SynisterEYES 25 Report post Posted March 1, 2023 (edited) Hello. Looks like a noob question, but since i´ve away for years, i want ask about minning. 1st: What´s the better map for mining? 2nd: Veins and Shard grows randomly? 3th: Does the map lvl influence the growth of veins or shards? Thanks for help ? Edited March 1, 2023 by SynisterEYES Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lyseria 1,822 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 Hello 1 hour ago, SynisterEYES said: 1st: What´s the better map for mining? There's no best map, but best route. I can recommend the classic Phillai X Ricarten and Ricarten X Kelvezu Cave 1 hour ago, SynisterEYES said: 2nd: Veins and Shard grows randomly? Yes 1 hour ago, SynisterEYES said: 3th: Does the map lvl influence the growth of veins or shards? No, the only influence the map provides for mining/herbalism is the ore/herb itself, some spawning more often depending on the biome of the map. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SynisterEYES 25 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 3 hours ago, Lyseria said: Hello There's no best map, but best route. I can recommend the classic Phillai X Ricarten and Ricarten X Kelvezu Cave Yes No, the only influence the map provides for mining/herbalism is the ore/herb itself, some spawning more often depending on the biome of the map. Understood. Take the opportunity and your kidness, how can i get Mettalic Alloy? ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shockdamage2510 18 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 1 hour ago, SynisterEYES said: Take the opportunity and your kidness, how can i get Mettalic Alloy? ? hire a item near black smith at ricarten with 13m gold , u have 24h for crafting metalic alloy . depend on kind of material u put on it ^^ . but now at least u must have character assasin full tool and level 7 8 mining . because many player high level mining will mine your vein 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xomb 52 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 Also, check this page. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SynisterEYES 25 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 8 hours ago, shockdamage2510 said: hire a item near black smith at ricarten with 13m gold , u have 24h for crafting metalic alloy . depend on kind of material u put on it ^^ . but now at least u must have character assasin full tool and level 7 8 mining . because many player high level mining will mine your vein This is happened to me, but why assassin? Because velocity? Im using pike + mount (soon with ancklets). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shockdamage2510 18 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 Assasin is faster than mount . When u're runing same map . assasin will mine before 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SynisterEYES 25 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 24 minutes ago, shockdamage2510 said: Assasin is faster than mount . When u're runing same map . assasin will mine before Faster than a mount + anklets? Wtf ? But high lvl assassin? Bcz i have one, but lvl 108. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shockdamage2510 18 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 Full item ass speed 56 . Mount is 25 and anklet 10 . Hi . Assassin is best char for mining 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lyseria 1,822 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 (edited) 57 minutes ago, SynisterEYES said: This is happened to me, but why assassin? Because velocity? Im using pike + mount (soon with ancklets). That's just the cheap meta. Mining with your main char is the best option imo. Walking speed is capped to 51, no matter if your assassin reach 70 speed, it will be 51. When using mounts with last anklets + zoomies mix you can reach a maximum of 49 of displayed speed, which actually is the sad number of 44. Just a reminder for @Senpai, the boost mount system is awesome, but capping 10% of mount speed to make it happen is not fair. Edited March 2, 2023 by Lyseria 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SynisterEYES 25 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 Understod. Build ASS soccer + moko boots and more, will be more expensive as i thought. So, if i go do SOD with mage, gimme 25kk each round. I guess its easy to buy those crafted itens..? Well, i apprecite all the explanations given ? So, im theory, i can transforme my Pikeman into "Usain Bolt", no? Just need football soccer and mokova boots. Using low lvl set, i have plus "vanish" and mining invisibel for mobs at high lvl maps. Is it possible? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NaCl 314 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 you only have to notice that if you're going for full mining using your main, i mean just running and mining and thats it, premium itens will be consumed while you do that, things like xp pot, phoenix pet, eye, sheltom orb etc while having a second char, like said assassin to be the best one, that you wont level up apart from life skills, will be "cheaper" in the long run the thing about ass build, you won't invest in strength like usually melee does minimum stats to wear mokova boots for speed and thats it all points will be used in talent, for faster walk speed before was agility, but there was some update that increasing talent is better now you can turn your pike in usain bolt, but he won't do any damage, just walk around faster. