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All I can say is Wow!

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So, the powers that be, rather than just giving a simple and short little explanation, as easy as "It crashed for an unknown reason", they just deleted the topic.


One of their servers goes offline, and people are unable to connect, but nobody really cares? Ya, it was back up in the morning, so around 7 hours potentially of down time. But no explanation, no nothing to the community.


Sounds a little fishy to me.

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Just be happy Zeus is back on


I am a little happy it's back, but what about the time I could of spent playing the game compared with how long me and two friends were trying to figure out if it was something with my computer? That is time that could of been spent XPing, or doing whatever. All I really wanted was someone to say something about how Zeus crashed for an unknown reason, they don't know why, and that it has been rectified. But instead, they are too lazy to do that, and just deleted the thread. Like it is just swept under the rug and since it's deleted, nobody knows about what happened.

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Chill out, I deleted the topic. Yeah sometimes I'm too lazy to reply to a small problem that has been solved before (and the cause of the problem solved aswell). I have alot on my head.

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You do have some minions that do your bidding, could of had one of them post.

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I'm afraid the staff couldn't known the reason why it had crashed. Wartale replied to the topic when the server was already back online aswell, so he said 'Its online  :o'. I only saw the topic some 9 hours (or so) after you posted.

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