over 2000, making it better even against packs of 30 mobs. It's also very good at getting you through the first 3 rounds of sod.


If we'd know the actual damage it deals on average (including crit/miss), you can easily decide when it's better than spark in terms of raw damage potential.

For situations when there are more than than 15 enemies: When (350+4xlevel) x Amount of enemies < 15 x Avg Impulsion damage. 

For all other situations obviously impulsion just needs to do more damage than spark.

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