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SynisterEYES 25 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 26 minutes ago, NaCl said: you only have to notice that if you're going for full mining using your main, i mean just running and mining and thats it, premium itens will be consumed while you do that, things like xp pot, phoenix pet, eye, sheltom orb etc while having a second char, like said assassin to be the best one, that you wont level up apart from life skills, will be "cheaper" in the long run the thing about ass build, you won't invest in strength like usually melee does minimum stats to wear mokova boots for speed and thats it all points will be used in talent, for faster walk speed before was agility, but there was some update that increasing talent is better now you can turn your pike in usain bolt, but he won't do any damage, just walk around faster. Nice explanation NaCl ? My pike are lvl4 mining, so thats why i was thinking about it. But i dont have high lvl char at the moment. Im trying to but 148+ atalanta. This pike is my luxury mule. ? And i have 107ASS, but need start lvlup minning from Zero, and pike are lvl4 now. Thats the scenario right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NaCl 314 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 (edited) lv 4 mining you can get in one day or less, depending on your enthusiasm i've heard someone saying a couple months ago that you can go to sanctuary of darkness, that lv 65 map, this: Sanctuary of Darkness - World Maps - Wartale in the middle of the map, there's some dark stones that don't despawn, used in the past for the tier 5 quest just grind mining there til lv 4 or 5, after that gets lame but you won't get any profit over that, just levels don't know if it still works tho, need to check it out that lv 107 ass of yours, you said to have a mage that can make 25kk in sod, so i suppose it can tank and kill very well in xp maps just level her up in a pt with your mage in ad3, fast xp there for lv 107, or just do daily quest in her with your mage, in a couple days you get a higher level. with this current level, you can already make the path lyseria told, the " V " in the map, Phillai X Ricarten then Ricarten X Kelvezu Cave kel cave is lv 100 to enter, no worries. try it out, if you like mining and decide to keep going, you can either invest time in your assassin or buy another better assassin to do so there's always someone selling them Edited March 2, 2023 by NaCl more info 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SynisterEYES 25 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 (edited) I guess all those explanations ended the conversation...? I will think about the "better" way to do. Now, all of you guys, clarify my questions and doubts. Thanks a lot! ? @NaCl there are no more permanent dark cristals at Dark Sanctuary. All of them are re-spawned. So, if you mine, they gone. Edited March 2, 2023 by SynisterEYES 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NaCl 314 Report post Posted March 2, 2023 1 hour ago, SynisterEYES said: @NaCl there are no more permanent dark cristals at Dark Sanctuary. All of them are re-spawned. So, if you mine, they gone. guess you can still mine and relog into another sub server, when you finish mining them, first sub server should be respawning 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shockdamage2510 18 Report post Posted March 3, 2023 10 hours ago, SynisterEYES said: But high lvl assassin? Bcz i have one, but lvl 108. try get to level 110 for tool level 10 ^^ . but u said u're mining level 4 . recommend give up ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sell_only 121 Report post Posted March 7, 2023 Find the way you love to play, so you can stay and play. Either efficiency or gameplay. Mount = enjoy riding beautiful mount, don't wana drink stm pot, and too lazy to log another miner. Ass = maximize in mining, no waste stat and gears in killing mobs. Quote What´s the better map for mining? Garden to Ruinen to Phillia. Garden to Acasia then teleport to another. Phillia to Ruinen then to Nav or Garden. Or server switch Oasis, repeat another server Oasis. Or server switch Land of Chaos to Lost Temple, then repeat another server. Or Phillia Teleport NPC teleport to Railway then run to Kel Cave. No better map. Lv1 too many KS you, go Sanctuary of Darkness first for Exp. Lv1~Lv4 stay low-level maps before Forbidden. After Lv4 tools, find your own way. Rather than better map, the better thing is 'better time', to avoid crowded. Another thing is your bag must full cores to teleport anywhere: Ric Core / Phillia Core / Nav Core / Blue Core. Quote Veins and Shard grows randomly? Yes and No. Fix spawn on fix spot. But spawn randomly on the spawnable spots. Means some area will never spawn. Stone floor spawn Ores more. Grass floor spawn Plants more. Quote Does the map lvl influence the growth of veins or shards? Materials have no lvl. Different map different amount of spawns. Some maps spawn more. In case not mentioned already: 100 talent = +1 speed soccer suit at soccer npc = + 6 speed soccer suit from coinshop = +10 speed you can buy soccer hat from player shop = +10 speed mokova boot = +8 speed mix +1000 stm = +10 speed Archer / Assassin speed skill = +17 speed max speed = 51 (just writing the value as I remember) Speed formula: 0.4 + health/200 + talent/100 + level/200 + boots speed - (current weight / limit weight (so full weight = -1)) Minimum: 1 Maximum: 51 Don't bother archer, need Hp pot in Lv90+ maps. Assassin skills not only give speed buy also invisible. For mount, ask yourself how you want to play. If you love riding while mining, then go for it. Gameplay or Efficiency? ask yourself this. Quote pike are lvl4 now Just restart Assassin, use both Pike and Ass to mine at same time, because Lv1 mining is too slow. Put Pike in one server low-level map, any map. Ass on other low-level map. You can mine on 2 chars. Until your Assassin is Lv4 with Lv4 tools. So before that you can mine with 2 chars. Just put Pike on the same spot. Best put Pike on Road to Wind and Ass go Sanctuary of Darkness switch server for Exp. Or Ass go another Server Road to Wind / Garden / Bamboo. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
exyzus 64 Report post Posted March 15, 2023 To continue this topic. I have some additional questions. Should I try respec my shovel and Ax to my spec before starting mining for xp? Is the spec-ed tools worth the cost? I bought the tools directly from Ruin village The pilla --> ric path, should I just run through the maps looking for ores/herbs or is there a specific path in each map I should follow? I sometimes came across certain ore that takes a very long time to mine and my notification does not show I have successfully mined it and my xp does not increase. Does this mean that ore is too high level for me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xomb 52 Report post Posted March 15, 2023 48 minutes ago, exyzus said: Should I try respec my shovel and Ax to my spec before starting mining for xp? Is the spec-ed tools worth the cost? I bought the tools directly from Ruin village Yea you should, the ruinen itens bought from npc have the minimum stats. pickax comes 1-1 and shovel 0.2. You can look for a pick axe 1-3 and shovel 0.5. at this moment, i dont think have the spec of your class something important. 50 minutes ago, exyzus said: The pilla --> ric path, should I just run through the maps looking for ores/herbs or is there a specific path in each map I should follow? follow your heart; you can go pilai - kelvezu cave and back to ric to ruinen to pilai, really doesn't matter; the starting pack i'd say, go for DS always, until you reach lvl 4; it's a bit of exp, but is generally free, because no one go for it since the ores have no commercial value. 52 minutes ago, exyzus said: I sometimes came across certain ore that takes a very long time to mine and my notification does not show I have successfully mined it and my xp does not increase. Does this mean that ore is too high level for me? Since a few paths ago, everytime you fail mining one ore, you character stop, you have to click again to mine. If you look to mining guide section, you'll find materials list, the top materials requires more lvl to successfully mine the ore, same for fish and for herbs; until lvl 4 you might find very difficult to mine, but after get it get easier... the rarest ore is efrium, it really fails a lot, it can fail even at lvl 10 mining, you'll only find it 50/50 after lvl 6 or so; so don't bother, just walk, gather your stuff, slowly you'll reach the exp and as soon as you get gatherer lvls and switch ur tools u'll see it going a lot easier. good luck finding your path Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
exyzus 64 Report post Posted March 27, 2023 On 3/15/2023 at 5:16 PM, Xomb said: Yea you should, the ruinen itens bought from npc have the minimum stats. pickax comes 1-1 and shovel 0.2. You can look for a pick axe 1-3 and shovel 0.5. at this moment, i dont think have the spec of your class something important. follow your heart; you can go pilai - kelvezu cave and back to ric to ruinen to pilai, really doesn't matter; the starting pack i'd say, go for DS always, until you reach lvl 4; it's a bit of exp, but is generally free, because no one go for it since the ores have no commercial value. Since a few paths ago, everytime you fail mining one ore, you character stop, you have to click again to mine. If you look to mining guide section, you'll find materials list, the top materials requires more lvl to successfully mine the ore, same for fish and for herbs; until lvl 4 you might find very difficult to mine, but after get it get easier... the rarest ore is efrium, it really fails a lot, it can fail even at lvl 10 mining, you'll only find it 50/50 after lvl 6 or so; so don't bother, just walk, gather your stuff, slowly you'll reach the exp and as soon as you get gatherer lvls and switch ur tools u'll see it going a lot easier. good luck finding your path Thanks so much for your detailed explanation. Regarding the Pick axe/Shovel stats, do i buy them from shops? what's the best way to obtain a 1-3/0.5 stat tool? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xomb 52 Report post Posted March 27, 2023 24 minutes ago, exyzus said: Thanks so much for your detailed explanation. Regarding the Pick axe/Shovel stats, do i buy them from shops? what's the best way to obtain a 1-3/0.5 stat tool? Look into respec section on how to respec tools, you can buy from other people, or try your luck on respec. Buy from shop and go respec. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
exyzus 64 Report post Posted April 17, 2023 On 3/27/2023 at 9:55 AM, Xomb said: Look into respec section on how to respec tools, you can buy from other people, or try your luck on respec. Buy from shop and go respec. I have another question about mining. To get metal alloy, do I need a combination of 125 iron + 114 bargonite + 74 dragon etc... or 125 iron alone will produce metal alloy for me? Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xomb 52 Report post Posted April 18, 2023 Rent the furnace close to blacksmiths, and 125 iron alone will produce metal alloy, each material has it's requirements to produce 1 metal alloy, you can't combine different materials, same for herbal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites